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Governor Broadside

Eurobricks Citizen
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About Governor Broadside

  • Birthday 10/14/1908

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  1. Just came across the instructions for the sets online and had to share them. 9748 Droid Developer Kit 9754 Dark Side Developer Kit (Booklet 1) 9754 Dark Side Developer Kit (Booklet 2) 9754 Dark Side Developer Kit (Booklet 3)
  2. One Lagoon Lock-Up I bought from the store, I'd say around 93 or 94, the other from a lot on eBay. The seller kept very good care of the Lego and didn't mix sets together. Last night on BL a Canadian mentioned that he's had 6 Harbor Sentrys, 2 with shooting, 2 with transitional, and 2 non-shooting.
  3. I would love to see a pic(s) of that head (not that I don't believe you). Really interesting. Once I had an ITP where the imperial guards' plain smiley heads had solid studs while all other heads had hollow studs. As for cannons: I have two Lagoon Lockups that came with the black handles; I had 3 CCs, each one with a pair of the three different cannons. Does anyone have anymore information on any sets that did at one time come with the black handled cannons? Are there any sets (probably newer ones) that came with non-shooting cannons worldwide? ...just coming back after a 2 month hiatus. :)
  4. You're right, the Armada Flagship looks puny. :-P You do appreciate the size of the Phantom with a comparison model. I think that's a bit of an understatement. X-D
  5. What about models from idea books?
  6. I haven't seen scans of the magazines online anywhere, only instructions and catalogs. All you really can do is buy the magazines if they're available... 8-|
  7. That's a great windmill MOC, especially with the tudor walls. Don't know if I've seen that incorporated into a pirate MOC before. So you're from the Portuguese LUG?
  8. Could a mod or admin please remove the 'a' in (the read coats) for the choice of Imperial Guards?
  9. The votes in the poll have been reset to 0... :-||
  10. Maybe the larger Scala crown?
  11. Where exactly are these tan and brown parts in that picture?
  12. That idea book has some pirates, but no stickers http://www.peeron.com/scans/697-1/ This idea book did come with stickers; look at the last page, 53 (not to mention some nice pirate building ideas that I'd like to build someday) http://www.peeron.com/scans/260-1/ That sticker sheet looks like the two sheets in that picture from the auction, top center and the one below it.
  13. Looks like a 2 x 2 Jolly Roger sticker does exist. 8-o
  14. Here you can view the parts downloads and see the individual parts from each download http://www.ldraw.org/Topic26.html It might just be easier to do a reinstall of LDraw here http://www.ldraw.org/GetStarted-Win.html There are several other great programs included in that package for creating models or rendering them towards the middle of the page.
  15. It's located under Technic. Just scroll down until you see the Technic bricks.
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