Everything posted by Jared
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Doctor Who Wishlists
Actually, a bust sounds really awesome, and in fact it wouldn't have to be a bust, but maybe a buildable play-set where you build the head and you could have mini/micro figs and the head opens up and becomes a playset and.... maybe I'm dreaming a little too much ;) Excellent idea for a thread! I love your list Ultron (;D) but I feel like some of the playsets are too specific and do not cater to enough of an audience. I think it would have to be more general than that as well as based on a finale or opener episode. Eg. The Pandorica Opens would work well because it's a popular episode with kids, and seems to be a very enjoyable episode for the vast majority (NOT based on what fans or critics think). Something like "Dalek" or "Father's Day" would probably not work because it'd be too specific. However, "Day of the Doctor" would work really well! I would be in heaven if they made a "Robot of Sherwood" and "Mumm on the Orient Express" ship. Though the sets may be based on series 9 seeing as that will probably be the most recent series. A CMF line like the Simpsons would be a dream come true. I want an 8th Doctor... so.... badly....
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
- [MOC] Sleeping Beauty Castle and Cinderella's Carriage
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Very highly doubt it, Doctor Who is just a small part of a huge game. It would conflict too much. Very sure it'll be either this or next week, before the season premieres. No no, you're right, he's an excellent figure, but I REALLY want an 8th Doctor figure. Also, a Matt Smith figure would be brilliant! Apparently he will be with the set, so there's some excitement there! As for the cybermen.... apparently according to Hulksmash he's in the actual set, but I ordered the fun pack anyway. I'm not an army builder, but would like to have at least 3 (plus a fun character to play with in-game :D)
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
- Rocket Racoon's warbird
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Huh, that's actually not bad reasoning. I'm trying my best not to put my hopes on it, but that would definitely make sense. Sorry doesn't make up for no reveal. Come on everyone, grab your pitchforks, we've got a liar to take care of! jks you know we love you CM4Sci However, I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed the reveal until the week of the 19th, seeing as that's when the new season starts.
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
It's tomorrow omg i'm freaking out reveal is tomorrow AND it's the same day cmf monsters get released an the new season starts in 2 weeks omg squeal!! Yeah. Like you said though, at least we're getting one. I mean, even though I've known for some time I'm STILL in disbelief that there's actually going to be LEGO doctor who!!
- MOC: Wasp
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
[MOC] Mystic Animal's Forest
What a cewl moc! BTW I love your profile pic. Just for that, insta-friend! ;D
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
NEVER VTSQUATTS, NEVER! ;D UPGRADING (to more sets) IS COMPULSORY! YOU WILL BECOME LIKE US (in that you'll be morphed into plastic)! I don't know if TLG will go for tha- hey who turned out the lights? ;) OMG YES! LEGIT one of the best posts on this thread (up there with VSQUATTS)! Actually, a 50th anniversary set would be excellent, especially for the 52nd anniversary! I think I'd be more excited for getting a LEGO war doctor (as we'll FINALLY then get cmf s6 sleepyhead hair in light bluish grey) but I've always had a soft spot for "old timer" doctors like the 4th, 6th and 8th (well i guess he's more new but whatever, still love Paul Mcgann)...
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
Oh Dr. S, brilliant as always! :D
What happened to Iomedes?
I remember Lomedes. Such an outstanding builder. You should know that this kind of stuff is pretty typical. Some years people will be super active while others go dormant for a while because real life takes over. I just recently heard from a friend I haven't seen any posts from in a year. These things come and go. Lomedes will be back, I'm sure. So don't work up a panic ;)
- Frozen: Anna and Elsa
- [MOC] Shaggy's Shark Powered Attack Mer-Chariot
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Nice! I ordered two just in case as well! As dmarvin said, pre-order is available through amazon us ( I originally pre-ordered through amazon CAD, but then I discovered best buy was doing free shipping on over $20CAD and they offer same day release delivery so you don't have to line up in the store, etc. ^_^ Hope that helps!
- MOC: Rayman The Magician figure
The Zmagnirr
Humina humina.... :D
- LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Ben 10 minifigure scale sets
I'm so glad you brought up this topic because as someone who went through the whole "ben 10" flop, as it's an interesting point. Although I like your ideas for a minifig version, as many have pointed out, some of the aliens have very weird connections that probably could not be done at that scale. If we're talking about the original show, for example, how would you do wildmutt? Or xlr8? Both have very unique designs not compatible (so far that i know) with the minifigure scale. I would suggest constraction, but as you know, I don't quite think that that's going to work again. Not to mention, as other people have been saying, the original generation that grew up with it (my generation, but I don't think I'm that much older than you) have grown up and are now teenagers and adults. So already the demographic is gone. Now, I'm not usually a debbie-downer, so here's a little "optimism" if it warrants it.... of course there's been news that the show is receiving a reboot ( , though no surprise considering how w**red out the once-great Man of Action is), so it may be possible that LEGO will re-launch Ben 10 at the minifigure scale. Though even if they did I would never buy it. Can't beat the original, and you never will. Sadly Man of Idiocy-er, I mean "Action" will never understand that.
- Modular Microsoft Store
[MOC] LEGO® Sherlock: 221B Baker Street
Thank you everyone, we worked very hard on it!
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