LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Yes there is. The only Movie Sets will be based on the upcoming Avengers movie. If you remember the press release way back from Comic Con last year it stated the sets based on Xmen and Spiderman are all comic book inspired.
LEGO® CUUSOO 空想 - Turn your model wishes into reality
Oh it's a pain that under 18s can't do projects now, I'll have to see if I can get someone else to upload mine. Luckily though I'm not really interested in the monetary aspect of the service.
Ninjago 2012
Green is probably wearing stilts or something knowing Ninjago and I don't think it's 1005 related to the scroll but that's just my theory. I got my first Ninjago 2012 Set today, Cole's Truck and it's really great, the designers must of put a lot of thought into it making it so stable yet not using many parts.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Unfortunately I doubt TLG will get the Power Rangers or Kamen Rider licenses, now there's some cool Super Hero Sets they could make.
Ninjago 2012
Exclusive sets, not promos. Nearly right. They're missing one as well. I'm outraged at the price of the 'Spinner Battle Arena' set. It's basically the Starter Set with 3 little models attached yet it costs over £20 more? What the heck TLG?
Ninjago 2012
You do realize that Ben10 literally has an alien called NRG right? I think this really is a blatant case of TLG being 'inspired' by another work. 2012 is pretty interesting for Ninjago. A four headed dragon, a fusion of a snake and a wrecking ball and other fun stuff. I'm just wondering when they will have a Gold ninja.
Exo Force
Hello all. I don't post here very often as I'm mainly an action figure collector and while LEGO sets have always interested me I'm just not creative enough. However I want to start collecting the old Exo-Force sets but unfortunately I'm having trouble finding resources for it. Does any one here have or know where I can get the following things: Instructions for the Alternate/Combo models The Flash Games that used to be on the site The Comics I'd really appricate it if anyone can get me these things. I think if someone is going to have them it's someone on here. Thanks for reading!
LEGO DC Minifig Review...and raffle!
The Hero chases after a Fiery Monster that's causing carnage down the streets.
Batman coming back
No pictures yet makes me a sad minifigure head. I'd really like to see the updated Batmobile and Riddler.
Dino 2012
An interesting theme, but I think I would need to see pictures first before I can make a real judgement. LEGO sets are going a bit 'ol-skool' aren't they?
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Concerning the Red Skull, I don't think a dedicated head mould would be a good option. I think it would look ,dare I say, Megablokish. Spiderman, Killer Croc etc didn't need one but they still look fine. Speaking of thinks looking fine, I finally received my Green Lantern in the post and it looks spectacular. It's not the Chinese plastic and I'm also convinced that this and the Batman figure are exclusive editions. Here is what the card it came with reads. 'You hold in your hand one of a very limited number of preview-edition LEGO SUPER HEROES minifigures.' While it does say 'preview-edition' fans of toylines other than LEGO will know that preview figures usually refer to a small wave of sets/figures (Usually 2-4) that come before the bigger waves and are released at retail, or a special version of a figure that will be part of the main line, usually given out at conventions. If we take the new Transformers Figure Prime Optimus Prime, it was released at the comic con, though it is a special 'preview-edition' that comes in a fancy package and has different paint applications. Sound familiar? I'd get these minifigures now before it's too late if you want them! Though I'm still trying to get some money together for the Batman myself...
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
The DC line is coming out in the Winter, while the Marvel line is coming out in the spring. It looks like we will be getting some sets based on the Dark Knight Rises in the Summer but this has been a bit vague. Regarding Green Lantern, aside from the Comic-Con Exclusive Movie Version, I don't think they actually confirmed he would be in the line. I imagine he will be at a later date, in a comic version.
Lego Octopus, any news?
I haven't heard of this either, and I'm usually on the ball with these things. I won't make a judgement until we get more infomation but... Us lowly folk don't have any information on this and considering LEGO's last online projects (My LEGO Network and LEGO Universe) which were considered by a lot of people to be failures, I can understand why people don't have there hopes up.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Just the lighting, if you up the saturation in a photo-editing program you can tell it's just the regular Blue Batman. If they were making another version, I think they would change it more or use the Comic-Con promo. I hope they don't though cause I'm trying to get money to buy it.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Yeah, on the first page. How did you miss it? I was looking over the past Batman Sets, and I hope we get more buildings in this wave. The original line was really pushing it: Bat-Dragster and Bat-Buggy though this might be remedied if only the Bat-Wing and Bat-Mobile are appearing according to rumors. As well alot of people have been placing Wonder Woman in the Superman set but I think it's more likely she will be paired with Batman, as in the Justice League Cartoon they were close.
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