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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Great find thank you ! Love the little set ! See redcoat, I hope a new torso ! The house from Escape of London is perfect for create a city or village ! Can combine with the wave 2 of kingdom !
  2. JeanBart974 replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    A new laser gun ? The alien look good !
  3. JeanBart974 replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    A new space theme ? After be disappointed by mars mission and not really fan of space police III, I really want a classic invasion of aliens against humanity ! And see new weapons, armors and a good look for the aliens And why not civilian set for more fun (especially if you are a aliens ) Just imagine lego make this in 40k style !
  4. Wow amazing picture ! The minifig have a good quality ! Thank you for share this !
  5. Great news ! Hope the picture comming soon ! The Captain's Cabin : A good begin ! Jack with 2 pirates ! With a precious object not bad ! Fountain of Youth / Isla De la Muerta / : A battle scene ? Lego will make that like Ultimate Lightsaber Duel from Star wars ? The Cannibal Escape : Return of Islander too ? The Mill : Deluxe version of Foy/Isla ? The London Escape : Great ! I really want see this set ! And new redcoat ! Whitecap Bay : Huge playset with actions ! Queen Anne's Revenge : A must have ! Just imagine a battle with Imperial Ship And zombies ? Oh ! Too bad we don't have the black pearl ! May be for a second wave ?
  6. Great news ! I will keep my money for this ! However lego will make a new redcoat or not ?
  7. Great I want !
  8. Want my Mando pack now ! Love this ! To bad we don't have sword or a mandalore fig !
  9. So good ! May be the return of armada ? And whitecoat ? Perfect for American Revolutionary War isn'it ? And it's possible lego make a news weapons molds ? New muskets for example
  10. Why not ? Imagine a Raven's Claw in lego
  11. Wait where the Ot' sets ? I like Clone wars and hope the 7657 Battle Of Geonosis will have geonosians(with wings ) and battle droid Geonosian But hey I love Ot sw ! And just only an endor battlepack ? With not a new Bespin ? Yavin IV temple ? A new tie fighter with gray color ?
  12. And why not the geonosis arena ? Can be a really good playset
  13. I want this : Acclamator I-class assault ship Figures(6) : 4 clone troopers, 2 Arf clone, 1 Arc clone, jedi or hero Vehicle : 2x Speeder-bikes , escape pod Death star battlepack Figures (4) :2 navy troopers, 1 imperial gunner, 1 officer in white suit With a door like jedi defense or death star cannon Frigate EF76 Nebulon-B Mid scale AT-XT Figure : Pilot
  14. JeanBart974 replied to Sting's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Voted for the bluecoats ! Hope they come back !
  15. Thanks for your welcome !
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