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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Alien Conquest is available at Target East Victoria Park. This store usually gets sets last in Perth so I'm surprised the sets are not anywhere else. Has all Alien Conquest sets (I think) except for the large vehicle (the one with the nnenn figher on the back). No new HP as of last Friday 8/7. -Noodles
  2. Designer's Office by Noodles140 Marika models the concept Phase 3 'Stormtrooper' armour system from galactically renowned armour designer Kristian Marchamps. Kristian hopes to impress the assembled Clone Troopers with his concept before seeking further development funding. -Noodles
  3. This is exactly what I want to say as well. -Noodles
  4. According to the retailers catalogue all the train sets are not meant to be out until August. -Noodles
  5. For those chasing 7936 Level Crossing I asked at Myer Perth CBD today and was told: * Myer are expecting them, don't know when but should be soon * The barcode scanned in the system (from the barcode in the store copy retailer lego catalogue) * They will be ~$23 on sale (good price even if just for the straight track) -Noodles
  6. I bought myself a beutiful Emerald Night from Myer on Friday fopr the bargain price of $107.10 (20% off + further MyerOne 10% off). Built it over the weekend. I love it! It is unpowered as the PF pack is *very* expensive. Next is to make some sort of display. Thankyou Myer sales! I never would have got it otherwise. -Noodles
  7. Mr Cowboy and Mr Forestman (Noodles' prizes) say "Thanks Eurobricks & Classic-town.net members! And thanks WhiteFang!". -Noodles
  8. lasoo.com.au has 8092 Luke's Landspeeder marked as 'Only at Big W', whereas 7694 Pig Farm & tractor doesn't say the same, so might be able to get this elsewhere too. If the Landspeeder arrives at Big W before the sale starts on 1 July then it might be worth picking one up as I expect it will be very popular. I think I'll have to buy a few if I can. -Noodles
  9. Thanks everyone for participating in this contest, both to those who entered and those who voted. This was my first ever LEGO contest and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one. Cheers, -Noodles
  10. My vote is one point each for: 9) Forestman Entry (Build by Sandy) 35) Robot Entry (Build by Колпак) 54) Magician Entry (Build by Skalldyr) Nice job everyone. -Noodles
  11. I too would like to join the Academy. Thanks, -Noodles
  12. Колпак, love the robot-shaped hole in the wall. -Noodles
  13. Sticker price at is $199.95 so drops to $150. I have seen these Endor sets at a Toyworld for $299.95! -Noodles
  14. Toyworld Balcatta (Erindale Rd, just east of freeway) had minifigs last weekend. Perfect opportunity for any interested Perthies to pick up one of the 5 Endor sets I saw at Myer Garden City last night.
  15. Target Perth CBD now has stock of Minifigs in the LEGO section of the store. 2 boxes opened and 2 unopened. $3.75 each. -Noodles
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