MOC: Mad Dog Battlemech
I don't know, I could imagine a star of those 'Mechs perching atop a ridge looking much like actual Vultures before raining LRMs down on their opponents. As to the 'Mech itself, it's a fantastic piece of work. I'd agree that the arms and toes could use a bit of work, but overall it looks great.
MOC: 3177 Small Car Mod
Hah! Nice mod. It's like a tracked version of the Smart fourfun2.
MOC: Meter Maid Interceptor
Good job on the build, and as others have said, the scene with the boot is great!
MOD: Smart, Smarter, Smartest
I really like the red/orange/yellow end of the spectrum. Well done, Selander.
Review: 30008 Snowman & 30009 Christmas Tree
I thought these were great little sets, both as models and as parts packs. My wife picked up both of these (for herself ) back before Christmas, and we set them in our holiday display with the Winter Toy Shop and some other stuff. While she was putting the tree together I dubbed it the 'tree-copter' for the way it was put together. Frosty was posed at the top of the ski slope with broom raised chasing the kids down the hill.
MOC: Tow truck
Great amount of details big and small you packed in to that truck. Nice work!
MOC: American Fire Truck
Wonderful eight-wide! I know many people don't care for it, and it really is at the max of 'minifig scale', but for huge stuff like a big fire truck like yours I think it just fits.
Is Green Grocer gone?
Yep, if the box is banged up enough to be discount-worthy, they put a sticker on the upper-right corner with the discount and reason. For example, my Winter Toy Shop came in a 'damaged box' (looked like it was on the end of the case and something went through the case box and into the back of the set box, putting a huge gash in it, but it was taped up well and nothing was missing) so it was marked 10% off. Clearance stuff gets similar stickers. At least that's how they do it in the Boston area stores.
Starbug SHIP Update
Awesome! You've nailed the shape, I can't wait to see it entirely green.
Avatar MINIs: Scorpion Gunship and Valkyrie Shuttle
It's too bad the fans can't sit down in the ducts, but of course that's a limitation of the parts, not the builder. The rotorcraft were one of my favorite things about the movie (along with the 'AMP suit' 'mechs), and your mini version does a nice job of capturing the look of it. The shuttle is sleek and bulky at the same time. Great work as usual.
Starcraft II's Zerg Drone
Very nice! You got the shape bang-on, and I'll echo the others and say that the croissant-claws are genius. If you get enough drones in the same area in the original StarCraft they really look insectile and creepy, I'm sure they'll be even more creepy-crawly in SCII.
CLASSIC Review: 6980 Galaxy Commander
Thanks for the great review. What a thing of beauty. I never had any of the really big ships when I was young, but this was one of the sets I remember whiling away the time pouring over the catalogs and longing for. I had no idea that the ship had those inverted trans-blue windscreens.
The Resistance is discovered!
Great stuff. It really makes quite the scene all together. The walker looks like a little 1-man version of Dr. Loveless' spider walker from the Wild Wild West movie.
Review: 30051 MINI X-Wing Fighter
Thanks for the review Big Cam. My only quibble with the model is that in attempting to make the model more detailed, it looks a bit too bulky for it's size, particularly the blasters. That's the one category where I'd say the older model wins over the new one; it's sleeker/more slender. Then again, neither one looks particularly good with the S-foils 'closed', so there's still that to be improved. These sold out pretty fast at my local Targets. A friend of mine snagged one each of the Easter impulse sets for me last Wednesday, and by the time I actually got to the store over the weekend, there were two or three X-Wings left and no RASs at all. I don't know how many the store had to begin with, but judging by the number of City sets there, I'd doubt it was a tiny number. Since there's already one waiting for me, I didn't pick up any more in the hopes that maybe some little kid might get to find some Lego in their Easter basket.
- Bag building
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