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Action Figure Regulator
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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. So, looks like the first three (75119 / 20 / 21) will be based on Rogue One, and will be released in January... 2017. Time for a new topic, already ?
  2. Yup, we'll probably have upgraded Toa (Destiners ? Dutyers ?) VS Makuta (eh, he has to show up sooner or later). Speaking of which, I expect Makuta to be even more massive than Umarak the Destroyer.
  3. Hehe, looks like I was right about Ekimu's shield.
  4. Doubt it, as this is precisely the part I've used. I think Voxovan was rather talking about something like the new 3M axle with stop. However, I would prefer a system similar to the one used on his 2015 shield, where both the saw and the golden wheel spin together, instead of having each of the two pieces being able to freely spin on their own. Yes, and I've rendered it with POV-Ray. Hehe, while I was building the shield attachment, I was thinking "Hum, this looks weird for a set, but the polybag uses a similar technique, so why not ?"
  5. I was gonna say flick-fire missile, like Laval's shield, but Ekimu's shield seems to be rather far away from the arm, so it could rather be something like this (or a similar build that would allow a rotating feature) :
  6. I don't think this princing is specific to the UK : in France (and probably in other European countries), the Stormtrooper and Rey are both 19,99€, and the four other ones are 24,99€.
  7. Thanks for the review, Veebs. This guy is an absolute badass, certainly the only one set of the wave with Terak I'll buy.
  8. Trickier ? What about simply using something like this ?
  9. Since this summer, Lego dedicates each month to a particular BIONICLE element on the LEGO Bionicle Facebook page, where they post concept arts and MOCs. I was inspired by Corvin's first MOC, published in July to build a display base for Tahu, Lewa and Onua on Mecabricks. August was the the Month of Fire, so I've started with a modular volcanic area for Tahu, the Master of Fire : Each module is build on a 16*16 plate, and the different modules can be rearranged in several ways, as you can see on the renders above. You can see every angle of the model with the 3D viewer on Mecabricks. Then, I've built another MOC in October, during the Month of Jungle. This time, it was an environment for Lewa, the Master of... Jungle. This one isn't modular, I didn't have much time, so I've built it on a 32*32 surface : My favourite part of the MOC is the stone pillar with the writings on it. I also really like the dragonflies, and mainly their heads, made with a Friends heart. You can see more renderings here, and view the MOC in 3D on Mecabricks. Finally, in November (the Month of Earth), I've built a cave for Onua. I knew since the beginning of my project that I would include some crystals, but it's only when I saw Matt Betteker's fantastic artwork that I decided to add a Nuva Cube, with Onua's Nuva Symbol. In the meantime, I've improved my rendering skills, which allowed me to make the crystal glow : Again, you can see more renders in the Flickr album, and see the model in 3D with the viewer on the Mecabricks page. Enjoy ! Note to the Mods : I didn't know exactly in which section put my MOC, so if anyone wants it to be in the Constraction forum, or in the LDD forum, then feel free to move the thread.
  10. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  11. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  12. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  13. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  14. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  15. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  16. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  17. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  18. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  19. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  20. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
  21. Leewan posted a gallery image in Members Gallery
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