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Everything posted by Leewan

  1. What do you mean ? Every set that has this part uses it for a mechanism, even if it's always a simple one.
  2. Hehe, I went to the So Ouest (Paris) Store on Monday, and picked a similar parts selection, @Exetrius : One part that caught my eye is the hammer : it has the same pattern as the CMF S17 Battle Dwarf, but is light bluish gray, and not pearl dark gray.
  3. These prototypes were visible in the background of the designer video, IIRC. The red version on the right seems to be this preliminary model (built by Corvin Stichert), but with a supercharger :
  4. Impressive, your maps are gorgeous. How do you design them ? Do you use a software, or do you print maps on paper and then use them as a template to build ?
  5. Leewan replied to Leewan's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Thanks Mitch. I don't think it can be built with physical bricks in any colour, but if you want to try, I think this will be enough to understand how I made it :
  6. Why would the Land Rover be RC ? We're already getting three RC Technic sets this year, including the crawler 42099. I don't see the reason why Lego would release a set that's essentially the 42099 with a license and a different bodywork only a few months after the crawler's release.
  7. They've been available for a while, actually. I've ordered them exactly a month ago.
  8. Leewan replied to Lego David's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    We do consider the Mixels as such, and if you look at the Action Figure General Index, you'll see they had their yearly topics here.
  9. Leewan posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Back in November, Brickset launched a Character Building Competition. For once, digital entries weren't forbidden. And in fact, not only they were allowed, but they even had their own category ! This was the perfect opportunity for me to finish a character I had the idea of building early last year : Diogenes Trexler, the most powerful wizard in the world (you can see him mentioned in this topic). I wanted to do something really crazy with him. A friend of mine expected to see a lot of dark and edgy characters built for the contest, so I decided to go in a completely different direction and create the kind of character you don't often see with buildable figures : he's fat, he's weird, he wears a purple speedo and dark blue sandals, and he uses magic to change the colour of his hair. I basically see him as a mix between Jeff Lebowski and Doctor Strange. So as you can see above, he's actually blonde, but he makes his hair and beard look grey : The goatee (which is made with a mop) was, IIRC, the starting point of the MOC. And for a long time, it was nothing but a head : it's when I found out about the contest that I decided to finish it. I decided to change his skin colour quite early ; you often see brick-built characters made of tan parts because it's a common colour. Since I build digitally, I don't have this constraint, so I went with medium nougat / medium dark flesh instead. Diogenes is the most powerful wizard in the world, so he is not only able to make his enchanted surfboard levitate or change his hair colour as you can see above, he is also able to create energy orbs : Or hypnotize people : Which means he can summon a Medusnail (wizards and witches can summon magical creatures based on their powers : for example someone who's good at using fire magic will be able to summon a dragon or other fire-related creatures. In Diogenes' case, hypnosis is his specialty, so he can summon creatures with eyes-based powers) : I initially wanted to go full absurd and give him a useless animal, like a blobfish or a jellyfish (it can be dangerous, but couldn't be able to move outside of the water), but I liked the idea of combining a snail and Medusa so much that I kept it. When he's bored, he leaves his body and travels on a cosmic plane : All of these images were created with Mecabricks. I mostly used the features of the renderfarm, and didn't edit any of the renders, except the one right above, where I took a screenshot of the model with Matcap lighting and X-ray enabled and put it on a space-y background. "Now, off we go my dear Benicio !" More renders can be seen in the flickr gallery I've specially created for him : https://www.flickr.com/photos/161156032@N05/ (I chose not to post these renders on my main account because I liked the idea of having a completely crazy entry appearing out of nowhere) Hope you'll like him, cheers !
  10. Leewan replied to Leewan's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    @zoth33, @jamesn, @Reaper, @rodiziorobs, @Nantucketdink, @The Last of Nergoue : Thank you all ! I wanted to try something new and truly different for this MOC, and I'm glad people like it. Thanks ! I always enjoy seeing how MOCs were made, what kind of challenges the builder faced, what kind of technique they used and why, so I try to do that myself, I find it interesting. And we're on a forum, so I might as well talk about how the MOC is built, rather than simply post pictures and leave. No, actually there are trans-clear parts, but I've edited the pictures to hide them. Actually, to make each picture I've composited four photos : one without the bursts, one with the very first one, another with two bursts, and a fourth one with all of the three bursts. The "real" MOC that's sitting on my shelf looks rather like this :
  11. Leewan posted a post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Hi, I've recently (well, more or less, I began working on it late September) built a MOC inspired by the video game The Elders Scrolls V : Skyrim : For those who don't know the game, the name of the scene comes from a power the main character possesses : the Voice. It allows you to use Shouts which have different effects on your character, your ennemies, or the environment. Having appeared in the the game trailer and subsequently become a meme, Fus Ro Dah is the most famous Shout of the game, which sends other characters and animals flying away. I've been wanting to build a scene from the game for a long time, and while playing it a few months ago, I realized the then-newly released Power Burst shields could be a good representation of the Shouts. To make the action visually striking, I knew couldn't place the characters on ground level, so I decided to build a small cliff where I would place the protagonist. A mere rock was a tad boring, so I've added a ruined tower on top of it, and a tree : I wanted, for each of these elements, to try something new. The cliff is made of 21 one different blocks, each attached to the main structure with Mixel joints. I started from the ground to the top, building each block as I went. I didn't have enough parts to build them from scratch, so instead of ordering a large amount of various slopes, I used Mecabricks to build the MOC digitally first. Thanks to this, I can easily show how the structure looks like without having to disassemble the MOC, and show what each block is made of precisely : The tower is built in a similar manner, except the blocks are stacked and not attached to a hidden structure. Each block is then precisely rotated to eliminate gaps between the curved slopes. Here's how the tower is designed : Only the tree wasn't made with Mecabricks, because I wanted a level of randomness that's easier to attain while building physically directly. The design is based on the large pine tree for which you can find a tutorial on brickbuilt.org, but I wanted to add my own spin to the design and used the tree trunk costume to build the trunk. Not the strongest design, to be honest. And, finally, to add an extra threat to our poor thief, I've added a smilodon. Thank you Lego City ! More pictures can be found in the flickr album : https://www.flickr.com/photos/126493865@N07/albums/72157677926071838 Hope you'll enjoy it !
  12. So did I, but the palette was kinda limited, and contestants only had two months to get the right idea and create a MOC that looks good, that people would want to buy, that's interesting to build, and that follows the rules. There were just too many constraints.
  13. For the shell the part number is 31901. For the spring shooter it's 15400 and for the arrow it's 15303.
  14. @koalayummies, @carebear, @sunhuntin : Thank you. (: Haha, to be honest it's part of why I picked this subject. James Bond is more commonly associated with nice cars, and more particularly Aston Martin, so it's something people will more naturally tend to build. Having already done that myself, this time I thought I'd go the completely opposite direction and build an ugly statue of a dog instead.
  15. Back in October, Lego launched a James Bond-themed contest on Ideas. I didn't initially plan on entering, but ultimately got an idea that I thought was original and interesting enough. I mostly did that because I wanted to challenge myself and to try to do something difficult, something I had never done before, and didn't care about winning a prize. So I came up with a Lego rendition of M's bulldog statue, seen in Skyfall and Spectre : Now, obviously this is the real version. Here's my build : I initially wanted to use slopes and curved slopes to shape the flag, but it didn't look really good, so I decided to use plates instead. The studs would help erase the stairway effect created by the different layers of plates, and create a generally smoother shape. Plus, it would make the distinction between the dog and the flag clearer. When I found out - much to my surprise - that I ended up being one of the two Runner Up Winners, I decided I couldn't let my entry stay a digital build only, so I made a few changes to the model, ordered the necessary parts, and built a physical copy of the MOC : Most of the changes are invisible : some parts that don't exist yet have been swapped for parts that do exist (like the 1x3 jumper in red, or the 1x1-1x1 bracket in white), there's been a few structural changes to make it easier to attach the head and the chest to the body, and I've added a small pedestal that showcases the MOC better, and more importantly that helps securing the arms (otherwise they'd only be attached to the body with a single stud, and could easily fall off). You can see how the MOC is built by checking the 3D model on Mecabricks, and if you want to build it yourself, you can get the parts list here.
  16. What ? The 75975 set is available for preorder on the s@h in all of the countries mentioned in that tweet. Actually, the only countries where the Overwatch sets can't be preordered are Australia and New Zealand, but even there, Watchpoint : Gibraltar will be sold.
  17. Why don't you post them directly ?
  18. It's not really new : That set is from 2011. And even this year, the Arctic Mobile Exploration Base's crane truck made use of this technique :
  19. If you're not against it, you could 3D print it. A STL file is available here, but I don't know how faithful to the original part the model is. (And, since I'm here, it would be rude from me not to congratulate @brunojj1 for his fantastic build )
  20. Your picture still doesn't show. @VBBN told you yesterday you have to upload it on an external website if you want others to see it, and I'm sure most if not all of them can be used with an iPad.
  21. Leewan replied to Steven the toa of flight's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    You could check the MOCing Advice & Ideas thread, or the MOC index. But please note that most of those threads haven't had a new message in months, if not years, so you probably wouldn't get an answer if you ask builders how they did a certain part of their MOCs.
  22. They're from Ben 10 sets, the part number is 87844. I doubt you'd get an answer from @Logan McOwen though, since this thread hasn't been updated in more than two years. For such questions, it would be more appropriate to use the Action Figure Forum Discussion topic :
  23. You're too modest. I think it would be interesting to get shots of the ground through the gaps. It would allow to see more details of what you've built. Also, what are the dimensions of the ship ?
  24. Last year, I've built a Blade Runner-inspired MOC on Mecabricks : The original model can still be seen here. As you can see, some parts used in my build don't exist in dark blue. So this model remained a virtual MOC, until March 2018. The Speed Champions Ford Fiesta had some new parts in dark blue, so I redesigned my MOC to be able to build it with physical bricks. Here's the result : I've put a lot of thought in this model, trying to make it sturdy, fun and interesting to build (as you can see below, the MOC is made of several distinct modules), but without compromising the looks. The build is so smooth, there are only four visible studs on the whole model (or five, if you count the half-studs of the 3x2 wedge plates) : two on the windscreen, and two on a wedge plate on the bottom of the MOC : I've created PDF instructions with stud.io's instructions maker, which are available on bricksafe, as well as the parts list to get the required parts on Bricklink.
  25. What I don't like with the assembly images is the way the parts are rendered. The light is too strong, and the shadows too dark sometimes. It would be better if the parts in the assembly images were rendered as they are in the parts list, or even better, with an uniform colour like in Lego sets' instructions. Anyways, it does a pretty good job, and I find it easier to use than LPub, but also more limited. I'll keep using Mecabricks for building and rendering, though, with Studio for making instructions.
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