Everything posted by Jared
[MOC] AMX "Hunchback" Mobile Gun Platform
Very nice alternatives!
MOC - Blade Runner Police Spinner 44
Excellent runner!
- [MOC] Planet OSWION Expedition
[MOC] Orange Fury
Very nice, love the colour choice!
- "In space no one can hear you scream ..."
- MOC Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot "The Penguin"
[MOC] Jurassic World - Riding with Raptors
Awesome little scene!
- [MOC] DC Superheroes Advent Calendar
- MOC: I give you ENTROPY!
What Will The 2016 Deadpool Movie Bring To LEGO?
Stole the words right out of my mouth.
Interesting news story
I tend to find the people who write these articles don't know much about the hobby. :/
- [MOC]Red Skull's Flying-Wing Chase
[MOC] Mobile Suit RX-78-2 Gundam
Very nice, but I have some small criticism. You definitely stayed true to the show's tendency for simple animation and making the suit look bulky, so I commend you on that! That's also the problem, it's definitely a bit too wide. Otherwise, some solid detail. Hope to see an improved version soon!
USS Enterprise from ST2009/Into Darkness
Nice use of the hinge for the warp nacelles!!
- MOC: M35 Mako from Mass Effect
- MOC: Sverdlovsk '86
- [MOC] Centurions 30th Anniversary
[REVIEW] 70786 Gali: Master of Water
Humina humina humina...
- Just found this website, and I'm loving it!
Hello to all! My name is Cindy
Welcome Cindy! It's only a 9 hour drive to Chicago for Brickworld, maybe I'll see you there one day? ;D
- Doctor who legacy app discussion.
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
fingers crossed Krynoids are coming back!!
Making a community grow
I don't run my LUG, there are much more qualified people for that, but just remember the most important part is to have fun. LUGs are about meeting people and having fun with LEGO. Be careful it doesn't turn into a business, then you're on a slippery slope.
Canadian Eh?
"Oh, also please have a great day!"
Your Eurobricks Passport
Canadian Passport. I've gone to lots of places in America, usually the popular places everyone goes, as well as Wapakoneta and places in Kentucky. Sadly, I've been to more places in America than I have in my own country. Though hopefully that'll change in the summer. I plan on doing a month of Canada-wide travelling by train. Lego-related I went to Chicago for Brickworld this year. I've been to the land of Kangaroos and didgeridoos more times than I care to remember. South Africa once. France (Paris) once. I'm not much of a traveller. I quite like my country. Now if only there more LEGO conventions here, I wouldn't have to go to the U.S. as much... XD
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