MOD 7745 to Use the PF Motor Still on 12v Track
This is absolutely fantastic. Off to Bricklink to buy some of those pick-ups. :-D Great work!
LEGO 12V Train Motors
Just out of curiosity horizon, have you hooked the power connection on the transformer to the 12V plugs or the 13V plugs? The plugs on the left in that image are the 12V plugs, the plugs on the right (they're sealed with a plastic part in the photo) are the 13V. If you've connected to the 13V you might have some problems, can fry the motor.
What did you buy today?
Managed to picked up a sealed 7865 12V motor (original foam pack too) for $80 AUD inc postage in an eBay auction. Talk about a fluke.
Bitmap Graphics in Signatures
Bingo. I picked the trains I wanted and used photoshop to put them all together in an image that fit within the restrictions.
REVIEW: 10219 Maersk Train
I'm currently on a Eurotrip and I was in Copenhagen yesterday after driving from Göteborg, what a beautiful drive it was too! Anyway, I visited the Lego store and picked a Maersk set up. I can't wait to get back to Melbourne and build it.
MOC: Large 12V-Era Train Station
This is getting better and better by the day.
MOC: Large 12V-Era Train Station
I can't wait to see the rest of this Sok.
Help me design a new train layout
How about throwing in a few resting points in there for trains not running? One or two switches with a dead end.
7740 Restoration
Personally I think making any changes to the 7740 goes against the natural order of the universe.
What did you buy today?
I feel like I got a bargain here....
12V train wheels with a red pin
I got red pins in all the wheels in a MISB 7735 that I bought last year. Not sure if that was intended or not.
Where is this train car from?
hehe, I was going to say that my signature is a dead giveaway.
12v Lights from set 7867
Hi Alan, you'll need to get yourself a 12V power supply/transformer like this one available via Bricklink: You can also find them on eBay. I'm not sure if they were ever sold in the US for you to get one on the correct voltage. If not you'll need to get something that will step down Euro voltages to US voltages. I'm just lucky that Australia uses the same voltage as Europe! The lights are usually connected via the connector holes on the left of the transformer like in this example in the set instructions: I hope that helps.
MOD: Extra Long 7725
Nice work, I always think the 7725 is too small. I tend to throw the 7820 Mail Car into it as the 3rd carriage and run a cable from end to end for the lights. Looks great when it's long regardless of which way it's done.
7740 Restoration
Contacts should generally be cleaned with something alcoholic. (I use nail-polish removers, metho would work too). They're what Lego recomment in most of their instructiions for both 9V and 12V electric tracks.
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