Everything posted by Leewan
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Haha, if you have unrealistic expectations, you're set for disappointment. We can still get some in other themes. Okay, it's just four feet, but actually, we already did.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Hey, what did you expect ?
Star Wars Constraction 2017 Discussion and Rumors
Oh, so this is your pic ? Well, I hope you won't think I'm trying to prevent you from making reviews, but since this set hasn't been officially revealed, I don't know if you'll be allowed to publish it before September 1st. You should ask the mods first.
Star Wars Constraction 2017 Discussion and Rumors
There's also this picture, which was shared on Brickset a few days ago, where we can see him from the side. The only interesting bit is that he uses a second Star Wars torso shell to cover his back.
Impressive. Your photos are very good, and the poses give a lot of life and expressiveness to the character (so does the color scheme). The build is clean, it almost doesn't look like Lego, and the lack of studs over her body makes her look smaller than she actually is (thanks for using different measuring units, btw, that's an appreciable effort). You did an excellent job here !
[WIP] AMG GT R- A huge problem arose......
Leewan replied to move5's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI recently had an idea for a system that links the rear wheels steering to a sequential 4 speeds gearbox : The red axle is the input, which comes from the gearbox selector. When the red axle makes a quarter of turn (shifting from 1st to 2nd gear) the purple axle doesn't move. When the red axle makes another quarter of turn (shifting from 2nd to 3rd), the purple axle makes a quarter of turn too. With the 24:12 ratio, the green axle makes half a turn, and pushes the tan fork towards the rear of the car (the green liftarm isn't connected to the axle of the 12t gear). When the red axle makes another quarter of turn (3rd --> 4th), the purple axle doesn't move. The dark tan fork connects the orange frame (which is linked to the steering axle) to one of the two sides of the dark blue parallelogram. Changing the connected side will change the turning direction of the wheels, and the wheels don't have to be in center position to switch speeds. So when you're in low gears (1st and 2nd), the rear wheels will turn in the opposite direction as the front wheels, and when you're in high gears (3rd and 4th), the rear wheels will turn in the same direction. It's not perfect, it wouldn't work with a separate reverse gear (unless you find a way to lock the system when you switch to reverse), there's no "non-steering wheels" position and, above all, it's way too big (I don't know how to make it more compact). But still, maybe that could help you. Here's the link for the .lxf file.
Constraction custom parts
Thank you. (: Hmm, beside the hole dimension issue, I don't think there's anything to change. Oh, the ballcups of the Mata torso are a bit tight too, so the pistons parts can pop off sometimes. No, that would be too much work, and I already sell the printed parts on Shapeways (there's a link in my signature), so right now it's not really my priority. Not now, but maybe in the future. I'd like to try more things with Elasto Plastic, so I think I'll focus on that. That's... crude.
Constraction custom parts
Hi, I've perfected my articulated Mata leg design : The newer version can fully extend, as you can see on the animation. I've also made a variant with a double knee (video here), but it's a much less elegant design. I've also made an articulated Mata torso, following what I've said to @Aanchir : Here's how it looks like once printed : I've made two videos demonstrating how it works : one with the pistons, and one without them. Elasto plastic is a very interesting material ! Perhaps @efferman could find a use of this material for Technic parts. (: Here are the parts that make up an articulated Mata leg (V2) : The leg fully flexed and fully extended : You can see the videos I've made here and here. As you can see, it works absolutely perfectly. That wasn't easy though. The piston bodies were almost completely filled with powder, so I had to remove it with a needle and a toothpick. Even with that, I couldn't fit the rods into the bodies, so I had to sand down the rods to make them fit. Since I had ordered the parts to make four limbs (or almost, I forgot to order half the piston parts), I used them to revamp an old MOC of mine : I didn't use the articulated torso on him because, unfortunately, the holes were too tight. I still have to find a satisfying design. Anyways, I'm really happy with the legs, they're super satisfying to play with, and even if the pistons need some adjustment, they work very well.
Action Figure Forum Discussion
Okay, I simply wanted to spare you a lot of work. I think it would be better if we manage to cover different sets instead of focusing on the same set. Every other set that hasn't been reviewed yet. So, IIRC, the TFA sets, the RO sets (minus the Death Trooper), and the Stormtrooper Commander. Although @VBBN may want to review some of these.
Action Figure Forum Discussion
Oh, don't bother with that one, I'm already in the process of writing a review of it.
Future of constraction
I think I've seen them, but they don't count as small sized, brick-built mechas which use Mixel joints.
Future of constraction
I'd like to see Godzilla & co in CCBS form, but not with minifigures, they'd be way too big in regard of the scale of the monsters. I don't know if a minifig-less theme could work, but I'd like to see a series of small sized, brick-built mechas which use Mixel joints. Something like this (by nobu_tary) : Or the adorable tiny Jaegers @toothdominoes recently made : They even fit microfigs / trophies. Which makes me think that I'd like to see more sets with the NK Battle Suits cockpit, but something less goofy than the Battle Suits. However, I don't know if kids would be into "serious" mecha sets.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
Well, the set numbers aren't always an indication of the release date. This year, 75531 and 75532 were released before 75526-75530, so they can as well release 75537 before 75535 and 75536. Plus, the names of the HS sets are still unknown. So why would we already have Maul's name if he's part of the HS wave ? No, I think it's simpler than that, we'll have a "classic villains" wave this December, and a HS wave a few months later.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
He died towards the end of the season 3 of Rebels, which was set two years before ANH. I believe the HS movie will take place 10 years before ANH, so Maul was alive at the time of the movie. Now, the other Constraction sets, Darth Vader and Boba Fett, were also alive at the time of the movie. That doesn't necessarily mean they'll be in it. I'm the one who added the sets 75535 and 75536 to the list. I'll change the information about the release date to make things more clear.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
From the (System) SW 2018 topic : For obvious reasons, I don't think any of them will be Chewbacca, so my guesses are on Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.
Future of constraction
I don't know about NK, but I definitely think one of the reasons why they cancelled Bionicle was to focus kids' attention on Ninjago. I also feel the community's negative reaction had something to do with it. Some armours have studs, so they can easily be connected to the rest of the creature. Just to clarify, I said that while thinking of completely brick-built creatures, but they could also use a mix of CCBS and System parts, like some of @Nuju Metru's "sets" for Dragon Lands (this is a good example of what I mean). That would work in the game, but using parts of the monsters as weapons and pieces of armour would be a key aspect of the sets (at least with my concept), so I don't think you could remove that.
Star Wars Constraction 2017 Discussion and Rumors
No, it appeared last year, it was used on Jyn Erso :
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
I hope she won't be attracted to anyone, I don't like when the Doctor has romantic relationships. It makes him (or her, now) too human, and less like a mysterious alien superhero. Now, I believe the Doctor's sexuality is a rather new concept, I don't think it was too prominent in the classics (although I'm not sure at all about that, I don't know much about the classics). Anyways, I think he's been with several men since the beginning of the new series, although it was not always explicitly shown. I remember he kissed Jack Harkness and Rory Williams, and, IIRC, he mentioned several times having been with men, so if 13 is attracted to female, I wouldn't see that as a problem.
Star Wars Constraction 2017 Discussion and Rumors
Oooh, Chewie has reddish brown lower leg shells to cover the back of his legs. Hope they won't be printed (although printing can always be erased). The Praetorian Guard looks awesome, it's really nice to see variety in the builds : every set seems to have its own torso structure, even if for the TIE Pilot it's just some bits attached to a classic 9*11 torso.
PoC compact sequential shifter
Leewan replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI think your gearbox is too compact. The 12T and 20T gears prevent the "steppers" from moving, so with this setup the gearbox will remain struck.
Future of constraction
Or Racers and Speed Champions ? (Although I'd prefer a non-licensed constraction new theme). I hope so, but I doubt we'll ever see a Constraction Big Bang theme. Yeah, it needs to appeal system fans. So whatever comes next, it will have to feature minifigures. I'd like to see something a la Monster Hunter, where the characters (minifigs) would get weapons and armours from the creatures (buildable figures) they fight. There could be collectable armours and weapons, and the different creatures would provide an interesting and diverse range of sets. It might be a bit too violent if the characters were to kill the creatures, though.
Future of constraction
The villain from Wonder Woman : I find brick-build giant minifigs ugly, I'd be even less interested in a series of such sets than in BrickHeadz, and I'm not really a BrickHeadz fan. If something like that happens, I'd prefer if the figures were bigger, and perhaps more articulated.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
We should all expect that, that way we won't be disappointed if that happens. Who said the head had to be a single piece ? It could be made of three parts : a black one for the back of his head (plus the ballcup), a red one for his face (with some black printing on it), and a tan one for his horns (made of a softer plastic ?), which would be "struck" between the red and the black parts.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
No, which was my point : if they want to add a new shade of red to the Constraction colour palette, they would have to create it, because there is only red (or bright red) and dark red, in every themes. It's not only about Technic, or Constraction, or System, but about the Lego colour palette as a whole. Anyway, I think Maul will have red rather than dark red.
Star Wars Constraction 2018 Discussion & Rumors
If it's TPM Maul, I think his bike would help make his set more interesting. As others mentioned, TPM Maul alone would be terribly boring. A cyborg Maul could be cool. There's one difference, though : the different shades of blue that seem to bother many Technic fans already existed before they were added to the Technic range. It's not because it's new to a system that it's completely new.
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