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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. Leewan replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    The cloth part is better, because it allows to have the scarf and the back of the coat. Honestly, I think it's a very clever idea.
  2. Given the prices (starting at 14,99€ for a Fun Pack, containing a minifig and a small build), I wouldn't be too bothered if they don't release a BIONICLE-themed "set". But this is because I'm not especially interested in the game.
  3. A similar topic already exists, but it's quite old. Perhaps Veebs will want to merge these two topics. Anyways, my favourite set is Brutaka, except his upper legs, I think it's an excellent set.
  4. The Moai-like Toa head are impressive ! I hope we'll get more of these artworks in the future, I love Matt Betteker's style (he drew the packages' artwork and the comics for HF IFB (see here)). I doubt the picture is canon, but if it is, then the island in the background is interesting, it would mean that there are other islands than Okoto. Oh, also, bigger size of the pic here.
  5. Just saw (and this time I'm not a month late ). It's very cool to see more Mask of Water concepts arts, and to get some information about the design process.
  6. Leewan replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    So the actual question is Which villains could they include without having to create new parts ? I mostly think of Autons and Weeping Angels, but we can have Judoons too, with this armor and this headpiece. But Daleks and Cybermen are impossible to recreate with current parts. If the set is based on the eighth series, they can include Missy.
  7. Yes, so many ruins, what could have happened to Okoto ? The Ancient City was obviously abandoned after the Mask Bros' fight, but there seems to be ruins everywhere on the island (at least according to these concept arts).
  8. There is. BTW, there are already some entries on Facebook (I haven't checked the other sites), but some of them really don't look like masks, like this one (Kanohi Bhukhett ?).
  9. The character is Matoro (which led many fans to think he would come back in 2009, despite his death in 2007), but he actually represents Mata Nui, who was sent to Bara Magna in the Kanohi Ignika by Teridax. My guess is that they did not wanted to show Mata Nui's final design, so they used a picture of Matoro instead.
  10. Why ? Because they launched the site and the first episodes in December ? Hum, I don't know, it would be a good way to give to a maximum of people the chance of getting the masks.
  11. Sure, what I actually meant is that we could have gotten nothing between the release of the ninth episode and August. Good for him (or her). It's not because you want it more than a kid that you deserve it more that that kid, you're not Rocket Racoon. Lego doesn't need to be fair to those who want the golden masks, they need to be fair to everybody.
  12. Same here. BTW, it's funny that the recent discussion revolved around how we might get nothing new before August when the ninth episode will (officially) be out, and today, bam, they announce a mask giveaway.
  13. I'd love to see vikings-themed villains.
  14. Not yet, I'll order them (and a couple more parts) when I get enough money. Right now, it's really not my top priority. Anyways, I agree, the second one could not be strong enough. I'll see when I get the part.
  15. Not directly, but there are a few ways to do it. If you use a PC, you can download LDD manager, which will concert your LDD file into a parts list ready for BrickLink. Otherwise, there are some websites that let you do the same thing, namely the BL Moc Shop when your are testing 'Moc-ability' Hope this helps! Actually, it's possible to create a parts list directly from LDD : click on File, then on Export BOM, and you'll get a spreadsheet containing your parts list.
  16. Nope, because I feel these two designs are satisfying enough, and I don't see how they can be improved.
  17. Okay, I see. I can provide you the file if you want, but I must warn you, FDM machines aren't the best for Lego parts, because the layers are much more visible on small parts, and don't make smooth balljoints / ballcups. PM me if you're still interested. ;)
  18. Which kind of printer do you use ?
  19. Thank you ! It's been a while since I stopped updating this topic, but you can find all of my ideas on flickr.
  20. Really ? That's strange, I've never heard of it before...
  21. I discovered a new combiner model yesterday : (Get the instructions here)
  22. You mean Axonn ?
  23. There might be a part which looks like Hermione's hair with a hole, but the two hairpieces shown here are still different : I don't know which one is the more accurate, though.
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