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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. Wow, the Arocs is impressive ! Among the best Technic sets ever, if not the best. Also, the Mercedes logo isn't printed on a boat stud, it's actually on a shield.
  2. But Makuta doesn't wear the MoUP anymore, since Ekimu knocked the mask off Makuta's face. And the BIONICLE theme page on the s@h clearly says that he's evil. EDIT : Just found this on hothbricks : Feb 1 - 14 : FREE exclusive LEGO BIONICLE hero set. Posters, leaflets, and... is that a trans-orange Mask of Fiyah ?! I'll have to get back to the Lego Store earlier than expected...
  3. The shrinked version is cute ! I actually like it better than the "regular" version. And yeah, the Protector Mask is a good torso armour.
  4. Leewan replied to VBBN's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    System Mixels TOV's Mixels by TheOneVeyronian. Posted June 30, 2014 Flexer Warrior by bacem. Posted June 30, 2014 Mixel Mobile Assault by bacem. Posted October 8, 2014 Mixel Swift Assault by bacem. Posted October 12, 2014 Tripod Flexers by bacem. Posted June 25, 2014 Flexers Max by bacem. Posted June 23, 2014 Battle Max by bacem. Posted June 23, 2014 Mixel Dragon by Peppermint_M. Posted June 29, 2014 Cragster and Electroid Frontal Mode by bacem. Posted June 10, 2014 Mixels Mash and Nixelray by Dapper-D2. Posted February 25, 2014 S1 Murps by SpiderSpaceman. Posted March 6, 2014 S1 Murps 2 by SpiderSpaceman. Posted March 25, 2014 Cragster Walker Tank by bacem. Posted April 20, 2014 Cragster Max Battle Mode by bacem. Posted April 28, 2014 Nixel Stone Mech by bacem. Posted May 2, 2014 Stompy and Choppa by bacem. Posted May 7, 2014 Stone Cyclops by bacem. Posted May 12, 2014 Mixel Infernites MAX MOC by Csacsa234. Posted May 18, 2014 Fixel by AmperZand. Posted May 21, 2014 Mixels Series 4 by Takanuinuva. Posted June 17, 2014 Frosticon Mimic by samurai-turtle. Posted June 16, 2014 Furnax by Boogly22238. Posted May 4, 2015 Legoformer Nixel Flyer by bacem. Posted April 23, 2015 Nixel Whip Mech by bacem. Posted April 4, 2015 Nixel Shooter Mech by bacem. Posted March 26, 2015 Nixel Claw Mech by bacem. Posted March 13, 2015 Roara and Grurter by Alskadosis. Posted June 8, 2015 Glozon by Adeel Zubair. Posted June 13, 2015 Nixel Blade Mech by bacem. Posted June 25, 2015 Misical Muxels by Takanuinuva. Posted June 25, 2015 Mixels Chinese Zodiac by tornado. Posted January 21, 2017 Mixels Superhero Tribe by dulsi. Posted January 23, 2017 Nixels by Takanuinuva. Posted June 10, 2017 King Max Weldos by RMBP. Posted November 2, 2015 Glorp Corp alternate builds by RMBP. Posted November 9, 2015 Fert the Mixel by The Chosen One. Posted February 28, 2016 Rapper Mixel by SpiderSpaceman. Posted March 22, 2016 Mixels: My 3 Tribes by Takanuinuva. Posted October 22, 2016 Mixel Tribe: Voodums by Eggyslav. Posted November 3, 2016 Nixel Impact Mech by bacem. Posted August 1, 2015 Nixel Acid Mech by bacem. Posted August 4, 2015 Nixel Flame Mech by bacem. Posted August 20, 2015 Nixel Dark Mech by bacem. Posted September 3, 2015 Big Daddy by Electricsteam. Posted June 26, 2015
  5. Another prophecy ? (Or perhaps Ekimu uttered the prophecy about the Toa and then said something like "Oh, BTW, I will be back" with his best Schwarzenegger voice )
  6. They're drawings, and don't look like any part. But they have five fingers, just like Tahu (and certainly like the other Toa). I wonder if they'll be on the final box art...
  7. And hands are visible below the masks on Slicer, Basher and Scorpio's boxes. Perhaps they're shown stealing the masks from the Toa. Or perhaps the wave is set in the past and they stole the masks from Ekimu and then hid them in the first place.
  8. Makes sense for bones. I'm glad to see the thin torso in a different color than black, and it's nice to see more white bones. I hope we'll also get this torso in dark bley, though.
  9. Nope, there's a shoulder balljoint visible (below this part), and the torso is visibly 7 modules wide, so it's the same as the Toa (except Onua, of course). And it rather looks white than bley. xD Indeed, I didn't even notice. I've just asked. ;)
  10. Oh, I never said I didn't like it. Your Protectors are really badass, especially the PoJ and PoI.
  11. Love Ekimu's shield. Skull Grinder looks nice (is that a white torso ?). Actually, I also think MMvSG is the best set of the wave, the other ones don't impress me. But I think I'll change my mind when I'll see better pics.
  12. PoI and PoE are my favourites ! The proportions and the Hau Mask of Fire make Ekimu look kind of chubby, it's funny. Knockoff Ninjago action figure.
  13. No need to ask, he said that he would post scans tomorrow or Saturday in a new topic. I'll give you the link when it's done. EDIT : The storyboards are just BW / outline versions of the colored comics (which are actually stickers, BTW).
  14. What ? Someone on BF bought his sets at a toy shop called King Jouet, and received these.
  15. Ekimu is called the Wise Master. Master of Wisdom ? #WAIRUHA2015CONFIRMED Also, new "comics".
  16. Dayum ! I noticed today that all of my Bionicle G2 sets have this part in dark bley. So I checked Bricklink, and it was already the case last year, the 5M B type bone hasn't been produced in black since 2013. Which explains why I have so few left, almost all of my stock is already used in MOCs. I hope it will come back soon.
  17. Perhaps a bit too much. I tried some other alternate color schemes (the black one is gerger's mod with golden rims) : And all of them can be built IRL. :D
  18. The series 5 and 6 are at the London Toy Fair, here are the new tribes colors schemes, according to Huw, from brickset : Brown / gold is an interesting color choice.
  19. Bought him today, I think he's my favourite Toa so far (I still have to get Tahu and Onua).
  20. I went to the Legostore today (got Lewa, Gali, Kopaka and PoJ), and the salesman I talked to told me that the sets were selling quite well (at least for an AF theme). Tahu seems to be the most popular, red characters often get more love. So yeah, I think it's gonna be a good year.
  21. How surprising. Also, why the Toa would create the prophecy ?
  22. Thanks. So in three weeks we'll know. Hope it'll pop up on brickset before. A baby protector, that would be cute. Shortly after Christmas.
  23. The chances to see the Vahi in the polybag are close to zero, because they won't produce a new part for a promo set (unless it appears later at some point in time (haha, time)). A small set, like in 2014, or a recolor of existing elements, like in 2013, are more likely, IMO. Actually, I really think we'll get a black, or red, or purple spider, with another mask maybe. Perhaps Ekimu's gold / blue (not sure about the colors) Protector Mask. BTW, do you guys know when the march store calendar will appear ?
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