Everything posted by Darth Punk
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I'm not sure how there wouldn't be a third wave. Too much content that has not been touched. Especially considering that TLG is releasing a wave with each hobbit movie. Do people really think a movie like the hobbit would get three waves and TLoR only two? It's more likely a question of a fourth wave for TLoR or only three.
10235 Winter Village Market
Has anyone tried to motorize the carousel? I've never messed with motors before for lego and was looking for an easy way to attach the power functions m motor. Was thinking about using a shorter version of the axel that protrudes through the roof and placing the motor vertically on top. I'm unsure of the torque the motor produces and how much support it needs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Some kind of mt. Doom set would be great, especially a prologue set. It is after all the main objective of three movies. Plus having some kind of Sauron would be incredibly cool.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Yes the dwarves may battle Smaug but that doesn't necessarily mean Smaug is dead at the end. In the book the dwarves don't fight the dragon at all so who knows if the dwarves end up actually killing Smaug. He could easily just fly off leaving us waiting for the third movie. A giant cliffhanger otherwise there is only the battle of the five armies left plus whatever else Jackson,makes up.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Probably in general this time of year is slow for selling many toys. Kids back in school and such. And I imagine when the next hobbit movie comes out that will rekindle interest in the whole LoTR/Hobbit line. Especially if we see more foreshadowing of the LoTR which is highly likely. I agree the second wave has been less than thrilling and there are still many scenes left that people would go crazy over if made into sets. Most stores make the majority of their money during the Christmas season so I doubt the fate of the LoTR hangs by a thread during a normally slow period of the year. The only thing I see that would scuttle a third wave is if the second hobbit move tanks.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Future The Hobbit Sets?
What is not to understand.? As been mentioned numerous times TLG has a licensing agreement that only allows them to make battle packs for Star Wars.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO LotR - general discussion
If we see minis tirith I agree it will be a courtyard type scene, much like the lego game. I also don't think we will see anything more of Rohan especially if there is not going to be a fourth wave. The prancing pony would be cool but it too would probably only be seen in a fourth wave. I think much depends on how well the first two waves sell and of course any licensing agreements that were made if we are going to see much more of LoTR. I would love to see about five waves but I get the feeling that we will only see three which is going to,disappoint a great deal of people. So here is hoping the second wave is flying,off the shelves.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Bilbo describes the battle despite being knocked out. He retells what was seen by those who were in the battle. It wasn't massive, but Jackson in his folly quest to put the hobbit on the same level as lord of the rings will make it look like all of middle earth is fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if Smaug is in the final battle as well. It's funny how people seem to love the battle scenes when Tolkien was actually trying to show how war is terrible and destructive.
Disney franchises selective?
Other than sw, which is by default, it doesn't seem like any of the Disney lego lines have done great. Some of their more recent movies seemed to be made solely to sell merchandise. Plop a Disney logo on it and some people will buy it no matter how dull it is.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I agree lego spy that the price is going to be around $100.. I think the Minas tirith will look like it does in the lego game at the end. Lego will have some small set to add to it for the battle and perhaps a small set with the elephants. If they are going to do a big set at the end I would suspect it will focus on mount doom and that area of middle earth.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Not really, the missing high and low sets could be exclusives. If the list is real it most likely came from a retailer who would not get information about the exclusives. I would bet a Smaug set when it comes will be a lego exclusive and would be kept under wraps until an official announcement.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Jackson is trying desperately to turn the hobbit into a lord of the rings size trilogy. Unfortunately he is distorting the storyline to stretch it over three movies. As cool as he is the book is not called Smaug,. I just hope TLG releases a Smaug set the second wave so we can all move on.
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