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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. Add some white. ;) I'm currently rendering in (regular) yellow / black with dark bley rims, and gerger's version with gold rims. I've also made a 42039 version : white and bright green.
  2. Does that mean that the Mask of Time (G2) will look like the G1 Vahi ? Because I don't know how younger fans (or anyone who doesn't know that it's the G1 Vahi) would react if the MoT hidden in the videos is too different from the actual MoT (if we do get one).
  3. Yup, dark blue is the best, medium blue is boring, IMO. I'd love to see those gold rims on gerger's mod. There are much more parts in 8420, though.
  4. Thanks for your input guys ! I really like yellow too, but it can't be built, because I used Bright Light Orange (Chima Yellow). Regular yellow is brighter, it might not look as good. Actually, only the white / red and the orange version can be built. I don't have it yet, but I'll probably buy the set and the needed white parts to build the white / red version, since it's also my favorite after the yellow one.
  5. I tried alternate color schemes too. Which one is your favourite ?
  6. I rather think it's a bad idea, for two reasons : -Older Bionicle pieces belong to an old system which isn't used anymore by Lego (which means these are parts that today's kids might not ever know). So why would they even bother making parts which are compatible with parts that disappeared five years ago ? -A hole in the middle of the balljoint strongly limits possibilities : you wouldn't be able to do this, or any similar technique (so attaching an armour sideways) anymore. I wouldn't call that increasing the level of MOCing...
  7. Welcome Dr_Chronos ! This tutorial should be helpful. I like the gun modification, the Protector himself not so much, because of he has a massive body, thin upper arms and upper legs, and armoured lower arms and lower legs. The difference is too big. You should add tyres on these bones, it would give more thickness, and more consistency. (: Or, if you don't have tyres, use a combination of this and this (although a combination of black and dark bley isn't the best option, but you could try a dark bley / trans fluore. orange combination instead).
  8. Yes, but this concerns all the sets, not only BIONICLE. I think you're exaggerating the issue. And I just checked, the site works fine for me. I used to have problems playing the videos, but it seems to have been fixed.
  9. I think silver works better with tr. neon green than gold... Not bad. x) I bought him today (finally my first G2 set, hooray !), I like him, more than expected. The only thing I didn't like is the position of the piston add-ons, so I attached them on the lower legs like on this mod.
  10. You'll (almost) be able to build a full-gold Tahu. :p
  11. That's what I thought first, but I wasn't sure, since Bionicle characters don't wear gloves (BTW, I know what a glove is, I don't need a picture ).
  12. Not bad. But why did you replace the silver hands by black ones ? This kinda ruins the color scheme, IMO.
  13. Akamai seems a bit too masive, but Wairuah is excellent. Protector Akamai is a bit weird because of the colors (especially the arms, with all that trans), but overall they're both pretty good.
  14. So... why would they bother creating a whole universe inside a giant robot ? Well, I don't know, that's an interesting question. I'd say that since they created many artificial lifeforms to maintain this robot, perhaps they thought it could be nice for these lifeforms to have their own universe to live in. TDC's idea is good too. In fact, the Matoran don't come from Spherus Magna, they were created by the Great Beings to build and maintain the giant robot for millennia during its mission, so from the GBs' point of view, they don't need to be saved. You guys should check BS01 (or maybe open a BIONICLE G1 Story thread ?) if you want to know more.
  15. His main goal was to explore and observe other worlds, other planets, because the Great Beings wanted to find a way to "reform" Spherus Magna (which had been destroyed by the Shattering because of the Energized Protodermis leaking from the core of the planet).
  16. I quite like the style of the art, but the human-looking statue in Gali's comic is frankly disturbing... Plot twist : G2 BIONICLE is set on future Earth. Also, the Skull Spiders look very robotic, it's a bit strange...
  17. Cool, thank you ! I should try to build with Mixel eyes too, perhaps I could get interesting characters too...
  18. Sorry but I don't understand what you mean. I never claimed he was, though. Well, I don't know, I'm not Lego, perhaps they won't mind if someone says that "a tan set isn't impossible", or anything that's so vague. Perhaps you should ask him directly. That way you could ask him details that only someone who saw the sets could share, if it can help. Yup, true, except for LoSS, he's called Le Seigneur des Araignées (The Lord of the Spiders), and not Le Seigneur des Araignées-Crânes (which is closer to the english name).
  19. Looks like a creepy four-armed skeleton ninja. :p But it looks like you used Tr. Green, and not Tr. Bright Green or Tr. Fluore. Green, the former being much darker than the other ones. If Risgrynsgrot's description is correct, then it's rather gonna be Tr. Bright Green (like the PoJ), or Tr. Fluore. Green (like Pohatu or the PoS). But Tr. Green looks good here, and provides a nice contrast to the white bones, IMO. I just thought of something about the possible recolors... The parts which appear in the new sets were already available in LDD (what I mean is that in the regular LDD mode, you can use bright green or purple 4M shells, or the chest armor in gold, silver, dark orange, etc). So perhaps the next LDD brickset update can give us clues about which parts can appear in the future. Unless we get pictures before, of course.
  20. Actually, he posted his information before Risgrynsgrot. At least about the tan set and the absence of dark blue (which Risgrynsgrot seems to confirm, BTW). Sure, he's intentionally vague, but it's because he saw the sets when he was invited by LEGO France at their HQ for a partnership between them and BIONIFGIS, and I hope you'll understand that it wouldn't be very smart to ruin this partnership by telling everyone details about the confidential info he saw / learnt when he was there. Also, I don't hype him as the original source of information, I'm trying to prove you that he's reliable because you keep accusing him of lying. But I never said that. I said that he provided the official french names in September while we usually get them in December / January, which makes him reliable.
  21. Rocka Breakout (and Splitface, and perhaps some others I forget) disagrees. But I agree, I think a replacement / an alternative to the 2.0 foot is needed. I don't mind the Piraka foot, if we get it in new colors (agree with DOTM Shockwave, black is starting to get boring).
  22. Oh, I was expecting more. But yes, inspiration makes things faster. What's your building method ? Do you pick a part (randomly or not) and say "I'm gonna make a MOC with it !" (which seems more or less to be what happened with the Froobian Cosmonaut's helmet), or "Hey, this could make a great [insert part of the MOC here] !", or do you rather decide to build a special character (a king, a punk, an "invader"...) first, and then choose the most appropriate parts to build it ?
  23. Use the extended mode, you'll be able to use every brick in every color. If you want to color several brick at once, select them, create a group from your selection, select the bucket tool, and click on the group (in the group tab) to change the color of all your bricks. I hope it's clear.
  24. You must be refering to this post, but you seem to forget his next post where he says it's a joke. If you don't want to believe him, it's your choice, but please, don't lie to discredit him. Okay, I'll tell you again : he saw prototypes of the sets at the Lego France HQ back in October. So yeah, things might have changed since then, and perhaps what he says isn't 100% accurate because he doesn't perfectly remember what he briefly saw over two months ago. But still, he's 100% trustworthy. At least, I trust him. I take this post as a proof. He gave us, four months in advance, the official french names. Not a rough translation, or a random guess, no, the actual names (we usually have to wait until they're released on the s@h to get official translations). Also, remember the first Chima Ultrabuild pics ? He provided them.
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