Everything posted by Leewan
REVIEW: 70794 Skull Scorpio
It might be ugly and terrible to display (because of the lack of articulation and the amount of space it takes), but at least the build is interesting, and the tail function is fun and works properly. Because it doesn't need eight legs. What could an extra pair bring to the model ? Nothing. It would even unnecessarily complexify the construction, and be a waste of parts (so yeah, it's somehow because of budget limitations). It has to look like a creepy insect-like creature, not an accurate representation of a real life scorpion (because then, the head and the tail would be terribly inaccurate, much more than the number of legs), and six legs are sufficient to give this impression.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Star Wars Constraction 2015 Discussion
Why buy it then ?
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Will BIONICLE G2 get more love from LEGO than Hero Factory?
Yes it was, and by far, because the CCBS is much more versatile than the old system (which includes the Inika build). - Whether G2 will get more love from Lego than HF depends on nothing but the sales. If the sets sell well enough, and even better than expected, then BIONICLE will have a bigger budget. Anyways, I think G2 is already getting lots of love from Lego : we may not have a TV show, but we have webisodes, we'll have at least five books, they made eight 14K gold masks, three exclusive masks, one polybag, and lots of new molds. I think the only thing that BIONICLE lacks compared to Ninjago is a strong TV presence, which would definitely contribute to boosting the sales.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I doubt it, they were at the NYCC last year because LEGO wanted to make a big event around BIONICLE's come back. I see it more as the exception than the rule. I've also made comparison pics for the torso armor and the blades (sword - axe). I also have close-ups for the chestpieces of all of the Skull guys except Kulta, but I'll upload the pics for his review soon, tomorrow maybe.
- MOC: Karetao
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
The height seems correct, but the width is totally off, and a 4 studs wide TARDIS would look ridiculous. A proper Lego TARDIS needs 2 studs-wide doors, which means it needs to be at least 6 studs wide. For example, look at the Ecto-1 : it's clearly too big compared to the minifigs. Way too big (and a lot of "minifig-scaled" vehicles, or buildings, are actually off-scale). But it doesn't matter, because the model does look good, and it's the only thing that matters. And that's what I want. A TARDIS that looks good, and that makes a nice display piece. The game TARDIS is, on the other hand, not impressive, it has no "presence", it's bland. It is Lego, you can't be 100% faithful to reality, and you don't need it. Some adjustments have to be done for the model to look good. In this case, you need to make it bigger than it would actually be if it were in scale.
Mixels 2016 Discussion
Haha, I love Camillot. Thanks for sharing, Puffle Pal26.
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Basher is the second worst set, after Scorpio. Because you can pose Basher, and he has a slightly better inventory. His function, though, doesn't work well (the blades often get stuck, either with each other or with the massive leg armors, making impossible for the arms to go back to their initial position, which is terribly annoying, so you have to spread them if you want to avoid that), only the side movement works properly, and his horns are so big that you almost can't touch the set without knocking the mask. Plus, his arms need space to move, and because of that, the shoulder area is empty, with detracts from his bulky appearance. Scorpio and Basher have the same issue : both of them suffer from their respective functions, but they have opposite "symptoms". The difference is that Scorpio is ugly and can't be posed, but his function is fun and works well, while Basher can be posed, doesn't look so bad (except his empty shoulders), but his function is far from working properly. Nope, sorry. :p Anyways, the names are written on the back of the boxes (in english, german, french, portuguese, hungarian, russian and polish, if I'm correct). Sure, it's not really visible, because it's written in a small font on the back of the box, but it's better than nothing. And translate the names on the front of the boxes for each country would have been too expensive to print, and would certainly be a nightmare on the logistics level.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Absolutely. This part is simply here to prevent the kids from making mistakes during the build (at least on the Skull guys, because you can still attach Kopaka's gearbox one module higher if you want). Didn't they ? The names have also been translated in french, and slightly modified in italian (only MMvSG's name is translated). For Spain they did keep the english names, though.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
MOC: G2 Umbra
He was talking about the trans dark green shells, which, I guess, are simply Savage Planet badges with the pattern erased. Another great MOC, LewiMOC. I'm always amazed by your ability to combine CCBS and technic and the distinctive looks this combination gives to your creations.
MOC: Morda the Skull Crusher
Indeed, it's actually the sand blue bit that bothers me, since this is the only part of the MOC where this color is present.
MOC: Morda the Skull Crusher
I'm not convinced by the Chima armor, but beside that, this is a really cool MOC.
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
So, since there seems to be an ongoing debate about should characters have individual names or not in the 2016 wishlist topic and in the BIONICLE 2015 topic, I thought it could be good to create a separate topic to discuss this matter.
Wretched Stare and his Computer Desk
From the album: MOC Index pictures
- Warhawk
- Tripod Flexers
- TOV's Mixels
- Toa Tahu
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