Everything posted by Leewan
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Your message fits quite well with your avatar. It's written Star Wars on the box. It's Darth Vader and Boba Fett, these two must be the most famous and popular characters of the franchise. That's how they expect them to sell. With that being said, if this time the RRP's are correct (), I will wait a couple months to get them on Amazon when the prices drop.
21314 - LEGO® TRON: Legacy
Great ! I'm really excited for this ! I wonder if it will make use of the future / new ring pieces from the 76100 Black Panther set, either as a light disc or for the wheels. As others said, it would be nice to have more than one lightcycle (at least one for Sam and one for Rinzler or Clu), although I'd also like to see a lightcycle built at a bigger scale, to have something that's more faithful to the source material. It's hard to build something that's minifig-scale, and that really looks like the movie design. I don't know how much freedom the designers have to adapt a MOC into a set.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
I hope you're right, because I found the following prices on a Canadian website, and it suggests Vader, Fett and Maul are more expensive than expected : 75533 - 39,99$ 75534 - 49,99$ 75535 - 29,99$ 75536 - 29,99$ 75537 - 39,99$ To compare with the latest sets, the same site lists the TIE Pilot at 24,99$, Rey and the Praetorian Guard at 29,99$, and Chewbacca at 44,99$ (which is the same price as on the s@h).
75533 Boba Fett
From the album: Star Wars 2018 Action Figures
75534 Darth Vader
From the album: Star Wars 2018 Action Figures
Future Constraction Lines
What if these blades were made for a Ninjago constraction line ?
Action Figure Forum Discussion
Unless you count Mindstorms robots, I don't think a lot of people build Technic mechs. I can think of @demon14082001, and Chris Kruining, (I don't know if he's a member of the forum), but it might not exactly be the building style you're looking for. Perhaps you would have more chances to get a satisfying answer if you ask in the Technic forum :
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
So there are sand green shells after all. That should make @TwistLaw happy.
Technic 2018 Set Discussion
It's a pin with bush, we can see it clearly here. Sorry. Also, here are bigger pics of the other sets : 42075, 42077, and 42078.
EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Your ideal Christmas tree entry thread
My ideal Christmas tree would be a Lego brick-shaped tree, but Santa seems to be quite surprised by this idea. For those who are interested, you can see it in 3D on Mecabricks. Good luck to all the contestants !
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
144 pieces sounds like a lot, even if his jetpack is Technic-heavy. What's your source for that info ? Anyways, yeah, it could be only a matter of weeks before we get a confirmation of that. The US Store Calendar says the new sets will be out on the 25th (of November), I suppose that includes Star Wars as well.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Yup, but that doesn't contradict what I said. I was talking about the axis of rotation. On Rey it's horizontal, and on the PG it's vertical : A Technic bush is visible near his right wrist, and I think I see a reddish brown axle going though it, so it's either a 3M or a 5m axle with stop. On the side view, we can see a red axle between his chest and his lightsaber, which corresponds to his left upper arm. In addition to that, his left arm looks weird, as if the upper arm and the lower arm aren't aligned. It could actually be too complicated to have one arm move in a way and the other arm in another way as I initially thought, so perhaps only the right arm can be rotated with the knob, while the left shoulder is fixed, and the Technic assembly of the left arm helps it following the movement of the left arm. Also, the right arm seems to be bent at 90° on the front and the side views, so maybe his right elbow isn't articulated, but that idea may be too far-fetched.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
It's a prelim, so maybe it means nothing, but this piece is shiny, which suggests it's made of hard plastic. Maul's arms seem to be made of Technic pieces, rather than CCBS parts as usual. That must be because of his mechanism. Perhaps one arm moves along an horizontal axis (like Kylo Ren, or Rey), and the other moves along a vertical axis, like the Praetorian Guard, and the elbows have a frictionless articulation so the mechanism works properly. Anyways, that's intriguing. Maul seems more interesting than expected, I like that.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
What do you have against Baze ? He's certainly my favourite set of the year (along with the Praetorian Guard) : the build is creative and interesting (although this is more due to the use of Technic pieces, in terms of CCBS parts he's rather basic), I like his colour scheme and the figure looks good from about every angle. Additionally, which sets would you consider as "steps forward" ? Chewbacca maybe ?
Action Figure Forum Discussion
Welcome among us, @Tyndale. If you need help, or advice to build Constraction MOCs, you should ask in the following topic : If you need inspiration, you can take a look at the MOC index (which our dear @TheOneVeyronian spent a lot of time working on, so props to her !).
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Your comparison isn't fair. :p I could say "just compare this to this, they have the same price point, but the TIE Pilot has more parts, and the back is better covered.", but that wouldn't either represent accurately how the sets evolved over the years. The Shoretrooper is a bit weak, true, but in general, the sets do have more parts and a better build than they used to. EDIT : Oh, I missed Aanchir's post, so now it will look like I wrote a summary of his message. Now, I also doubt the new Vader will have much (if any) more parts than the old one, but I wouldn't use the difference in the number of parts between the previous and the current sets to demonstrate that.
MOCing Advice & Ideas thread
Have you forgotten you've created this topic ? I think it's perfectly appropriate to ask for help. ;) You don't have to use Kragle :
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Hopefully the parts count will justify that. 2015 Darth Vader was 30€ and has 160 parts, and to compare with a more recent set, Chewbacca is 35€ but includes 179 parts (although 10 of them are tiles with clip for his belt).
75526: Elite TIE Fighter Pilot
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
75528: Rey
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
75529: Elite Praetorian Guard
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
75530: Chewbacca
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
- Constraction custom parts
Constraction custom parts
That sounds ambitious, I hope you can make it work. I began working on it, but it's a much simpler, with "only" articulation at the elbow and at the wrist, with static plates. I have also been working on something else recently, a brand new type of hand : I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know how well it will perform once printed. I think I see what you mean. But I don't think it's feasible. It would be much easier for you to simply build your MOCs with wider hips.
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