Yoda's Secret Weapon
Some day I had a idea regarding Yoda's cane and mixing SW with HP. I made a short comic and it's entirely for entertainment. For reminiscent purpose, I picked the classic Yoda instead of the Clone Wars version I hope you guys can find it interesting! Enjoy!
REVIEW: 4736 Freeing Dobby
Great review, I also bought this set and it was a nice set
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
But we have to admit that the SW models indeed look better in recent years, although I'm also looking forward to the coming back of OT and PT sets. The truth is, sales of SW was behind Bionicle and other themes some years ago but now SW has become the best selling cash cow. So either it's a strategic success or more people become fanatical fans...
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
The newer sets have a wider range of minifigs, but on average you pay more individually. I do love the recent sets which have nicer outline and more accurate.
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
I fully understand you as I know SW is undoubtedly a repeating theme. But for people like me who just started collection since 2006, I still have a far path to go. So I will still accept the newer sets. But I also hope TLG can know when to end SW though... As I think I will get into financial trouble pretty soon
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
Yup you are correct. What I meant was that Lego Started to release bigger sets, of course also came with more pieces. And once again the prices were relatively low as TLG was losing market share at that time.
REVIEW: White Boba Fett polybag
Well really? Generally original figure from Denmark (probably) should have black mark on its neck so that's what I judged with. I can see numbers on the figure hands so it's likely made in China. If you compared the LEGO logo on the top of the legs, you can see the direction is different for "set version" and "chinese version". I have to say I'm very careful in such aspects. Figures from magnet sets and the collectible series are, without a doubt, produced in China and have inferior quality. That's why I still buy SW sets to collect figures instead of buying the magnets so far... Far from bankruptcy, I'm not
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
Fortunately sticker is not a problem for me either. But I actually spend much time aiming the stickers after building up sets. However, the satisfaction of putting stickers in place is immense. If applied properly, the stickers are fine. The stickers from my Arctic theme collection see no problem so far. But you may acquire some extra through bricklink just in case.
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
Big cam: I have the same feeling and I can't wait for the latest Boba Fett!!! Admiral Ron: I think most people hate the hideous big eyes... Now this trend has also extended to the classic figures... Look at the new Luke and Han Solo... Arthas: It's a pity that yellow faces may never come back... Fortunately I love flesh faces ZO6: Yup each era does have unique characteristic which cannot replace each other. I think the reason that the sets during 2005-08 were cheap because LEGO was losing market share at that time and tried hard to maintain low price to gain customers. Look at TLG's income statements for recent years... It's the main reason that they are now bold enough to rise price. (My opinion) Here are 2 sharp examples: 1) 7259(2005,$40,396p) vs. 8088(2010,$60,396p) These 2 ARC-170 have the same size, figure #, and even piece count! But the price are totally different... Maybe you pay $20 for Kit Fisto? Aha that's still better than getting one on eBay though 2) 6209(2006,$50,537p) vs. 8097(2010,$80,573p) These 2 Slave I are observed to have similar size and piece count, and same figure #. But now you pay additional $30 for the extra 36 pieces. Now do the math... BrickClick: I also love the phrase II troopers!
REVIEW: 7642 Garage
Excellent review! I got this set shortly after its release in US but I was just too lazy to post a review... This set is appealing to me because I think a garage is unique and necessary for the city theme. Yup the price is unfair compared to the police station but nowadays many sets are increasing their prices so you can no longer compare them to the previous ones. I love the orange bricks and the uniform . The garage itself is neat which is the main selling point to me. The truck is the best one in 2009 and makes the set more worthy. The other two vehicles are definitely designed to push the price up though. Overall this is a good set if you can grab it at 90
Modern SW vs. Traditional SW
I personally find it quite interesting to compare the traditional SW sets to the recent ones... I don't know what you guys think about but below are my opinions: To me, Lego Star Wars has 3 significant eras: 1) The traditional sets: 1999 - 2004; LSW starts in 1999 with mainly small sets no more than USD $50. You can get the super rare Yoda and Dooku simultaneously for only 7 bucks... Looking at the sets now, you have to pay 50 + 55 = 105 to get them in the new CW sets... The most obvious feature of sets releasing in this era is that the figures are in yellow faces... which indeed, is a point that I don't like those figures compared to the later ones. The printings on the torsos are simple too. I can fully understand as at that time SW was still not a priority line... 2) The improved sets: 2005 - 2008; The SW became more popular during this era and LEGO had changed the figures' color into flesh. The sets has seen a rise in prices but still affordable. There were still nice small sets for you to obtain your beloved figures 3) The recent sets: 2008 - current Now we can all sense a huge increase in prices. Most sets are above $50 and you can only expect for a few minifigs, and only partial of them are deemed to be good... Most sets are now based on Clone Wars which the figures has unprecedented BIG EYES!! To me, I love small eyes more... The advantage of sets in this period is that the design is awesome. Many sets are accurate and come with different playabilities. Overall, the SW line is improving every year. I just hope TLG doesn't rise the prices that often...
REVIEW: White Boba Fett polybag
This minifig is a nice addition to any SW core fan. However, I have to say that by looking at the pictures, it appears it's another MADE IN CHINA which has lower standard and quality. I really hate LEGO to move their factories into China. I know how the bosses exploit the employees there as I'm originally from China still, congratulations to the people how are lucky enough to own it!
Greeting from James
Thank you guys! Now I'm shooting for #10188 which is a mission impossible for me... I can't wait for the new summer SW sets too. Although I like classic figures more... May the bricks be with you all!
The what I did today thread ......
Today I am back from a tour to American east coast. I am so tired as I didn't have enough sleep every day
Greeting from James
Hi everyone, my name is James and I'm from California, USA. I'm now 19 and have been playing LEGO for almost 13 years. I'm still a college student but I actually spend a HUGE amount on LEGO especially in SW and City themes. I started my career of LEGO fan via the old City theme in 1997. I loved police stuffs at that time. I began my SW path relatively late, in around 2006, basically after the end of all 6 classic movies. However, currently SW actually squeeze the most money from me as I collect nearly every set ever released... Far from bankruptcy, I'm not, I am new to here and I truly look forward to making friends with any LEGO fan! May the bricks be with you all!
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