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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by TheMaster

  1. I doubt we will ever see an Elven ship, unless they are really desperate for more set ideas since in the whole of the trilogy and the Hobbit there is only one ship and that's the one at the end of the Return of the King when they depart Middle Earth. Ships play a bigger part in the Slimarillion but sadly we won't see any lego sets based on that era of Middle Earth (My favourite personally)
  2. I would get him to finish the Silmarillion and flesh out the Unfinished Tales. A Silmarillion trilogy movie would be amazing.
  3. My favourite set is Helms Deep. I love the range of mini figures (They even included Haldir)
  4. Gimli. Gotta love the dwarves.
  5. I still can't believe they left Glorfindel out of the movie. He was almost apart of the Fellowship. Plus he is the only known Elf in Middle Earth know to have been reincarnated after his death in the First Age. Personally i know technically it's not a minifigure but i'd love to see a model of the Balrog. Also the King of the Dead would be interesting and we will probably be seeing him. I'd like to see Prince Imrahil aswell.
  6. I'd like to see more Expanded Universe sets, like the two current ones from TOR. My suggestion would be the Buick from Rogue Squadron :P
  7. Well I suppose if you want to be really picky the Nazgul's robes should descend all to their feet. They didn't wear pants. Obviously that's due to the limitations of Lego. A more legitimate error would be their horses. I can't recall if it's the same in the movie but in the book the mounts were black horses obtained in Rohan so I doubt they would have red 'evil' eyes. In the Mines of Moria set Boromir shouldn't have orange hair. In the movie it was light brown and in the book it was described as dark.
  8. Has anyone seen any Kingdoms sets still at a retailer? I still need to buy a couple to complete my collection. Cheers
  9. Wheres the cheapest place to pick up the Kingdoms sets in Melbourne at the moment? Cheers
  10. Anyone want to duel me?
  11. I still can"t believe I even won a duel
  12. Does winning a duel in this tournament goes towards improving your stats?
  13. i'll duel someone
  14. I never knew I was a sith lord.....
  15. I'm not a master though I am THE master....
  16. Ok. Alex, send your DS to CS
  17. We just need a judge Alex
  18. I'll vs Alex then. I don't enjoy the prospect of getting owned
  19. I thought it was you two first and then i'd vs the winner. I haven't sent any DS or anything
  20. Okay I'll vs the winner. Sorry i wasn't on earlier. Time difference and all.
  21. I am also up for a duel...
  22. Good game Alex! You up for another if we can find someone to adjudicate?
  23. Round 3 sent. wow this is a close duel. May the best man win Alex!
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