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Darth Punk

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Darth Punk

  1. This is the ship you are looking for http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sentinel-class_shuttle
  2. There really is no point here since we never see a stormtrooper face thus making it irrelevant. The only certainty is they could be a clone thus the use of a clone head. A blank head would infer it was neither a clone or human.
  3. Yes but they could end up calling it the r-22. I suspect over time we will see more and more Legends adapted and made into canon. Which was kind of his point. That was why making the entire EU into Legends was a smart move, allowing them to pick and choice to add when it made sense. No predetermined future.
  4. No, he is referring to the CR90 corvette. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/CR90_corvette/Canon As featured recently. Bail Organa's cr90 was the Tantive IV, the ship at the beginning of ANH.
  5. They wear helmets, I fail to see how their face matters.
  6. Yes that video has been posted several times including once in the last day or so.
  7. Maybe a tantive IV with bail organa and Ashoka is in our future.
  8. If you quote this reply you can see how to do a spoiler. Just replace testing with your own text.
  9. Don't think so, the bounty hunters have been rumored to involve the Fett family. Or at the very least actual bounty hunters, not rebels. That was indeed a great episode and now I can't wait for next season.
  10. http://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-rebels-cast-confirmed-for-star-wars-celebration-2015 I've seen it reported on Jedi news and the Star Wars underground. The above is the source.
  11. I believe they are showing the whole first episode of season 2 plus some previews of the coming season.
  12. I like this list better too. And the first source for these did say Boba. Thanks!
  13. Please add me to that list for PM Sir Von Lego.
  14. CM4Sci passes along a good deal of information that is accurate.
  15. They are only showing the premiere, season 2 isn't supposed to return until the fall 2015. A winter 2016 wave of rebels thus would make more sense. Patience is a virtue.
  16. You are right, that Cinderella girl should know her place. Scrub floors until she can find a rich man to take care of her.
  17. And that is the concept art given to TLG by Disney to work from? I only ask because concept art can change from original to the final version. So I agree with what Rollermonley is saying especially since TLG would have to start working on sets 18-24 months before they are released. So at the point they start working there might just be a rough idea given to them and could completely change.
  18. My guess is we will be seeing more. I think a more themed type cmf would appeal to non-lego or only occasional buyers. They could buy many of the minifigs without having to invest in sets. Simpsons being a great example. Some may even feel compelled to collect them all. The usual cmfs might seem pretty random to the casual observer and don't really provide any pop culture appeal. They cover a wide variety of themes that aren't going to be compelling to those not already buying lego. Personally i never buy all of a series only getting the ones either I or my children find interesting. Mainly they are used to supplement displays and other various sets. If I didn't buy lego I probably wouldn't mess with them.
  19. Can be preordered on Amazon for 14.47 at the moment. Released on April 28. Great little fig, though admittedly I was already going to get the book. Now I might pick up a couple.
  20. I agree a very different perspective. I don't nornally follow Hasbro so it's hard to gauge some of this stuff. The lego Star Wars constraction sets do indicate a change. How much of it will affect TLG is hard to say. Hopefully we will see with the TFA sets.
  21. In the perhaps changing landscape of action figures this is an interesting read http://www.jeditemplearchives.com/content/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=15082
  22. The back end of that plane reminds me of a cargo plane. The front nose looks great, then it goes down hill from there.
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