Everything posted by Nightshroud99
- The 64-gun Ship of the Line Persephone
- Edoras (A moc by Infomaniac)
- The Batcave
Review of Jeff Boen's "THE BRICKGUN BOOK" (No Starch Press
This ^ I don't believe guns are a good thing; but a necessary evil. There's a lot of violence int his world. But if it wasn't for guns in the hands of people who needed them to fight against oppression, many countries would be less free, so to speak. Case in point, the Allies in WW2 and WW1. @ Sandy My feelings are not hurt, I see not point in deliberately posting just to say you don't like guns and having DLuders (in his case, he doesn't mind) or others' feel ashamed for enjoying them. That is generally an attack, even it's in a indirect way.
Hero Factory Month - Index and Discussion
I love that banner! Great job; and gotta love the contests even though I won't be entering, good luck to those who do.
Review of Jeff Boen's "THE BRICKGUN BOOK" (No Starch Press
What makes me nauseous is your abhorrent distaste for handguns in a world that has been forged by them in the last hundred or so years. If it wasn't for handguns, and guns in general, the world would be a lot worse because, well, do I need to explain this. Also, quite a double standard when it seems these same people have no issue with, as far as I know, guns in LEGO themes or Brickarms. How are these any different than a brick built gun. Heck, children probably get bricks and build them in the shape of a guns to play, I know I did this when I was young. "Someone's making money by turning my favorite hobby into realistic projectile weapons that can even be used to cause pain." It's everyone's hobby here, maybe some people enjoy making weapons. Is this much different than making a MOC of a large scale WW2 battle? It's violent as well. Also, as a community, wouldn't it be nicer to support the hard-work this fellow AFOL put into make this book, with it's unique MOCs and actual mechanisms for reloading etc... It's quite well done, but it's a taboo subject to you so no matter how nice they are, they're automatically dismissed as a whole. Personally, if you have such a problem with handguns and guns in general. Then go out and protest, speak out, and make your voice heard. Don't attack members of the community you so graciously love; because that isn't going to do anything.
Review of Jeff Boen's "THE BRICKGUN BOOK" (No Starch Press
If you have a problem with guns or the product in general then don't comment. It's as simple as that. While DLuders didn't build any of the models, I appreciate his review. It's a cool book and something I would have loved to have had as a kid; because I loved playing with guns, as any sane boy does.
BrickWarriors - Tons of new items!
Props to you, your accessories and weapons are probably the best available.
What are you listening to?
Was even better live, but worth a share.
- My fantasy MOCs
- LEGO Star Wars 10236 Ewok Village
How Not to Get Killed: A Guide for New Adventurers- Tip #5
I enjoy reading these for some reason, keep it up m8
- 75017 - Duel on Geonosis advance copy
- Life(ish) sized Robin-Mobile
3D Printing
Nightshroud99 replied to Bonaparte's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and Projects1) Very true about books, but it's a hassle to print out pages to read. So you're point is valid. However, books and bookstores are taking a hit because of E-Books now. Though, I prefer a book myself. 2) Without LEGO as a company, there'd be no standard as to what's LEGO and what isn't Though, same goes for art and music. I see LEGO as an art medium. I guess it'll just go down to the individual as to what ethics (or code) they'll choose to use. 3) Another good point, LEGO could do it for less with the box and the complete set as a whole. It depends what kind of collector you are, personally I don't care about the boxes or manuals so just the set is what I'd want. 4) It stands to reason that you'd be able to choose the quality of the plastic used in your 3D printer, same as you can choose ink now. Unless companies want to embargo better quality plastic, and monopolize it. Because those laws work so well Limiting technology only to companies is sort of, fascist (probably not the right word) but I think you get my point. Also, lest we forget now Medicine is researching into 3D printed organs! This is incredible for so many people Off topic from LEGO, but it's relevant in the great scheme of things.
3D Printing
Nightshroud99 replied to Bonaparte's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsThought about making a topic like this myself, they've already discussed how in the future 3D pirating would be an issue for companies. People 3D printing anything they want, such as toys, guns, utensils, cars etc... When the technology becomes cheaper people in the LEGO community will probably be able to print out whole LEGO sets. And, other companies like Brickarms will be moot since people can make their own weapons. With 3D printing I imagine it'll be harder for collectors to get older authentic LEGO sets. Since another person can just make a fake. Being more optimistic, it'd be nice to be able to share builds as a community and printing out a MOC you see on flickr to further inspect and and enjoy it. However, I can only see this as a slow disintegration of LEGO as a company because their product will become obsolete as people can just make whatever they want. I mean, if a person wants a Star Trek theme and LEGO doesn't have it, why would they go out and buy a Galaxy Squad set when they can print out whatever they want at home. Or, even pay money at all when they can get it for free. I'll happily download whole LEGO sets for free if, when the technology is more readily available and cheaper, I still participate in the hobby.
- Harriet Slutter and the Philosopher's Balls: Chapter 6
- MOC: Battle of Hypori
New Keychain LED light minifig: Boba Fett
These are like raver minifigures, pretty cool. Probably will get this boba fett if I see it in stores.
Harriet Slutter and the Philosopher's Balls: Chapter 6
I didn't sell your role, I slowly started to believe you were scum and didn't tell anyone who you were until the day of your lynch. Then you outed me in thread; and with your paltry defense I was even more sure you were indeed scum. Zepher wanted me to lead a lynch on Drubulum, and Drubulum didn't seem concerned that there was another bodyguard claim. Neither of them, nor did I, think there could be two protectors. I should have trusted one of them more to help me think it through, but I was paranoid. I didn't know what to do really, or how to go an verify one or the other when I was only communicating with the both of them at that point. Having them both target Helena was pretty dumb, I'm not sure where my thought process was at. I also had varying levels of trust with Bark and Drub so I didn't tell them everything, and did lie a few times. I didn't see anything wrong with that, I'm not looking at the pm now but I imagine you just wanted to tell me that it was the towns job to get rid of those aforementioned teams. You did a very good job as scum. I really liked this game, even with my blundering. At least I have some experience dealing with people behind the scenes. I loved the anonymity of the game, I hope more games do this in the future even if it is more work. Though, I don't think it's fair the scum knew who each other were, player-wise. (I think I read that somewhere here) It's cool to find out that the scum already knew who the vigilante was, all that talking to Helena (who I had no idea was def) and the fruits of that labor disappeared so quickly. People were a bit harsh this game, it's because everyone was anonymous; but still there's no reason for that.
- MOC: The Initiation
- Review: The Lone Ranger 79108 - Stagecoach Escape
- What...What is that?
What was the last movie you watched?
Spring Breakers - which I saw a few weeks ago. Even under the influence it was still the worst movie I have even seen. There was not a single redeeming factor within, nor were there any 'funny' parts. I couldn't even laugh at how bad it was, it was a new low. A whole level for movie grading should be based on this, with comparing this movie to anything bad that comes out in the future. I think the movie could be slightly entertaining if it was given a touch of the Mystery Science Theatre 3000; but even then only slightly. The plot was retarded, the dialogue was as non-existent than the clothes on the girls. Basically, every 5 minutes, a word or phrase is repeated over and over. Such has, "Spring Break", or the now infamous "It wasn't supposed to be like this."
Batman: Arkham Origins
So, you're basically saying there is no possible way it could be better than Arkham City. Do you also think the Earth is flat?
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