Want a new Falcon for $10 - TICKETS SOLD OUT!
Edit: sorry, take me off the list, if I'm already on it.
V-wing on S@H
Imperial Landing Craft I. Love. The ILC. It's huge! Plus, I have absolutely no Stormies, so I'm getting this, for sure! For those who care, here's the fbtb review: Link! I can't wait for these!!! *wub* ~Exo-Master
Aqua Raiders on S@H!
Look! There's some new changes in the sets, at least for the US and Canada. I love the base. WOOO!!! *wub* ~Exo-Master
V-wing on S@H
Sweet! I'll be getting at least one of each of those Battle Packs, and definitely GG's Starfighter... But I'd have to say my favorite is the ILC. It looks great! Plus, I love the Troops, and all of the minifigs, for that matter, especially the Sandtroopers. As for the AT-ST and the Y-Wing, I'm not so fussy about them, and, although this may change, I doubt I ever will be. BTW, the new guns rule!!! *wub* *y* *sweet* hehe... ~Exo-Master
New Exo-Force in 2007!!
These sound great to me! Here are my guesses... ~Cyclone Defender: Like Uplink, but for Ha-Ya-To. A new version of the Gate Defender. ~Claw Crusher: A revised Sentry, perhaps? With claws, of course... ~Blade Titan: This sounds awesome, but I don't really know what to expect, aside from the fact that it's definitely for Takeshi... ~Sky Guardian: Same as above, but for Hikaru. ~Shadow Crawler: A new Thunder Fury or something. Also, I always think of purple and black when I hear that... maybe a purple devastator? ~Iron Condor: Again, sounds awesome. (Edited from bronze tank, just looked up "condor" in the dictionary, and discovered that it is in fact a vulture sooo...) A new and improved Fire Vulture! Overall, these sound great! *y* And remember, there are probably still three more big sets, and maybe a promo like WL vs. BW. *Dreams of robot base...* ~Exo-Master EDIT: Page 2! *sweet*
V-wing on S@H
Really?!? To bad... (BTW, thanks for the tip off about the HP sets, androo) Anyway, back on topic. I wonder how many figs will be included in the "Battle Packs"...? Hopefully lots, because I only have two battle droids... Hey, maybe they'll bring back the Supers? Now that would be awesome. ~Exo-Master
V-wing on S@H
These sets sound great! I'm really looking forward to the minifig packs, and Grievous' starfighter... *prays that it includes Magna guard, like pretty much everybody else in this topic* *sweet* BTW, androodeetoo, I don't think they would release names for HP and *possibly* Spiderman 3 yet. But I'm with you, I really hope they bring back HP... Thanks for the names, Christian! ~Exo-Master
V-wing on S@H
I think they should do some new playsets, featuring the following minifigs: -Plo Koon -Ki-Adi Mundi -Kit Fisto -Aayla Secura Would that be sweet or what!!! You like??? ~Exo-Master
V-wing on S@H
Sweet!!! So AT-AT. That's gonna' be so cool! If it happens, of course... ~Exo-Master
Toa Inika Mask Powers!
Really??? Anyway, thanks for posting. Let's hope those three or four members do as well. Thanks again, Tilius! ~Exo-Master
Toa Inika Mask Powers!
Check it out! Aren't those just the best?!? I especially like Jaller, Nuparu and Matoro's powers. What about you? Thanks! ~Exo-Master NOTE: I did NOT make these up. This is OFFICIAL info from GregF. If you don't believe me, Tilius can probably clear it, or try checking out a certian HUGE Bionicle fansite!
Hi! I'm Exo-Master!
Thanks, guys! Actually, in case you were thinking that my favorite theme is Exo-Force, it's not. I like all (or most) themes, I just liked the way "Exo-Master" sounded. What do you think? Well, here I am! How's it going, TT? Thanks again! ~Exo-Master
Who wants to look at the Arkham comic when....
Well, at first, I really wasn't sure what to think about this set. But now, after all these pictures, I've made my decision: I'm getting this set no matter what! I love it! And those minifig are pretty awesome too, eh? BTW, thanks for the pics guys. ~Exo-Master
Hi! I'm Exo-Master!
Hi! My name is Exo-Master, and I am a long time reader of your extensive Lego Message Board. Glad to be here! ~Exo-Master
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