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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. I think it's gonna look like this : Also, the "bird creature" (Ikir)'s talons are attached with this part :
  2. Weren't we all hoping for Jar-Jar ? Ah, yes, that would be a good idea. This lineup isn't too surprising. I'm wondering if Poe's suit will be regular orange or dark orange, like his minifig counterpart. Also, unless they give him black gloves, we should see reddish brown hands on Finn.
  3. A ballcup with a clip, basically ? Some parts recently arrived : (more on flickr) -The bone is good, although the cross holes are still too tight. -The armours are really thin and bend easily, I'll have to fix this. They also wobble on the balljoints. -The pinholes have a very good amount on friction, but they might be too wide, it depends on the precision of the machine. I'm not 100% satisfied with the shells, but I think it's a satisfying first step towards a proper articulated torso (which does not use a Technic-based swivel function like next year's sets, I mean ). Also, the large hands need to be fixed, but I don't have much free time, so I'll do it as soon as I can, but I don't know when.
  4. Ah, yes. However, the wide chestpiece doesn't appear in any of the next wave's sets, and the wide 6M shells (used as Kopaka's upper leg armours this year) don't seem to be decorated (although that might change). So the only decorated parts will be the Uniters' torso armours and Umarak's chestpiece. I think it's safe to assume all of these parts will be printed.
  5. Why (and where) whould there be stickers ?
  6. Not for whatever reason, but because you don't like the look of the sets in the prelims. At least that's how I understood his post.
  7. Leewan replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Ah, thank you. That's a relief, the TARDIS from the game is way too small for my taste.
  8. Leewan replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Does anyone know if the cabin will look like this or if it will be bigger, like AndrewClark2's design ?
  9. It might look ridiculous if all the other bones are black or dark bley, but what about orange ? Don't you have Fire Lord ?
  10. But there won't be Nexo Knight Ultrabuilds (at least not in January), the Ultimate sets are minifigs with weapons ala Spinners / Speedorz. Don't know if it has been said before, but the new add-on reminds me of the Bohrok's shields.
  11. I think I see what you mean, but I don't see how it's related to the prelims and the catalog pics, because all your example are about the final sets, not their prototypes. I don't think so. It's just my opinion, but I find the round headlights ugly, and this independently of the prototype's headlights. Yes, people (including me) prefer the design of the prototype over the design of the final model, but that doesn't mean they would have liked the actual model better if they hadn't seen the prototype, because in the end, the set would still have ugly round headlights, for example.
  12. Yeah, so we're talking about a minority of a minority (I highly doubt the main audience, the kids, will ever see the catalog pics). Of course, I don't have any sort of stats, but I think the amount of people who won't buy the sets because they didn't like the prelims is negligible compared to the amount of people who will buy the sets, whether they've seen the prelims or not. I will myself wait for finalized pictures to judge the sets properly, but so far I'm satisfied by what I've seen.
  13. In general, people's opinion will change anyway, so why is it such a big reason ?
  14. It was LewiMOC. Can't find his post, but he posted a pic on flickr.
  15. I don't know about the other countries, but the SW Constraction sets seem to be hugely popular in France : on the s@h, Vader, Grievous, Cody and Jango are out of stock, and moreover, they're the only Force Friday sets to be out of stock (besides the X-Wing but it might be related to a canopy problem). It's also interesting to note that the two "lesser popular" sets of the wave are specifically those with a human head. I wonder if it's related or if it's just a coincidence...
  16. So it's not a coincidence if this topic is revived shortly after I got the set. I've built it only yesterday, and I'm disappointed by Evo's walker : the launcher is indeed too low, and makes the walker hard to pose. Queen Beast is a cool build. The color scheme is indeed unusual, but I don't mind it. In fact, the gold emphasizes her status of Queen, and I like that. I think she would have been better without the spikes on her back, though : it could have allowed longer front legs, and wider shoulders. This set is really entertaining to build, but it would have been better if the walker was smaller and the beast bigger.
  17. Posting this won't make them come any faster though.
  18. Kylo is a given, sure, but I'd be less categorical about Phasma : she'd be just a silver variant of the Stormtrooper. They could give her a special torso build, though, like Vader, but given the prices given by Amazon, I kinda doubt it. As for the good guys, I could see Poe and Chewbacca being made. And Finn, because of (warning, potential spoliers) this.
  19. Leewan replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Otherwise, we do have a 2016 Action Figure Wishlist topic in the Action Figures forum, if you want to discuss future Star Wars Constraction sets.
  20. Don't think so, Toy Fairs take place in London, Nuremberg and New York late January / mid-February. But there's the NYCC in October, where Lego officially announced Bionicle's return last year.
  21. It's not really possible though, because I need the sides to be hollow to attach a bone. Ah, yes, forgot to mention it. Actually, because of the many undercuts, it can't be molded at all (or if it can, it would require an extremely complex mold). It doesn't bother me that much because it was more designed with printing in mind than molding (with still keeping a Lego-like aesthetic), though. Don't think it's more fragile than Lego parts. Again, it's not much different than Lego parts. Think I've already mentioned it before, but I based my design on the 2.0 torso armor, which is gappy from the sides.
  22. And here's the lower armor : I wasn't happy with the first version (which was more like a 3D sketch than an actual armor anyway), but after some time reworking it, here's the final result. And here it is with the upper armor : If anyone's interested, they're on shapeways. Think I'll order them very soon myself (with the other parts required to make an articulated torso). Also, I made a 3M beam with two balls, because why not :
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