Everything posted by bgalakazam
Ninjago 2014
Picked up a Ninjago Monsters of Spinjitsu (5002144) polybag from Toys R US (says on the back "only at Toys R US). I like the swag on the brown clothes guy.
Pirates 2009 vs. Pirates 2015
With the exception of 6242 Soldier's Fort & 6240 Kraken Attackin' I like the 2015 sets better.
Hochelaga ( Village Iroquois )
The fisherman is a really nice detail. Good MOC
[Flickr Find] Pirate Rock by David Frank
Is the green supposed to be moss? If so, that explains the colouring. Good stuff nevertheless.
Identify this NinjaGo set(s)
Yes! That's it! I have the cannon. Thanks a lot. edit: only had about 10 or so missing parts, already ordered them for replacement. Below is what I got with the leftover parts.
Identify this NinjaGo set(s)
Hi all, I recently got my child's year collection of LEGO. Apparently there are some items from my brother. I tried looking through the index, but couldn't find it. Can you help identify the NinjaGo set(s) these pieces are from? I am not sure about the horse. We moved to the USA in 2000 and my brother moved back in 2003, so I would say it's safe to assume the set(s) is/are from 1999-2003, but may be wrong. Please let me know :) since I am more of a Castle and Pirate's guy and have no idea on these.
- Free Build Registration (1st Quarter, LOCKED)
Podkar's house
After Podkar settled down in Nocturnus he found that a primitive cave wasn't enough. He set out to build a small house. Because of the foes that lie in the realm he dug out a secret trap door throught which he could easily escape and surround the enemy should they invade the house. I made a copy of the house in LDD so I can rebuild it in the future. I like to create MOCs, but I am no where near 10s and 100s of thousands of bricks so I reuse a lot. LDD allows me to keep the models.
What's your latest acquisition?
Frodo with Cooking Corner finally. I am now only missing the overpriced Elrond from the polybags. My Battle for Helm's Deep for $110 has been shipped btw.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
If I understand correctly, the cross-guild challenge battle for Nocturnus has just ended? Also, do we have any guild-only challenges at the moment? If not, I'll keep expanding Podkar's base.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Here is a cutaway view from Podkar's cave. It's been over 12 years since I freebuilt anything so it's kind of crappy for now. As the dusk approached Podkar was pressed to find a covered area for the night. He found a small cave a few meters off ground level which seemed naturally formed without any trace of wildlife. He put on the realm's banner at the entrance to let his presense be known as well as a fire to keep the wild beasts and flies away for the night. He fell asleep on his make-shift hay bed.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hello fellow Nocturnus inhabitants! I present you Podkar: Podkar is a lone survivor of a massacre in his home camp. After escaping he devoted several years to mastering two-handed weapon combat. He is also skilled in engineering. Podkar wears light plate armor with heavy protection to the head. Recently Podkar landed at the southern shore of the Rakath Mountains. He figured he will best fit into the world of Nocturnus. His first task is to build out a basic camp into the mountain and begin his saga. Podkar carries a few jewels which he uses for trade when needed. Pictures of incomming camp soon to follow.
What's your latest acquisition?
Scored a 9474 Battle for Helm's Deep for $110 from BL. Hopefully the seller goes through with the order.
What's your latest acquisition?
Oh boy... I still need to completed the 2 Hobbit and 2 LotR sets before any new ones come out. Helm's Deep is next paycheck. Then Orthanc... It's just so hard to balance stuff for my car and LEGO :D. I picked expensived hobbies.
What's your latest acquisition?
Just bought a mint in open box LEGO 9472 Attack on Weathertop. The bags and instructions are untouched, I am not sure why the tape seals were off. It was at K-Mart so I wasn't surprised... The price was right, too. I like to keep the boxes and didn't want to pay a premium online.
1989 USA Mail-order (Medium) Catalog for Download (more soon)
Welcome to the forum! This looks like a nice idea. Meanwhile, have you looked at the indeces and the review topics? I personally use them as reference for the years and sets.
History Regulator- kabel
Congratulations :)
9476 The Orc Forge availability - still at retail anywhere?
I saw it in non-LEGO primarily stores, such as bookstores (Barne's and Noble, Books and More, etc). I got Mines of Moria just 2 days ago and saw the Orc Forge. I'm still missing a couple from the 2012 discontinued sets. You can always try Amazon, especially if you have Prime it's a good deal on price and shipping.
BrickFair 2014 (USA)
Hello and happy new 2014 year to all! I had the pleasure to attend BrickFair in Virginia (USA) last year. For those that don't know, BrickFair is hosted 4 times a year in Alabama, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Jersey, More information is available on the official website. With Alabama comming up in January 11th and 12th I want to give a heads-up to anybody who may not be aware. Sadly, my MOCs aren't ready yet so I will just be a visitor to this one. Hopefully by Virginia I will be ready to be an exhibitor. Note that there is no deadline to register for an exhibitor, so if you plan to go and want to show off your MOCs, go right ahead! NEXT EVENT May 10th & May 11th, 2014 11:00am - 4:00pm Radisson Hotel Manchester Radisson 700 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 Door entrance: $9 Parking is listed as: $10.00 Sunday street parking is free. Event validation for $5 parking. If you need more information, check out the FAQ section on the event website. Hope to see you all there! Note: I am not affiliated with the event in any way, just spreading the information.
What did you buy today?
Some additions to my Christmas presents (for new year and my birthday, I get 3 holidays :D) 9473 The Mines of Moria 70403 Dragon Mountain 79013 Lake-town Chase 9471 Uruk-hai Army 79011 Dol Guldur Ambush 30261 Tonto's Campfire 3x 71002 Series 11 minifigs (cookie, female robot, barbarian) Gonna be a long night :D
2013 Lone Ranger Sets
I wrote a quick review on the polybag 30261 Tonto's Camfire. Click here to read it.
Review: 30261 Tonto's Camfire (polybag)
INTRO I was at Toys R Us looking for the new The Hobbit polybag, but ended up getting a couple of these instead since only they were available. I like the parts which will be useful in my medieval and LotR blocks. SET INFORMATION LEGO, The Lone Ranger Series, 30261 Tonto's Campfire, polybag 20 pieces $4.99 retail High resolution Flickr photos Front Back THE PARTS Has some useful pieces like the tomahawk, wood spinner, bird. Instructions were lackluster Back of the instructions is just an advertisement, no alternate sets FINAL PRODUCT Alternate minifigure face Some extra parts IMPRESSIONS - Has some useful parts for a $5 polybag - The set is a bit on the bad side due to lack of alternate models / builds - Overall mediocre to average, even for a polybag RATING Playability/Reusability: 7/10 Appearance: 6/10 Value for cost: 7/10 Overall: 6.7/10
Review: 1477 Red Racer
Nice review. This was my first or second ever LEGO set. I also had an ambulance but I was 2-3yo so I can't remember which I got first. I still have the minifig and the red car base.
REVIEW: 6247 - Bounty Boat
Nice review :). This set brings back memories. When I was a child in Eastern Europe LEGO was very expensive after the wall came down in 1989. This is one of the few sets my parents bought me at the time. $5 was a fortune. I still have most of the parts for it and will restock on the ones I am missing. So much memories :)
Brickfair 2013
Disregard my request, I mapped a to-do stuff for the weekend. I'll see you guys at the fair. I'll probably go only the first day in the morning. Will be wearing a brown guinea pig t-shirt.
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