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Action Figure Regulator
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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. I can confirm, I've just called my Legostore (Lille, North of France), and they have the sets in stock.
  2. Tumblrites, that's a new Mixel tribe ?
  3. Funny, I know the guy who created this, he's from BIONIFIGS. It's a good design, yeah. I still need to get them printed. But the more I wait, the more I create new parts, so the more money I need.
  4. Balljoints, that's what I thought. It's the simplest solution. Do they slide from their axles when you pose Scorpio ?
  5. Yeah, but in your first post you only mention the dark bley bones, while I suggest to replace all the bones (dark bley + tr. neon green) by bone bones. Speaking of the legs, do you have a pic of the underside ? I'd like to see how they're attached. Sure, I'll update him as soon as I get the new parts.
  6. Hum, there's a bit too much tr. neon green. I don't know if you'll have enough, but I'd suggest to use only bone bones for the legs, that way you'd have less tr. neon green, but you'd keep cohesive legs. Here's my Skull Scorpio (pre) revamp, BTW : Radically different.
  7. They both used the Vahki hips part (one of my favourite parts, BTW). The closest CCBS equivalent is, IMO, the Waspix Bone, but it would take too much space, since the pin section is perpendicular to the axle / balljoints section (the volume is slightly more than 3x3x5 modules versus 1x3x5 for the Vahki hip part). We could try to build something with the XT-4 torso, though. But where's the fun if we don't imagine new parts ? Also, I've started to work on an armour, based on GK733's idea and the 2.0 torso armour : Yes, it needs improvements.
  8. Created a new topic for the 2016 sets. The helmet is gorgeous.
  9. I'm working on something closer to your design, but I think something made of this, this and the T-shaped part could work. Or, to use an old idea, this : The biggest issue there is that it would leave no spare connection points on the lower body at all. Absolutely, I need the T-part to attach an armor, the middle balljoint is the only connection point available, and if I use this and another bone, I loose this connection point.
  10. Made this, based on your concept, GK733, and an idea I had a few days ago : The orange bits are "placeholers" for armors, I still have to make them.
  11. I'd love to see more "interesting" CCBS-based builds in the future. There were some nice ideas in last years sets, like the Furno Jet Machine, Surge and Rocka Combat Machine, or Queen Beast. It's the kind of techniques that makes me love CCBS, and I was kinda disappointed to see that this year we come back to more generic builds, besides Grievous (Darth Vader doesn't count, he's mainly Technic).
  12. I'd remove the lower joint too. What I like with your concept is that thanks to the cross holes, you can still build a torso without the gearbox. The gearboxes are cool, but we need something that can also work without them.
  13. This is a beautiful MOC, almost a statue, a piece of art.
  14. Yeah, especially Matt. Have to agree here. Some drawings and prototypes made me think of the Stormtroopers' helmets. Not a bad reference, but not really Hau-esque. The life-sized Mask of Fire was cool, though.
  15. Remember guys, we have a topic for discussing G1. Titanium Metallic is Gunmetal.
  16. Which makes me hope for a big 30/35 €/$ Makuta Master of Control. Man that would be so cool. You're welcome. And you know, the pic doesn't do it justice, it's much more impressive in the flesh (or should I say in the plastic haha). I think Grievous will be one of the best selling sets with Vader. Yeah, Superheroes and Chima Ultrabuilds were released before Hero Factory sets (IIRC May for the SH, May too for the first Chima wave and June for the second Chima wave), but these will be released in September to go with the TFA sets (according to Disney, all the TFA-based merchandising (so not only Lego) will go on sale on September 4th). This year there are three waves of Star Wars sets : One in January, one in June, and one in September, for TFA. But we may wonder why they didn't chose to release them in June, along the second wave of system sets...
  17. Sweet pic. He's almost as tall as Witch Doctor, but much more impressive with his four arms : (I thought I had already posted this pic here, but in fact no )
  18. The four skull guys being 15$ each and Mask Maker VS Skull Grinder 30$, the whole wave shouldn't cost more than 90$ for the US.
  19. Absolutely.
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