Everything posted by IronArtist
IronArtist's Creative thread.
Look! I warned you about making non-relevant posts. I have no option but to report you.
IronArtist's Creative thread.
Yes, they are all old! The Wolverine designs right of MY original being the newest of my designs. I do happen to be working on some NEW DBZ dezigns at the moment, so expect an update soon. Do you really have nothing to add, other than being a serial pest? Thanks concore! That is exactly what I strive for in my designs. I think that particular element is probably what a lot of good artists struggle with; the balance between the original subject matter and LEGO aesthetics. So, it is always at the forefront of my mind, whilst designing.
IronArtist's Creative thread.
Thank you! That is exactly my sentiment. Unfortunately I share in your bad experiences; I too have had people try to cash in on my work. It is very disappointing to hear that it is the norm in these circles. Really? I prefer the newer Logan with the smirk myself. I guess the more you look at something the more reason you have to hate it.
IronArtist's Creative thread.
Also, if you had guessed it from my screen name I also love FullMetal Alchemist! And also Brotherhood for the most part. Now I do have the back decals too, scattered somewhere in my hdd. I'm searching for them now actually! You may have seen these before on Flickr, or Deviant art. That's because they were posted by me! "Human kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth." Characters are as follows: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric and Colonel Roy Mustang. NEW! AND MORE TO COME!
IronArtist's Creative thread.
They are all old! The one you are searching for is the one on the far left hand side, the one your buddy Tyler “borrowed”. It was my original design, yes. That's right! CARRYING ON NOW! So, if you hadn't already deduced this; I'm a HUGE fan of the cartoon Dragon Ball Z. And I mean it too! I've had these a while and never got around to sharing these, partly because I knew that if I did people like BrickQueen would inherently steal them and call them their own. But these are just too good to be relegated to the back-files on my portable hard-drive disc. These are all the villains I actually finished. I still have all the androids in sketch form, though they aren't exactly good enough to share. Yet! *ROCK THE DRAGON-DRAGONBALL ZZZZZZZZ, AHHHHHHH!* Characters are as follows: Raditz, Vegeta, Nappa, Frieza and Cell! NEW! AND MORE TO COME!
IronArtist's Creative thread.
DISCLAIMER: Certain petulant nay-sayers, not naming any names, dispute my ownership over my own designs. So, here it is; If some-one has used/misappropriated my designs, that does not make me a thief - that makes me a victim. Here's the rule: If, you have something to say on the matter, it isn't for this thread. So, please PM any new delusions/speculations. Or just spare me the bother altogether. DO NOT POST HERE! This is for the appreciation of my raw talent/suggestions only. Understood!? IronArtist's Creative Thread! Too many bad memories!. So, I decided to create some new ones instead. Here, I will catalogue MY past/present/future LEGO designs as point of future reference. Please, do tell me what you think of my design. I am open to suggestions and mayhaps even a request or two. Please enjoy! Out with the old and in with the new! To coincide with the new The Wolverine movie starring Hugh Jackman, I decided to update my old Wolverine decal. Some with good recollection may very well recall my original design. If not, fret not because here it is. Is it just me or is there something eerily familiar with the new MARVEL licensed mini-figures? Well they say imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all! NEW! Well, to say the least: "I'm the best there is at what I do. And what I do isn't very nice!" - Snikt! AND MORE TO COME!
New X men Origins, Wolverine.
Well, both you and Tyler are equally deluded!. I clearly made all of these decals, just read back into the thread! Your pen-pal Tyler can say whatever he likes because I have the psd. files to prove it. So, suck me!
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
I never come first. You are of course assuming your insinuations aren't insulting to me and for that you'd be wrong. I made this thread for a particular reason! You have single-handedly made this solely about you and your quest of negativity. I do not know the reason why you are so jaded and quite frankly I don't care. But if you behave in such a way, I have every right to call you out on your stupidity.
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
Okay! So, this guy ^ is obviously a Duck-tard! See what I did there... He's obviously been drinking the water. Sewerage water, if we can judge by the garbage he's been spewing out of his mouth. Those two Goku's are clearly modified from my own design. So, yes! I will do just that. Be sure to show me another different custom Goku and I'll be sure to tell you otherwise. Idiot. Since you're so keen on playing the digital CI -try doing real research! Search MCN and you'll see exactly who is the original artist. Now unless you are going to contribute, instead of being a redundant troll - try being nice for a change.
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
That is because it is the only place I believe still hosts the designs. I think you'll find that the range of other decals there, along with the fact that the account was created a long time before either of those two jokers posted "their" designs; is proof enough! Are you actually stupid enough to think that I would go the length to create this topic to claim ownership of a design that wasn't my own? What possible motive would anyone have for that!? And where would I benefit from this in anyway? I am not the one making money off this my design based upon a lie. Quit being such a poignant imbecile and shut the BRICK up, unless you have something constructive to say!
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
You sir, are bamboozled! These are in fact my own design and yes, I did actually post the back decals. Though, admittedly not through my brickshelf account. I posted them on Deviant art sometime, early last year. I removed them and all my other LEGO creations some time ago. It was the one of the only times I have ever posted the back artwork for any of my designs. I did this to ensure that if it ever came to said situation, the thief may only ever claim 50% of the design - as if that was some consolation. As I have already said, it was not the fact that BrickQueen used or altered my design. I am fine with that. It is in fact the reason why I shared the design in the first place. She did, however, admit to adding the symbol herself in her video. I only asked that she acknowledge the bulk of the design or the original creator and she behaved uncouthly. Yes, I believe I can lay complete claim to my own intellectual property whether it be based upon a licensed franchise or not, under the fair-use practices. I'm not about to sue anyone, I just think it is wrong for someone to behave in such a petty and childish manner and expect absolutely no repercussions. Thus, this topic! Actually, J L's Goku is not using my back design. However, BrickQueen's is!
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
For someone who likes to cover all the angles; you really don't have an angle - to be fair. If you had actually looked with you eyes and not your innate suspicion you would have seen that this IS my original design. If you peruse through this J L's flikr account you'll see he has used several more of my Naruto designs on his figures, designs which can be found in the very same brickshelf account I posted in the opening post. So what!? Someone else plagiarises my work so that makes it okay for someone else to do so. "Sorry officer, I saw a gang-banger shoot that man - so I thought it would be okay if I did too!". See how stupid that "angle" is... http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=237714 Pretty damn similar, no? And you were saying? VS You may also notice; J L's Goku features a Kamesenin symbol design on the back. Whereas, BrickQueen's Goku features a King-Kai emblem. Still think they are the same? You have effectively established a second case of plagiarism. So...
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
Hmm... it would seem that this might actually be a viable solution. According to his blog TBT has previously had open dialogue with this BrickQueen. Perhaps he has built up some level of rapport, at least enough to get the message across. All I've been getting is the silent treatment after my comments were deleted. Maybe he can infiltrate her defenses better than I, or at the very least write a humorous entry about the whole fiasco. I will contact TBT.
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
Whom or what is the BrickTruth, pray tell?
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
The most fantastic part of the internet is that nothing is truley deleted, unless you destroy the sever in which the data resides that is! Here is proof that when confronted with the undeniable truth this "BrickQueen" flat out lied and then covered her tracks. Unfortunately for her I am not the type who givies away royal pardons, I will see to it that you all know just how petty and devious she is!
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
Seeing as I originally made these decals back in either 2007 or 2008, I don't plan on making any more. I am certain she lifted the artwork directly from my deviant art account. It was the only time I ever posted the back decal to this particular figure design. They were only up there for a few weeks late last year, which coincides perfectly with when her video was first uploaded. What really irks me is not that she used or altered my design, that's exactly the reason I created them in the first place - it's the fact that she maintained the lie when pressed, up until the point where I issued her with stern proof. When she realised she was sprung she immediately went about covering her tracks by deleting all her posts, as well as my own. I mean how childish can you be? Why would you lie about having creating a lego design? I can think of a billion things that would necessitate lying and this is not one of them. What a petty little person. She's clearly making money from these videos, which gets me thinking... how much of her content is really her own? Has she done this to others alos?
Renaissance Custom-Printed Minifig Torsos
How many different colours can you print on the one torso?
New X men Origins, Wolverine.
Face-palm! Four years later and people still be jacking my intellectual property! Why do I even bother sharing? Why, because I'm an awesome dude. That's why! To coincide with the new The Wolverine movie starring Hugh Jackman, I decided to update my old Wolvie decal. Is it just me or is there something eerily familiar with the new MARVEL licensed mini-figures? Well they say imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all! NEW!
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
The sad thing is I really doubt that! She's had millions of view on her videos. I on the other hand have on video, with only 53 views. Who do you think makes more money for YouTube with advertising? It really isn't in their best interest to do so, now is it?
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
What I like best is how epically she failed at applying the decals. The torso shape is supposed to be suggestive as a reference for scale, not to be actually applied to the figure. I mean, c'mon. How can she deny that it isn't my work when you can cleary see it is the same.
Boycott BrickQueen! She's a thief and liar.
Hello fellow brick-heads! I bring you all very disappointing tidings indeed! It has come to my attention that the YouTube member, whom goes by the alias BrickQueen has brazenly stolen my intellectual property and is purporting it as her own. It does not come easy to me to publically name and shame another person over the internet. However, you will see that I have been left with no other alternative. Miss BrickQueen is a thief and a terrible liar to boot! I recently joined the YouTube community and I happened to stumble upon a video entitled Custom LEGO mini-figure Goku Dragon Ball Z review, created by some self-styled unofficial LEGO Guru (BrickQueen). Immediately I recognized the artwork as my own. At first I was somewhat flattered that somebody else used my design and like it enough to constitute an online video review. Naturally, I just had to view this video. It was not until the video expired did I realise that this person was in fact claiming this design as their own. I was completely flabbergasted! So, I set about contacting this BrickQueen in regards to acknowledging that she was not the creator of this design. She denied having appropriated my artwork altogether, brushing of my concerns as "accusations". When I issued her with rock-solid proof that I myself was the original creator of the artwork, not her - she immediately deleted all of my comments. One would presume in a feeble attempt to conceal her folly, in order to safeguard her reputation. So, I am left with no other alternative but to name and shame! Some of you may remember me by one of these screen-names: CrimsonElixir, IronAlchemist or the IronArtist - if so, kudos to you! You have clearly been in the mini-figure customization circle for quite some time. A few years ago now I threw in the towel from designing for the very same reason that I must address you now. I became utterly disgusted by others illegitimately claiming my work as their own. So, I called it a day. It really does saddens me that some years later I must do the same now. It is disappointing as I did really get to be quite good at this and could have even made a career of it. I'm sure you'd all have benefitted from viewing my design too! My Original design: The video in question: My old brickshelf account, dating back several years: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=294657 As you'll see, there were multiple other Dragon Ball designs also. I'm surprised he didn't lay claim to those also! I would strongly urge all of you to boycott this deviant posing as a messiah - including all her content. At least until I receive a genuine apology from miss BrickQueen. Thank you and good day! IronArtist.
Dragonball Z
Thanks, it is a pretty darn awsome show. Here's Super Namek Piccolo, enjoy!
Dragonball Z
Dragonball Z to me was the most epic and by far the best cartoon ever produced. Thus over the years I've tried my hand at making LEGO decals of my favourite characters from the series. I decided to refine my previous decals and started with the star himself: Goku! Enjoy:
FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood
I've already started work on Major Alex Louis Armstorng, I've set myself up to tackle Scar the Ishvalan afterwards. I had planned to do Hawkeye after I complete Scar and then head onto some Villains such as Bradley, Lust, Gluttony and Hoenheim/Father. Shouldn't be too long before wesee Hawkeye at least. I've been a bit preoccupied with some Dragonball Z decals at the moment so I'll see what I can do. I'm currently researching about machine printing on LEGO figs so I can get these printed up properly, for once.
FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood
I think it looks pretty darn spiffy. I realise that the rankings are above the breast of the blazer, however I think it really helps to create shape the design of the figure. Also its inclusion sets it appart from all the other decals arround which choose to disclude it altogether. I did try making the stars smaller which looked great but didn't suit the lego'esque feel of the artwork. When it's on a figure it'll look freaking awsome.
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