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Stanley Kbrick

Eurobricks Vassals
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About Stanley Kbrick

  • Birthday 03/08/1971

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  1. same thoughts exactly are the instructions of the original available anywhere? That would help a lot in combining the 2... Also any insights on why LEGO doesn't simply use the original construction? That's the whole idea isn't it ? They don't need our instructions but if they want to encourage this why do they alter the designs ?
  2. love this! how are the shuttle and moon connected? cheers stanley
  3. minifig heads of the pickup set looks like george lucas...
  4. Hi there, This project has been on my desk far to long so I just decided to start sharing some pics. Nevermind that after this decision my iphone and ibook won't sync the photo's... So for now I just have this one picture... It's the front of an imaginary canalhouse in Amsterdam. The whole idea of this Canalhouse started with these stairs. I have been intrigued with the staircase steps from the HP dumbledore office since its release and kept fidling with it. For me it was really challenging to work with half studs and uneven number of studs on plates. More to come as soon as the above mentioned technical abracadabra works again. Really interested what you all think of my "Geveltrap"
  5. I really like your idea of making a moc out of the filming itself. In search of the ultra rare "george Lucas" figure someone mentioned earlier in this tread i found out that Lego itself did this a couple of years ago. Like we keep telling ourselves at our home "everything has been done before, only not by us" cheers Stanley
  6. why oh why (just out of curiosity) are the pieces from series 2 not allowed and why are the minifigs not allowed to be shown? I really don't get the meaning for this rule. it just seems constricted without any reason. On the other hand you make the rules and the fun of this forum, so it's fine anyhow! thanks for putting up this great contest. regards
  7. I like the arealight way more The shaped torso. I always disliked the TLG way of printing waists... and arealights idea is simply brilliant. The "hair" the tlg version has detachable hair, now with all the other star wars custom molds and toy story molds, there is no way anyone of us can still honestly say the original lego feel is preffered because of history reasons. the face print is better in arealights and also not very important his version is way more cheaper regards stanley Kbrick
  8. and on bricklink now for $125,00 No kidding that's some serious plastic definitly not my shop And that ends my search for a max, unless someone has a normal priced spare?! regards stanley KBrick
  9. Congrats! so who is member # 1 en who is member #10.000 ? An indepth interview would be interesting. regards stanley
  10. Congratulations. So many great entries, so you must feel really proud. regards, stanley
  11. Whitefang, thank you for a great contest. It was great watching all those vignettes. All entries are great and I honestly can't choose three. So instead of disapointing 55 inspiring vignettes I rather give all my points to just 1 vignette. Somehow this is easier. dum dum dum The entry I choose is for the dullest collectible figure available dum dum dum The entry I choose has the most realistic dramatic contemporary choice of subject of all dum dum dum The entry I choose mixes up all this while being really funny at the same time dum dum dum THREE POINTS FOR: 52) Deep Sea Diver Entry (Build by graznador) Good luck everyone. cheers stanley
  12. that's right. I completely forgot about the figs within that set. It's from the laboratory set (excellent set by the way) link to figs with this torso on bricklink actually really cheap. cheers stanley
  13. But mrs Elladora is a vain girl and she dyes her hair... I don't think it's available in gray. Except for the hair of dumbledore himself, the old pigtail-, and the ponytail hair I don't know any gray hair pieces. I'll make a bigger picture for you later. Glad you like it, regards stanley Here's the picture you asked for
  14. Really inspiring! Now, you asked how we would think mrs. Elladora would look. This is mine version: As Mrs Elladora closed her shop, some boys came running and asked for candy. Now mrs. Elladora is a really sweet lady and she offered them some caramalised cherries for free. (the legs and torso are from a castle set I believe, the hair is from princess Leia and the head is from none other than proffesor Dumbledore) Hope you like it. regards stanley
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