Dummy PF Motor Bogie
I know the 7939 cargo train has one, I have an LDD model of it if you want it.
MOCs: Victorian Railways rollingstock
They are amazing, the detail on them is incredible, and I love the lumber cart!
[MOC] Small Octan Tanker
Hello! Today I am going to show you one of my few MOC's, and as the title states, its and Octan Tanker! Basically, I didn't like the look of the 3180 Tanker, I thought it was to small, and therefore out of scale to the minifig. So, I decided to re-create the tanker, but in a bigger scale, so it would match the scale of the minifig. I think I used pretty much only the parts from the set, maybe a couple extra, I can't remember. Anyway, here it is! Front of the Tanker, it's a very nice little snug build. Sorry about the fail of a white background, and poor lighting. The side of the tanker,I just realised the red does not line up... Also, the stickers may look a bit dirty, because I had to put tape over them to keep the on, hopefully in the future I will get some new stickers, and fix the alignment! Here you can see the back of the truck, it has a hose for transporting the fuel, and a torch, the checking out the inside of the tanker! Hope you like it! I will probably post pictures of the fixes when I get time to doing them.
- Modulair layout 2.0
Hey Joe's Layout - Comments and Suggestions?
That is a lot of track! I would buy enlighten track, but because Lego trains come with the grey track, I would have to paint them or just live with them not matching, and I am not sure how well painting would turn out...
Hey Joe's Layout - Comments and Suggestions?
I wish I had as much space as you, could you post a picture of your room, Because my room looks really big, but when I have designed the track on BlueBrick, it looks tiny...
MOC Train
I don't think I have ever seen anything like this, this is amazing, and like Joe said, it does seem to have a steam punk feel about it.
Need some help...
Infact, if you guys could post your BlueBrick plan of your layout, or any other designs you have done on other program's, that would be great! That 100 was just for track, not sure about tables or baseplate at the moment.
Need some help...
I felt silly asking for help on such a personal opinionated thing, so I thought it would be better if I post my plan, and have you guys rate/give feedback on it? Sound good? Ok. Here it is, I wanted to make it as space efficient as possible, so it may be a bit of a weird design to some of you, but I like the difference. So, what do you think? What I would like to improve: Size of the inner track (to have bigger trains and a bigger station) Make it so it all lines up on BlueBrick (You may notice some things don't connect, I can fix it with flex track, but It would be nice to have it lined up) Please post suggestions and feedback. As always, many thanks!
[LDD][MOD] 7937 Double Train Station
Right, I have made a couple of modifications, well, more than a couple. Hope you like it! I spy another building, more on that later! As you can see, I remove the middle platform and extended the other two. Here you can see the back of the station, I added a bit of detail to the bottom of the support, so it didn't look so plain. A birds eye view of the station, you can see some shrubbery in-between the tracks. And finally, we get to the shop, but what type of shop? A model train shop of course! This shop stocks all types of trains, from Lego to Hornby! And Enlighten... He you can see the vintage tiles of the shop, but also it's two latest trains: The Emerald Night and the Maintenance Shunter! Hope you like the new additions and modifications! I attached the new station in the files below! Cya round! TrainStation.lxf
[LDD][MOD] 7937 Double Train Station
I agree with the fact the middle platform is pointless, but it might look a bit odd without it... And I also agree with extending the platforms, I shall do that today.
[LDD][MOD] 7937 Double Train Station
Hi all! Today I am going to be showing you my latest creation, it's nothing fantastic, and not really that imaginative, but I thought some of you might like it. Some of you may hate me for this, but I really like the 7937 train station, but having a larger layout than a kid makes a few of the Lego sets unusable, or not to their full potential anyway, and this is normally due to having more than one row of track (I think that's how you describe it..?). So, I decided to create this for myself, and for you guys! Lets get onto it! Here is an over all view of the station, as you can see, I have modified it to have 2 lines running through it. The back of the station, you can see how I have extended the bridge. And finally a birds eye view of the station. I like to keep my Lego stuff simple, so that why I haven't really added any more detail, If you do want to use this, you can download it in the attached files and make any adjustments you need to! Criticism, feedback and anything else is welcomed with free Lego! Bye bye!
MOC: Turntable and Roundhouse
That looks really nice! It looks more sturdy than other designs, and I think that makes it look much nicer.
[LDD][MOC] Maintenance Shunter
Right ok, I have done a little work, and it can now be powered! I had to extend it by 1 stud, and had to do a little work inside. Here it is: Here is the front, the extension of the train is not really noticeable. Some of you may notice the little red brick at the top of the train, this actually is the power functions, I coloured it in red so I know that it is part of the power functions. And the side, I added a couple more Technic pins, to fill up the blank space. You may also see some red through the front 2, again, that is the power functions battery box, which will obviously be grey in the real thing. I added the .lxf file to this post (Under attached files I think..?) I was hoping that someone could maybe make a parts list which I could enter in bricklink or another website so I could purchase this model? I hope you like my changes, and hope it hasn't taken the spur from the original thing. And thankyou for all the good feedback, it is really encouraging! :) Shunter.lxf
[LDD][MOC] Maintenance Shunter
Well, my house is currently having work done to it, but when that is finished I will have a room for my trains, so I will probably build it then. I might even build it for Christmas, I really don't know, but it definitely will be built for real. I might have a look now, It might need a bit of work due to the size though.
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