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Action Figure Regulator
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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. And would buy, which would make a poor marketing decision, IMO. x/
  2. Here's a mockup for Lewa, using my gearbox system : It's a bit wobbly, but works like a charm and can hold any position thanks to the friction pins. There's more here.
  3. They would put "pins" on each side of the mask... just for CGI purposes ? Why bother, when they could put nothing at all ?
  4. Here's a gearbox using knob gears based on how I see Lewa's design : I'll try to build it tonight, or tomorrow, I hope it's not too fragile.
  5. At this time, they were losing money, lots of money.
  6. I don't think he would be allowed to talk about upcoming stuff, even if it were about something officially confirmed by Lego.
  7. Great work, LewiMOC ! I think knob gears are too wide, and would require too much space. BTW, has anyone tried to build a gearbox with knob gears instead of 12t ? I think so, but that way the shoulders are as close to the body as possible.
  8. I just made this (really quickly, it's almost a sketch, and I'd need to spend time on some details to make it perfect) : It works just like LewiMOC's concept, but it's a single part. There's also room for a 12t simple bevel (the 0.5 stud thick one) above the pins, because... why not ? Of course, the actual part, if there is one, will look in nothing like that (at least I think so, I'm pretty sure this has many flaws I can't think of right now).
  9. This is a reason why I think 12t gears are more likely to be used than knob gears. Knob gears are about 3 studs wide, and would then require a full stud to rotate, which would push the shoulders half a stud backwards. How many parts do you use ?
  10. I've never found them personally, but I know HF knockoffs are / were available in France, and they have interesting new parts. The brand is Betoys, some of them can be found on ebay.
  11. If there is such a setup for each arm (i.e. a 8t gear + friction pin on each side), you can be sure it won't move. But it could be hard to rotate. I don't have my parts right now, but I'll try to build an actual mock-up this week-end.
  12. It's possible, I noticed something like this on Lewa : (well, at least the gears, the other parts are just an assumption from me) The friction should be enough to hold any certain position, thus disabling the function, in a certain way.
  13. I don't think the gearbox will be a single part, but rather a complete Technic assembly, given the parts count.
  14. Wow, I love the Orbitonz.
  15. This Kaukau scares me. Kopaka looks great, but his shins will have to be modded. The sets look good, and the few backgrounds we can see are beautiful. Gotta love those glorious recolors. Thanks for the pics Mesonak, the Hype Train just officially turned into a Hype Rocket.
  16. C'mon, they can't be that early prototypes. And there are trans-purple parts on the Earth sets, and Trans-Yellow on Stone sets. Do such parts already exist ? Nope. Does the SH chestpiece exist in gold ? Nope. Does the Hulk chestpiece exist in black ? Nope. There are plenty of obvious recolors on this picture, some elements can change, sure, but not as much as you'd want.
  17. Besides the ice parts, I don't see any transparent element on Kopaka.
  18. It's gonna be hard to build a SHIP in 16 days, even in LDD. If someone builds a 100+ studs tall Mata Nui robot, would that count ?
  19. But they don't have to do 72 different masks, they could just produce each Toa Mask in each colour (which would make 36 masks), and maybe even add gold and silver, we would then have 48 masks to collect. They could sell packs of three masks for 3-4€/$, which means we would have to pay a minimum of 48-64€ to get the full set. I was thinking of something, BTW. I don't know if it has been discussed before, but they could throw in let's say three random masks of the Protector's color in each Protector set (e.g. the Protector of Fire would have three red masks), so you can give your character the mask you want, and he / she would have to defend the two other ones. I don't know if it could fit the budget, but, IMO, that could be an interesting feature, you would have playability (defend the masks), and collectible items at the same time.
  20. Not exactly. I'd rather think the set is the whole box, with the sixty packets. Which means that there are three Ralph heads per set (at least according to WhiteFang's review), which is less expensive than one head per set.
  21. Lego can also just sell a plain bag of parts, and tell the kids to use their imagination to build whatever they want. What I mean is yes, Lego is about imagination, but that doesn't mean every set has to be a parts pack like the parts buckets. Especially when it comes to Bionicle, which is more focused on roleplay. Yes, you can imagine your own character, but a kid with action figures (not necessarily buildable ones) will imagine his / her characters' adventures and stories. So you can actually tell a kid to use his / her imagination and give him / her the instructions for a super Toa. It's not incompatible. Plus, the combiners have a marketing value. They say "Hey, have you seen this cool big Toa ? You can build it if you buy two other ones !". It's a very simple way to advertise the other products.
  22. Some news guys. The release date should actually be January. So for the lucky ones who have the luck to get them earlier (which rarely happens here in France, we usually get the sets after the official release date, unlike in the US, hence the previously announced date of February, it was more likely to be a date for the toy shops release), you might get BIONICLE sets for Christmas. I don't know how it will work, but there will still be combos. I'd like to see Kaita-like combos (even if they're not canonically the Toa Kaita, it would be a cool "easter egg" if the official combiners were made of Lewa, Kopaka and Gali and Tahu, Pohatu and Onua). There will be commercials for the Stone Protector and Gali. And maybe for the whole wave / theme, and other characters (I can't imagine there won't be any promotional media that won't focus on Tahu, he's the main character), but these two will definitely have their own TV commercial. My source is the same as before, you can see his original post here, so if you report the news, all credits go to Exo-6 (but you can also credit me ).
  23. 2011 was the first year we had CCBS, it's kinda normal that there weren't as many original and "advanced" designs as 2013 or 2014. As you point out, there were more creative designs in 2009 because it was the fourth year of the "Inika system", it was expanding, and we started to get something different of a basic Toa Inika.
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