Everything posted by Heppeng
Pullman MOCs for Emerald Night
I will see what I can do, I have the LDD files from which it is possible to create instructions and a parts list, however I may want to edit them slightly before release! I would actually quite like to put them up for a lego ideas project, trouble is that train stuff is notoriously difficult to gain votes for. Mind you, if the next creator train happens to be a suitable steam loco...
Pullman MOCs for Emerald Night
Got all the bricks now. Well as usual almost all of them - no matter how hard I try and check and re-check I always seem to make an error in ordering! So far I missed the 1x1 reddish brown plates, and I am short of a 1x6 reddish brown plate too. I will build them without the missing pieces anyway - probably the best way to find out any more omissions! There are also one or two minor design errors which I might take the opportunity to fix. As always it looks like I will need an extra follow up bricklink order to complete them!
Power Functions vs. 9 volt
I wonder.... What if lego changed to G-gauge and perhaps 8 wide as a standard? It is only slightly wider, you could still use the existing PF motor, but with maybe a half bush behind the wheels, the only other change would be a new wheel holder and longer axle. Lego could still make their own plastic track for the train set market, but it may open up new markets - there are many G-gauge garden railways out there and if only lego could be run on them directly... And then no problems with expanding your set with third party tracks ever again...
PF XL Motor
I like your thinking... That hints at a new Creator steam train with a new motor...
[MOC] Waiting for the train - expanded
This is brilliant! It captures the look of utter desolation and ruin so well! The carcass, the broken boards, I love it!
- [HELP] Blinking frequency of Lego element
Horizon Express
I suppose a yellow 'La Poste' version is theoretically possible, but you would either have to use the eye-wateringly expensive BNSF baseplates or build on yellow plates...
Bricks & Pieces section "I want to buy a piece" won't
Official position is that it is just to deal with the Christmas rush (presumably customer services have enough on their plate without B&P on top) and all will be back to normal in the new year.
Best way to flatten LEGO Sails?
- 4-6-2 LNER Class A3 4472 'Flying Scotsman'
The A1 trust actually bought it. The tanks, still showing the BR Blue/grey livery, were by then completely rusted through so it was stripped down to its frames. However I think the A1 trust wanted roller bearings, and the original frames were plain bearing and would require some work to convert, so they decided that they may as well build new. The frames and running gear were then sold on, and ended up having a new tank made and used for Bittern.- 4-6-2 LNER Class A3 4472 'Flying Scotsman'
The Tender has been refurbished and is now used on occasion by A4 Pacific 'Bittern'- LEGO 4.5 Volts
One thing about 4.5v - it was designed so that it would run for a decent time on the batteries of the 1960's. On todays batteries they seem to go on for ever! I have bought one set of batteries just to resurect my first childhood train, a motorised 133. It has already lasted several times longer than my Power functions 60052, and is currently trundling around the base of my Christmas tree without any sign of slowing down. I am anticipating the batteries will last in to the new year, albeit not in continuous use!- Union Pacific 6900 DDA40X
I am very very impressed. The real locomotive is impressive, and not only have you captured the look well, you have also managed to get it to work on lego track? That is some achievement!- How do you add to your train collection?
I like re-colouring. I wanted to add another unpowered 7725 to make a total of six cars. Initially I was thinking of another red version to match, but when browsing bricklink for parts I discovered this white/blue/red striped train door which was only issued in one set, and not a train one at that. There was even one vendor that had six for sale at a good price. I could not resist and this is the result!- Bricklinking Modular Buildings
Better still buy direct from lego, currently available at 59p each in the UK Bricks and Pieces.- Pullman MOCs for Emerald Night
One thing I did not quite realise was the number of parts in the colour I wanted that were only introduced this year: The 3x2 windows for the doors - only in the Parisian Restaurant and the Simpsons House The dish for the lampshades - only one in the Fairground Mixer The gold bar for the handrails - only in the Tumbler The Reddish brown bracket used for the SNOT on the brake coach - only in the Sandcrawler Plus quite a few others which did not appear in that many sets, but at least are not particularly expensive. If the only way to get parts was to purchase complete sets, that would taken 11 Fairground Mixers alone - thank goodness for Bricklink and Lego Bricks & Pieces!- Anyone else having trouble with bricks and pieces?
- Anyone else having trouble with bricks and pieces?
- Pullman MOCs for Emerald Night
I have ordered the bricks now. Despite getting the lowest humanly possible price for the bricks, the total cost is around £130 inc postage for the four coaches, and that does not include the admittedly somewhat limited bricks that I already own! Mind you, its still well under half the price that I would have had to pay for four Emerald Night coaches.... My wallet must hate my Lego addiction!!!!- Custom Lego track
A thought has just occured - if you are using PF and technic Axles, you could increase the distance between the wheels so that the train runs on unmodified gauge 1 track, I think a technic half bush behind each wheel would probably do it. You would of course have to replace all the standard wheelholders with technic axles, but I bet it would suit eight wide and up very well...- Train Station Concept
- Anyone else having trouble with bricks and pieces?
- Horizon Express - extended with "passenger ending"
I do quite like that!- Anyone else having trouble with bricks and pieces?
- Anyone else having trouble with bricks and pieces?
- 4-6-2 LNER Class A3 4472 'Flying Scotsman'
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