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ultimate antrozek

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About ultimate antrozek

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  1. Officially. Mark Surge is my favourite hero, and Xplode my favourite villain
  2. I just love how giant the villains are. and POP UP tentacles
  3. "No..It's a tank" I officially love Bulk
  4. Makuhero is a robotic king fu master
  5. funny. here they are like 40 USD
  6. As an artist, these Baterra and Element lords are FFFFFFFFFFFF- YEAH, I love them, I love Sayger imagination and the darkness he applies to everything he does, If I could actually buy it here on Argentina, I could do it, maybe if I tell one of my friends obsesed with comic books to talk with a Distributor of the zone. he may be able to order these books so I can buy them. and maybe buy all the other GN I wished to have
  7. I could sign for conceptual artist andd maybe voice actor
  8. Ahhh..A baterra by Stuart Sayger, I always loved his style. so dark. so fitting. those beautiful shades that begin rough and ends softly. I wonder if I can get these books on argentina..
  9. BINKY MOC IS GODLIKE I bring you two fan-made villains. Maybe the first fan-made villains you have ever seen. ----LONGLEGS---- A calm yet cruel and deadly foe for heroes. he stalkers in the shadows. but before you could notice his red glowing eyes looking at you. you could be on the floor knocked out. He is not a human killer. but a Hero and robots killer and he loves destruction. and has Jelousy on heroes. Because when he was a Hero. he was the best of the team. but the other members were always taking the credit. His hatred make him become a loyal Von Nebula servant. who modified his body into a stalking pale and skinny beast with powerful claws. He is always relying on what Heroes do. that they're no more than another number and scrap metal recycled. Even with his program changed. If he sees a human in danger. he will protect the human. and then. Kill the heroes that the human called for. Oh yeah. he is based on Krika ----BLACKWING---- Subject: Blackwing Occupation: Villain Former Occupation: Hero Blackwing reports. Information you're asking for is confidential. If you accept to read the information of this former Hero factory member. press "Yes" -YES- "Blackwing, What we could say about him? He is misterious as Meltdown. He dislikes fire weapons. and he doesn't know how to use them. He fights with honor with his blade. if his opponent doesn't have a weapon to fight him. he will surely give his enemy a weapon. .. He likes wearing Human jackets and other ropes It's uknown what's on his right arm exactly" Oh, and he is based on Antroz
  10. Anyone here thinks that Makuhero city is simply a robot utopia on earth?
  11. Actually is easier to think that humanity created metal heros to fight aliens coming to a futuristic earth or corrupted robots of Von Nebula. than a society in a world where only robots exist. and where there are natural and organic enviroments as ice, trees. or even water. that could be more Metru Nui than Hero factory. LEGO what they did it's simply to resycle some parts of Bionicle story- but in a way that the only thing that Hero factory does have of Bionicle are the pieces And I believe that Makuhero is a robot because..well..We will find out in a possible video freaturing heroes being called to a mission where is almost expected to see Makuhero on a chair going from here to there against a giant TV where he contacts the heroes. Like an parody to old series about spies or heroes. My brain is corrupted. don't ask for something inteligent coming from me.
  12. Von Nebula I tried a different style on Hero factory characters. here ya got Von Nebula. Oh yeah. and HF: Tears of a war machine was cancelled due to this year school. now school is like "TIME TO GET SERIOUS!"· - Sigma
  13. maybe between ROS 10 and the second comic Metru nui was all evacuated and destroyed by the rahkshi. but with the makuta mind-core safe in the coliseum
  14. Stormer promoting his own Action figure. WIN WIN WIN
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