The Brick Show
And so blocking me is more/less childish?? Point is, this BrickQ idea is just doing what forums do but attempting to pass it off as original. If the problems are to do with the software or whatever, then an Invisionfree board is an easy and free alternative. And no, I'm not that angry in real life, lol. I just get worked up when I see blatent stupidity.
The Brick Show
It's just frustrating because I was being helpful. There was one review of some magnetic-type toy that a company sent them to 'review', but it just turned into an advertisement for a shoddy product. I assume that they were paid to do this - or at the very least they got given a product for free, which they then probably sold on (since they seem to do that with everything they review). I get frustrated by stupidity. So, when I get blocked for being critical, I get annoyed because it means that the stupid people think they have 'won'. And the irony of them calling me a 'little child' angers me as well. So I'm trying to find out if people agree with me, or if how they were to me is a 'one-off'.
The Brick Show
Because I'm allowed to talk about what I want to.
The Brick Show
Opinions? They recently launched their new site '', a site that is solely for asking inane questions on, and whilst it rewards you for answering them (regardless of whether your answer is right or wrong) it also punishes you for asking them. Hardly a friendly community. It's essentially are more linear and less friendly version of a forum, the discussion method that the whole internet has used for years, because it works. BrickQ seems to only exist so that TBS can act as if they have something amazing and unique, when in reality it's a massively flawed premise. I only bring this discussion here because I was blocked on Youtube for pointing out these gaping flaws. And was then accused of acting like a 'little child'. The people of The Brick Show seem to have no understanding of how to construct a friendly community, nor are they able to cope with criticism, even if its constructive. This 'block if someone disagrees with me' system seems to have plagued many sites now, and caters for the minority of people who aren't strong or clever enough to cope with criticism, which is a huge personal flaw to have when you're putting your videos and reviews online for people to comment on. I just wondered what other peoples views on The Brick Show were, and whether anyone else has had bad experiences? The show is not limited to Lego sets, however, as they often review second-rate products that manufacturers send to them to promote, which rather demonstrates how keen to make money TBS is. They'll review just about any old tat if they get paid for it. Noble. Anyway, OPINIONS?
What is ypur favourite Harry Potter Set?
Cool story bro, but not relevant to the topic at all. :D Anyway, I'd probably say Graveyard Duel would be my favourite set.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Thanks for the attitude. Really megablocking helpful. The first post doesn't list the price, which is why I asked. No need to be a douche.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
So, any info on the summer 2011 Millenium Falcon? I assume it'll be bigger than the midi scale, but smaller than the UCS, right?
REVIEW: 4841 Hogwarts Express
I am being patient, and trying to be helpful....
REVIEW: 4841 Hogwarts Express
Nope, there's clear grammatical errors in there, and poorly worded sentences. Just trying to help you improve. Example: if you ran what you just said through MSWord, it'd likely suggest 'I've done that', rather than 'I done that'. :-)
REVIEW: 4841 Hogwarts Express
Nice photos and all, but do run reviews through MSWord before posting, just to fix spelling and grammar errors. :)
I'm a big fan of casual sexism, and I'd appreciate if I didn't have my beliefs criticised. I don't go around saying CHRISTIANITY PROMOTES HATE, so people should respect my beliefs too. :) Oh and btw this is a completely pointless discussion. And people shouldn't start saying they're 'enraged' by it. I'm 'enraged' by poverty and war and so on. Not by some sloppy writing in what amounts to little more than an online fanfic. Also, I second the point about arguing on the internet being like the special Olympics. - Tilius
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
He's clearly saying he does want a Rancor....
Toy Wars
Lol, take a joke. I was mocking the pettiness of my own criticisms with that bit. - Tilius
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Eh? So what are we supposed to be talking about? 'Cause giving opinions on sets is the point of having a topic for discussion of 2011 sets, isn't it? :S
Toy Wars
I'd have probably swapped Woody and Buzz around, because Buzz should be Han and Jessie should be Leia. Stinky Pete would also make more sense as a mentor to a Woody Skywalker, too. I'd probably also make Sarge Yoda, and the Aliens Stormtroopers, and Lotso Darth Sidious. For that reason, 0/10.
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