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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. There are official box pics of several summer sets on brincalandia, including the Crawler Crane :
  2. Got some new info on Bionifigs, thanks to Piruk : a graphic novel will be released on November 24. 7,99$, 80 pages. And we know thanks to the Kindle edition that the Chapter Book will be titled "Island of Lost Masks".
  3. I think what they mean is that you can only have one prize a week, and not only one for the whole competition. So if you enter with six different masks in the same week and you win with more than one mask, you'll still get only one prize. Anyways, I don't really understand why you're so concerned about that, it's a competition organized by Lego, what did you expect ?
  4. I had exactly the same idea. And if they also do Poe, we simply would have to switch heads with Luke to get Luke in his pilot suit.
  5. According to BZP's Toy Fair report, Jango, Cody and Luke will cost 19,99$, Obi-Wan will cost 24,99$, Vader 29,99$ and Grievous 34,99$ (for the US). Which will respectively translate to 19,99€, 24,99€, 29,99€ and 34,99€ for European countries.
  6. Not too sure about the upper torso, though.
  7. I'm currently trying, on LDD. EDIT : Dayum, I love Cody !
  8. Hi-Res pic for Grievous.
  9. Because POV-Ray renders the phosporescent colors as opaque colors, I guess. You should use a "true" transparent color, like 49 - Tr. Fluore. Green. Agreed, true or not, we shouldn't give too much attention to these rumours. The MoCr was lost, not destroyed, why would he make an new one instead of just go and look for Ekimu's original mask ?
  10. No, Jango needs to be sand blue, or at least regular blue, but he would definitely be too bright and flashy in dark azure.
  11. Oh, yeah, thank you. Also, back on topic, week 2 winners. I like them, I find them quite "creative".
  12. First two waves ? When has the second wave been announced ?
  13. Wow, dem recolors. I'm kinda disappointed by Grievous, but I love Obi-Wan.
  14. I've never tried it with actual bricks, but with LDD you can use the wheel 42610 (which has the same diameter as the rim 93594) to position your axle properly :
  15. Yeah, I think that Makuta is controlling the LoSS, and uses it to control the Skull Spiders (through the Golden Skull Spider Mask) to get the Golden Masks. The LoSS' job is to guard the Ancient City (so I'd say it's neutral rather than a pure villain), so I doubt it would have sent the Spiders to attack the villagers by itself, there must be somebody who "told" it to do so.
  16. Oh, yes, I see. Sorry, should've re-read your original post.
  17. Yeah, that could work, and I don't know much about printing, but I don't think it would be as expensive to print pre-existing parts as creating brand new ones. Sure, I'm all for new parts, as long as they don't fully replace the current ones (BTW, I'm afraid we'll never get this add-on in gold ). Hehe yes, that's better now. Yeah, a crotch armour (which had already been suggested months / years ago, IIRC) could be a nice addition to the CCBS. The main issue I see is that there isn't a square on each side of the "crotch balljoint" like there is on the other bones, which could allow the armor to wobble. Shouldn't take more than a month now, LDD is usually updated in March / April (but last year it was early May).
  18. Oh, I'm sure you can : That's what I was referring to : the Skull villains' torso armor. The thing is, the simplistic shells are a main component of the CCBS, and you're suggesting to replace them with more detailed ones. But they can't get rid of them, precisely because they're an essential element of the CCBS. Which artwortk ? On your image there's a guy who looks like a bearded Neo (think it's from a video game), hence the confusion.
  19. As Lyichir explained, it would not be a smart choice, because it would go against the very core concept of the CCBS (which this page explains and shows perfectly). Plus, create new add-ons instead of new shells offers much more possibilities than creating a new shell, because, depending on the way you attach it to the armor, you can create two very different shapes (think of Pohatu, the upper legs and the upper arms, although they use the same two parts, look pretty different simply because the add-on is attached in two different ways), or the size of the shell used, or the color of the shell and the add-on. By creating a single part, they offer so much more possible combinations than if they would have created a new range of shells (by the way, the current shells will not be replaced by more detailed ones, they're a core element of the CCBS, but new shells can still "complete" the range of available shells). It's not laziness, it's efficiency. Come on, new heads, new eyes, new gearbox, new weapons, new masks, new bones, new shells, and lots of recolors. I think we'll have at least 25 new molds this year. And of course they're reusing the mask molds as much as they can. Again, it's efficiency, they've spent hundreds of thousands of $ on these new molds, they want them to be as profitable as possible.
  20. Because kids love two colors : -Red -Gold But I don't think they give us "so little", we have plenty recolors this year (the #4 armour in keetorange, bright green, purple and dark orange, and the glorious trans-purple bones, for example), and lots of new parts. And some parts in G1 were über-common, like the dark bley medium double connector.
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