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About brickfoot

  • Birthday 01/07/1996

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    Star Wars

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    Middle Earth


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    United states
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  1. Fantastic build CCOOK. The amount of detail you were able to incorporate into a relatively small model is respectable. I am especially intrigued by the shape and techniques used to create the wings. Care to elaborate on how you achieved this?
  2. brickfoot


    Once again you have made a great looking UCS scale model Anio. The base of the cannons and the interior are exceptional. My only criticism is that the launch tubes appear on the underside of the slope rather than the above. Was there a reason for this, such as design complications? Also as arc previously mentioned, I'm curious as to what the model would have looked like with some tiles on the lower platform. Overall a great model, and for only around 1,000 pieces it is a true marvel.
  3. That's a great MOC you've built. The ship looks so natural that it looks like a ship that a person could actually create using spare parts from those ships.
  4. Great job. It Actually looks like a mini version of the UCS version of the shuttle.
  5. Very nice version. The only flaw I see is the front looks a bit over exaggerated in my own opinion.
  6. I am making my first stop motion video in the summer. Here is a preview of is to come. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiGi855fNXc
  7. Make Pictures smaller they are to BIG.
  8. Congrats on receiving the Boba. I would buy them but the price is to steep for me.
  9. Nice work Burman, I like the subtle differences you made to the original model. Even though the changes are subtle the models look very unique. Great job once again. You mistyped LDD.
  10. Thanks for the pictures. Thanks for trying.
  11. Yes, they originally designed the Juggernaut for Hoth but used the At-At instead. If you could find a picture that would be great.
  12. I will look into those sites, thanks. But as for the Essential guide those proportions are nothing like the ones in the movie, So I will not use them. Does the Art of Revenge of the Sith have any pictures of the Turbo tank in it?
  13. Authors - Stephen J. Sansweet and Pablo Hidalgo Publisher - Chronicle Books Pages - 343 pages Dimensions - 14.5 x 10.5 x 1.5 inches Weight - 7.7 pounds ISBN - 0811847357
  14. Thanks guys, I have seen the other two Juggernauts already but I have not seen the Wookiepedia Page. The cross section is very nice thank you for the link. Yes, I saw that topic. That was my main reason to build a UCS scale model because Max Yang's model is way off proportion. And I find Sven Junga's model is lacking detail. I just ordered the book, I never knew such a book existed and I think with over 3000, pictures it will help with any of my MOC's. I have all the proportions for mine done, it will hold about 75 troops, 12 pilots, and 8 gunners. I have not taken any pictures of the wheels yet but each wheel is 3 minifigs tall.
  15. I have been building my most ambitious project yet, The Juggernaut. I have the wheels finished and am now staring to build the main body but I can't find any good exterior pictures of the model. Could any of you post some pictures or links of the body here?
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