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Darth Punk

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Darth Punk

  1. Darth Punk replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I am really hoping to get the war doctor. Day of the Doctor was a great episode and would love a set based on it.
  2. Ironically, the death star sized set that was supposed to come out might actually be the Death Star. But just not this year.
  3. He was deputy director of naval intelligence while on the DS. Referring to him as admiral would seem to make sense , especially since he would still hold the title as admiral in the naval fleet.
  4. After eight years, updating the star wars flag ship would make a great deal of sense. Especially if TLG looks to keep it around for a long while. It is starting to look dated both in terms of build and Minifigs. One set doesn't replace the other. A new DS set could easily be around for another eight years while the final duel will be gone after a year or so. The DS set is unique and cannot really be compared to other sets in terms of why people may purchase it.
  5. $75 worth of star wars merchandise.
  6. Yularen was sitting at the conference table next to Admiral Motti, guy Vader chokes, during the discussion about the imperial senate being dissolved. Cool scene thus I am very happy to get him.
  7. Darth Punk replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I think lashing out at people and name calling just because they disagree with your opinion is a great example of being emotionally fragile. I would think "all your many years of foruming" would have clued you into the fact that isn't how adults conduct themselves. This is an adult discussion site and it's also not a great idea to bring up topics that you don't actually want to discuss. Please take your hate elsewhere. Anyway, anyone else keeping up with spoilers?
  8. Darth Punk replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    The way they handled the EU made the most sense. It's all still viable for future inclusion and can be done in a way that works the best. I imagine most of the more popular portions of the EU will end up being canon in one form or another.
  9. Darth Punk replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I fail to see how I am "discriminating" against anyone and most certainly was not my intention. I also fail to see who owns stars wars as a reason not to like it. If the films are good then who really cares. It's not like Lucasfims has gone away. And many of other people brought in work on the films are all big fans. If the movies suck, then sure people can tear Disney apart. But why condemn it entirely despite the fact not a single film has yet to,be released? Both my brother and I were rather upset ourselves when we heard Disney bought Star Wars. But there really isn't anything that would keep me from seeing TFA.
  10. Darth Punk replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    If one cannot be excited about 6 Star Wars movies in 6 years then I would say you aren't much of a fan to begin with. The EU still exists it's just now called Legends. And besides much of it either sucked or contradicted itself. If you have been paying attention Disney is already pulling material out of EU. They have a very long history of staying true to their IPs and ensuring their continued existence. Disney can do what probably no other company would be able to do and that is make Star Wars movies for a very, very long time. There is already talk of a four trilogy. While personally I haven't been a fan of Disney for a long time, from what I see of TFA and Rebels it's obvious they get it. They have a plethora of classic movies because they know If you have something good you don't mess with it.
  11. Darth Punk replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    That's what I'm thinking.
  12. The first list is from http://www.bzpower.com/story.php?ID=7384 and the other information comes from the original posters. I thought it would be a good time to take a look again at some of what we know.
  13. I think that would be completely unavoidable unless you lived in middle of no where without outside contact. There are of course already official renderings for the movie.
  14. People should also keep in mind that there are those who would consider the sets themselves to be spoilers. And yes there are rumors to be discussed that are "official" rumors. One cannot discuss a rumor without some amount of speculation otherwise what is there to discuss? There are certainly websites where merely commenting on a rumor is readily available, but I would believe that most of us are here for more than that. Parsing what is rumor or not is not the point of course. The point is the discussion of spoilers which one can see by this page alone varies from person to person. The vast majority of Star Wars sites that I belong to separate spoilers from the mainstream discussion so those who wish to read and discussion spoilers can freely do so. And due to the unique nature of Star Wars I believe that eurobricks should have the same. It's already apparent that some wish to define exactly what should and shouldn't be discussed. This and the talk of rumors, official or otherwise, based on information not had by those not following rumors is why we need a seperste topic. People are going to talk about rumors and spoilers no matter what, this way those who wish to do so can without the constant complaints of them saying too much. And those who wish to wait for official information and limit spoiler discussion and still do so here. It's a win win situation for everyone.
  15. The question is how does one discuss rumors which some will always view as spoilers? Any potential set discussion, either real or imagined will include names of characters, spoiler, purpose and place of set, spoiler. See where I am going with this? This isn't a general topic, this is about one specific movie franchise and soon the topic is going to be solely based on TFA. What is going to happen in order to avoid complaints of spoilers is we are going to have page and page filled with spoiler tags. I'm sure that will do wonders for discussion not to mention make people hesitant about saying anything. I don't think the burden of deciding at what level someone considers information to become a spoiler should fall on those not wishing to avoid spoilers. And someone is always going to say too much without thinking which is only going to lead to further problems. The discussion of TFA is only going to grow especially once the summer sets are out and September draws near. If one wants to avoid hearing something then they should avoid the very place where something might be discussed. It's that easy. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just being realistic and wish to end what I see will be the growing problem of spoilers. This is Star Wars after all, not just some run of the mill movie. There are a great deal of people who are very passionate about this subject and wish to freely discuss such matters. I have myself have avoided posting untagged spoilers and will continue to do so. I believe the best option for going forward is to have a completely separate topic dealing with TFA. I have already PM'ed the moderator about this possibility and to get his thoughts on the matter. I of course wish to hear the thought of other people here as well so we can work out a solution that will best for work for everyone.
  16. I don't see either as being reasonable since this is a discussion about future sets. TFA discussion is only going to continue to grow as the year goes on. And at some point I imagine TFA will make up the vast majority of discussion. We either need a separate topic for TFA set or those who want to avoid spoilers should just avoid this topic.
  17. There won't be any set releases for the summer wave in April. People were talking about seeing images of the TFA sets possibly in April due to the showing of the new trailer at the celebration event. But I doubt that will happen and that we will not see any pictures until the sets hit production due to leaks by factory workers.
  18. The time line alone makes OT much more relevant now while making pt seem more like an outliner. If the new trilogy becomes a big hit this affect will become magnified even greater. A Lucasless trilogy that better matches the more popular OT in look and style is going to only further emphasis how out of place the pt looks and feels.
  19. Darth Punk replied to just2good's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Not sure if anyone has heard about the Hobbit Lego DLC pack not happening. http://www.thebrickfan.com/no-lego-the-hobbit-the-battle-of-five-armies-dlc-being-released/
  20. Well it happened, no DLC pack for Battle of the Five Armies. http://www.thebrickfan.com/no-lego-the-hobbit-the-battle-of-five-armies-dlc-being-released/
  21. June 27 isn't necessarily the release date for the U.S. Disney set the beginning of September as when TFA merchandise can be released. As well as the information that's been leaked about the Lego sets has the beginning of September as the release date. It is indeed the most likely reason that the summer wave is so small.
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