Everything posted by Leewan
LEGO® CUUSOO 空想 - Turn your model wishes into reality
Yes I know. But I think it's quite ironical to see this sentence under a message saying "we won't produce your project at all".
LEGO® CUUSOO 空想 - Turn your model wishes into reality
Lego has archived Senteosan's Jurassic Park project, because of Hasbro's license. This was to be expected. PS : I really like the last sentence of Lego's message : Please understand that our comments here do not have an effect on the LEGO Review that will take place if the project reaches 10,000 supporters.
- Lego 2013 Holiday Sets 1/2 2/2 (HR Images)
[MOC] Witch Doctor + Core Hunter = a titan.
Maybe put the armors the other way (with the holes downward). Do you have any remaining parts ? It seems that you wanted to use all the parts, so I'm not sure about that...
[MOC] Witch Doctor + Core Hunter = a titan.
I like the torso armor, even if that makes the head look very small. The shins are too thin, compared to the rest of the MOC.
LEGO® CUUSOO 空想 - Turn your model wishes into reality
I really like the Bricksoria idea, and I supported it. But indeed, this project won't get that many votes easily. EDIT : The project earned more than 120 votes in a few hours. If it keeps on getting supported, it will be in the top 10, which would be a good highlight.
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Legends of Chima 2013 (Action Figures)
They could be in fact used to "absorb" faster their production/design cost.
Hero Factory 2013
Since my neighbour got Evo, Aquagon, Surge and Frost Beast recently, I could see them in person. Surge is quite disappointing. His legs are too long, and he is too thin, IMO. But he's a good parts pack, so he's not totally bad. Evo and Aquagon are good, and Aquagon's brain is lovely. I built an alternate combo (a shark-like MOC), I'll take photos soon. Frost Beast is not as good as expected. He's still good, but I was expecting better. He looks a bit cartoonish. But I love his "face". I'll probably get Aquagon, FB, and maybe Dragon Bolt.
Tabimir V2
I think I'm gonna steal these hands for my Hyperwarp. No, they are too big. :\ This is a great MOC. I especially like the upper torso, the tubing is great, and the gears over the shouders are a nice touch. I also like the two trans-blue "dots" near the waist (you can see what I'm talking about here). Speaking of which, this is an awesome color scheme. I might steal it too, when I'll get some H2 HF sets. :D
Your dream Lego theme
I personally'd love a Tron theme. There are enough main characters for minifigs (plus random figs if needed, such as fighters, guards, etc), and interesting vehicles. And it's a Disney movie, so Lego won't have any licensing problem.
Constraction custom parts
Mostly depends on the material you choose, and the volume of the part. Pics are links. (I haven't ordered this one, that's why there's a render and not a photo) I recommend to order in Strong and Flexible Plastic (stronger and cheaper), or in Detail Plastic (less strong and pricier, but still stronger and cheaper than Frosted Ultra Detail, the material I used for my parts). The material choice depends on whether you prefer the strength or appearance (and the amount of money you're ready to pay ), and in your case, the color you want. If anyone of you guys order one or several parts, please post pictures here. Also, please give feedback, so that I can improve my parts if necessary (but I don't think so, since I haven't encountered any problem yet).
- Help with identifying parts/sets!
Changing the color of a model in LDD 4.3.6?
Yeah, that works too. But with my solution, you also avoid to recolor the whole model. ^^ And yours works only if the parts you want to repaint are all the same color. I have a little example : (Yes, this is ugly in dark blue, that was a bad idea )
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 11 Rumours & Discussion
How wide is the head of the Gingerbread Man ? It seems to have a two studs diameter, can anyone confirm ?
Design for new Hero Factory Torsos
Good idea ! That could work with both Aanchir's and my design. I don't know why I haven't thought of it. But there would be a huge gap around the neck. :/ This is still a great idea, thanks,MakutaDreadscythe.
Hero Factory 2013
I agree, I personnaly have enough 3M black shells so I can't complain. Plus, IMO, trans-black shells would make of Razar an instabuy, for me : 6 trans-black 3D shells, 4 purple, and 2 5M shells, this would be a gold mine.
[MOC] Hyperwarp 1.9
Thank you ! And the firefighters breathing part/slizer arm is a surprisingly strong connection. The MOC fell of my desk a couple days ago, and the arms remained as is, nothing moved.
- MOC-WIP Pacific Rim Jaeger Cockpit
Design for new Hero Factory Torsos
(Sorry for the DP) Here's my idea (which looks like Aanchir's idea, I know) : This part is made to work with this and this, that way : It has the same dimensions as a normal large torso. The central balljoint, though, is one module lower. This kind of torso is conceived to work with a two-parts armor : one on the middle top balljoints, like Drilldozer or Hulk's armor (but this body would need a smaller version), and one on the central balljoint (a 4M ou 5M armor would be ideal). But I still need to find an idea to make a two-parts armor that would allow to choose between the 7M and the 9M width.
Hero Factory 2013
Beautiful. Too bad the actual set has black armors.
Design for new Hero Factory Torsos
So finally I wasn't totally wrong when I said it would be hard to design. This is really interesting, Front, thanks for all those informations !
- Modification and improvements of 41999. Pimp my BOSS!
LEGO CREATOR 2014 News & Discussion
At first glance I thought shoulders joints were Mixels parts too, but it's more likely to be BIONICLE joints, like the legs.
Design for new Hero Factory Torsos
I see, it's like the holes in technic beams. Alright, thanks for those explanations ! But if you replace the axle hole with the three round holes (like this), you would still need a four-sections mold, since these holes are in the same direction as the axle hole, right ?
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