MOC: Stockholm Metro - Medborgarplatsen
I'm standing at the platform of Medborgarplatsen right now, and I can confirm that your build is very accurate! I love the use of colors, especially the mix of yellow on the walls. Great job!
MOC: Bricklyn Borough Courthouse
Great build! The skylights on the roof and the floors are lovely!
MOC: HMS Atlantica
Lovely build!
"His last ride".
This looks really good, I have to say!
RedGiant started following Ship Calypso of Capt. Jacques Cousteau
Expand The Winter Village II - Winners!
Congratulations to all the winners! Great job! We were at least two who voted for you!
Expand the Winter Village II - Voting Thread
My votes: 5. SilentMode - 1 14. Jameson42 - 1 21. SI-mocs - 2 24. sdrnet - 1 Good luck everyone!
MOC: Brown Brick Recycle Plant
This is a lovely build! The "garage door" is my favourite and the interior is a big !
MOC: Joe's Garage
Aaah! What a great MOC! Just in my taste! I love everything about it! The garage door, the brick work on the outside, the windows... the only thing I could wish for is some more "dirt" in the work shop, but that's just me. The female minifig is perfect! She reminds me of a character in "Pulp Fiction", by the way... Great build!! (I also have been staring me blind on Misterzumbis choppers and motorcycles for quite some time now... they're masterpieces.)
MOC: FbtK-es21
Fantastic creation! I adore it! The green color is perfectly "cute" and the black kepi on the drivers head looks great! The "FabuTank" logotype ties it all up to near perfection! You made my day with this!
Endurance - Life in the Metro Station
I love this kind of apocalypse builds, they always make me kind of jealous.... Your build is no exception. Great job!
Modular Recycling Lot
Lovely build, this looks great! I think it would look even better with "dirtier" roofs(?) on the containers.
Ship Calypso of Capt. Jacques Cousteau
This is a great build! I will follow this closely!
Rage Dune Buggy
Great movie! Beautiful buggy! Lovely skull!
MOCs : Floating Rocks and Airships
I can't stop looking at that "Small Rock". It's one of those "perfect" MOC's... Love it!
Lynx Snowmobile
Nice build! I like the way you use the tires on both this and the "Torque MX Bike". Very nice part usage!
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