Everything posted by Leewan
75525: Baze Malbus
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
75524: Chirrut Îmwe
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
75523: Scarif Shoretrooper
From the album: Star Wars 2017 Action Figures
75153 AT-ST modification
I've made this : It adds three points of articulation at the ankle. If anyone's interested, you can get the lxf file here. (Note : my design actually uses this part, which doesn't exist in LDD, so I used a regular connector instead. It's attached to the Technic brick with a axle/pin with friction.)
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
Here's the link. Congratulations to the winners !
Star Wars Constraction 2016 Discussion
There will be three RO figures in January. We might still get more OT characters later, though.
Star Wars Constraction 2016 Discussion
I've just finished building him, so there you go :
Bionicle vignettes
It's something I've been wanting to build for years. Actually, I once made a little (and awful ) HF diorama for an exhibition built on a 48*48 baseplate (that was in 2011), and also some (virtual) environments for Toa of various sizes, which were inspired by the MOCs that were posted on the BIONICLE Facebook page. I don't know if they would absolutely need to be larger than modular buildings. Sure, building on a 48*48 baseplate offers more room, but if you want to display a single character, I think a 32*32 baseplate should work fine. Now, if you want a full-size diorama with several characters fighting, you'll have to go big, that's sure.
Constraction custom parts
Thank you guys. (: I've seen this one, yeah, and I'm actually currently working on my own version. I plan on making two versions, the first one as a single part, and another one as two parts that can be attached together (so the upper half won't really be able to connect to the old one, I'll rather redesign the G1 Vahi). They will both be designed for the G2 head. I want to use it for a diorama of the Protectors summoning the Toa for an exhibition late November, so you can expect to see it in the next couple of months. Well, yeah, I guess, but it will take some time. I have to make the Vahi in priority, and then I'll work on some other parts, which include armour and add-on pieces (both requests and personal ideas). I have too many things to do and too little time.
Constraction custom parts
Wow, it's been almost a year since my last update ! I've worked on a few parts in the meantime, mostly on solutions to eject G1 masks like the G2 masks. In March, a Shapeways member called Slaifir sent me a message asking if I could make an adapter for G1 masks that works on G2 heads. Here's what I did : (Note that I've made two versions, one that can be ejected, and one that can't) Attached to a G2 head, they look like this : The idea is good, but the mask is too far away from the head. To (partially) solve this, I've made a smaller adapter that works with the '01-'03 masks only (in green, here) : I've also made a whole new head that works with the G2 brain piece : The problem with this is that the eyes are a bit too high. I have to change this, and add some details, but at least it works. I've made a video to demonstrate how it works. I've made other parts, that you can see in the flickr album, including what must be my favourite design so far : A bow, that actually shoots Technic axles. I made it very quickly, a day or two after having seen the Men's individual finals in archery at the Olympic Games. It's really a fun part to play with.
75121 Imperial Death Trooper
From the album: Star Wars Constraction 2016
Star Wars Constraction 2016
75120 K-2SO
From the album: Star Wars Constraction 2016
75119 Sergeant Jyn Erso
From the album: Star Wars Constraction 2016
Future Constraction Lines
Yeah, absolutely. I simply had a shorter timeframe in mind, with a break in 2017, and a comeback in 2018. However, you make it sound like there won't be any SW sets after 2017 (or did I misunderstand your idea of proper CCBS sets ?). I don't think it will be the case, there are still plenty of characters to do. Unless the theme isn't successful enough. Another possibility (which is much closer to a wish than a realistic hypothesis) is that the next big bang theme, which should be launched in 2019, if Lego keeps following its three-years-run "rule", is a Constraction theme, and they stopped BIONICLE to focus on the development of this theme.
Future Constraction Lines
Of course they do, they are already used in plenty of system sets, I don't see why this would stop now. I was thinking Lego could do something like what they did with Racers : the theme was getting less and less popular, and the last proper sets appeared in 2012. In 2013 and 2014 there were only polybags, and in 2015, the theme came back as Speed Champions, which is, IMO, much better than the old Racers theme. If Lego would take their time (but not necessarily wait until 2020 ) to come up with something really good and give a new breath to Constraction. I just wish it would be an original IP, not a licensed theme. With Mixels coming to an end next year, they could very well try something that combines both systems. Anyways, although I'd be a bit sad if we get nothing but three SW sets next year (plus three or six more in September 2017 ?), I definitely feel a break would be good for the Constraction genre.
How to attach a Knights Kingdom Armor-shell to a CCBS bone or shell?
If you want a custom build, this should be your best option : If you want to use a classic CCBS bone, something like this could do the job : It requires to cut a flex tube, and the pauldron might rotate on the pin (I haven't tested this build with actual pieces), so I prefer the first solution.
Mixels 2016 Discussion
25€/$, like the other sets. But this is off-topic.
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
Yup. The rules precisely state - Entries created in LEGO Digital Designer (LDD) are allowed in this contest. _ I've already entered with one MOC (which is actually a quite old MOC on which I've simply slapped a MoCo ), and plan on entering with at least one more MOC. Also, I've partially built the JtO Makuta (I don't have all the required sets). This guy is huge !
The Original Concept of Hero Factory
It's truly a shame to see such a wasted potential (for both HF and BioG2). However, I don't think this apparent lack of investment in the story from Lego is really because they don't have enough faith in constraction. At least not entirely. I rather feel they fear constraction themes would directly compete with their big bang IPs if they had a more developed story. They certainly invest a lot in additional content (commercials, video games / apps, TV shows) for Ninjago, Legends of Chima, or Nexo Knights, and they want a return on investment. Which is logical, and it would be ridiculous to blame a commercial company for wanting to earn money. I wouldn't be surprised it that meant limiting the depth of the stories of other IPs that needed a lesser investment, especially when it's a constraction theme, which belongs to a niche market, and thus wouldn't make profits as easily as a system-based theme. I think it's intentional. Faber said it himself : " We wanted to mirror present day but in a tech build-up. In some way inspired by the humor of The Incredibles by Pixar."
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
The contest is officially launched : Good luck everyone !
LEGO Roboriders 2017
This is a fake. Here's a link to the actual tweet :
No Bionicle in 2017 confirmed
I wish there were at least one final set, if we can't even get a single wave in 2017. But it couldn't be Makuta anyways, not with the contest. Now, with this contest, I realize they give us the opportunity to make our own version of the final Bionicle set. Maybe it's better that way. Everyone has their perfect Makuta, everyone is happy. I wish we would've spent more time on Okoto. I like the setting, I like what Ryder Windham did. It was not perfect, but I enjoyed the G2. Thank you to Lego, to the designers, and to Ryder Windham. Maybe they did a lot for those who live in the US. Those who don't might legitimately feel Lego didn't do enough to promote the theme. The only displays for Bionicle sets I've seen were in a Lego Store. The first novel and graphic novel will soon be published in France (which is waaay too late), but I believe they won't even be released in other European countries. I've never seen a single commercial for BioG2 on TV (although I don't often watch TV, so I may have missed them).
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
You guys are fast ! I'd rather wait for the contest to be officially launched before I start building, at least I'll be sure my MOC respects the rules.
Discussion: LEGO Bionicle Makuta Contest
A 2017 sets topic will be opened when we'll have some actual information, like names, or set numbers. Right now, we can only guess the MoUP (and the Vahi, BTW) will be in a set next year, but we don't know that for sure. A separate topic for the contest should be opened soon too.
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