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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by LucasLaughing

  1. I'm super late to the comment party, but I really like those heads as Givins!
  2. Very nice! I like the non-symmetrical aspect, and that's a clever way to add running lights to the fins. Great work!
  3. Nice use of the ice picks to get those weird spider feet! I think the head should have been at more of an angle so that the eyes looked more separated, but those red parts work well for the fangs/pedipalps.
  4. Excellent micro-base, I really like the turrets, and the sort of "floating" landing pad has a very Star Wars feel. I think what @goatman461 meant (and please correct me if I'm wrong) is that the base is the stronger of the two builds, so if you're going to spend the time editing a background it would be better to do the base vs the sthip.
  5. Cool hanger - you have some really nice details here. I especially like the fueling area that pops out of the floor, and recessed area with the upside-down turntables. The build feels a little busy overall, and I think some of the details get lost in the clutter, but in good job in general.
  6. Clever use of the seed part, and that dirt bike body makes a great base for your speeder. That tile floor looks like it took some patience!
  7. I agree - great seed part usage! I also like the inset diamonds in the wall and the minecraft parts for the door - excellent details.
  8. *Your entry has earned 22XP* Seed part: S15 - Molivar Republic Patrol After Action Report #4952 (narrative portion only) We could hear it coming. That was the worst part. Those claws, echoing on the pipes. It sounded like a malastran - they climb up the intake pipes from time to time, but they tend to be docile and slow moving. Whatever was approaching us through the darkened tunnel was moving fast. The malastran, with a sith rider crouched atop it, cut through our patrol like a vibroblade through Aiwha steak. The rider batted blaster bolts right out of the sky, laughing while the malastran impaled Tekk. One swing of his saber sliced open Raana from neck to navel. I'm only here 'cause I got lucky - managed to blast off the antenna the rider was holding on to. The malastran reared upward and threw him but he landed on his feet. His saber cut a glowing figure-8 in the air as he knocked aside our barrage. We couldn't hit him, but we must have provided enough of a distraction that he lost whatever mental hold he had over the malastran. It shook its head once, then cut him clean in half with its front pincers, before turning slowly and shambling back down the tunnel it'd come from. ------------------------------- The malastran creature (seed part used in its legs): Overall build: Thanks for viewing - C & C always welcome! Full sized pics are on my flickr.
  9. I like the flying creature! You've got a lot of clever connections and angles to get the compact body and the seed part is really well integrated. The grey speeder feels too front-heavy to me; I think the fins might have worked better in the back. I do like the dust trail it's kicking up, though. Good work on the yellow/red speeder too ... it's like an upgraded version of Rey's speeder.
  10. Mandal Motors is proud to present the all new DLX-9 Landspeeder series. An award-winning blend of performance and luxury, the DLX-9 is the speeder of choice for successful business beings throughout the galaxy. Tractor fields & Class-2 kinetic plating provide unparalleled occupant safety, while the supercharged repulsorlifts guarantee that you’ll be the fastest speeder in the skylane. With the DLX-9, the sky’s the limit* *vehicle is not capable of atmospheric flight and should not be flown above 10 meters. MandalMotors DLX-9. Because life's too short to go slow. Professional driver in a closed skylane, do not attempt. Always obey all local speed and traffic regulations. Shown with optional features and accessories. Occupant safety system may be ineffective at speeds greater than 100 kph. See dealer for financing options. Background image from Wookieepedia.
  11. This is brilliant - really loving the use of those parts to make the tire track in the ground. Are they floating, or attached to hinges or technic bits? Great, original minifigs too. The only improvement I'd suggest is in regard to the pictures - they seem a little washed out / overexposed. Great build overall, though.
  12. For my entry, I decided to go with a "classic" - 10182 aka Cafe Corner. The original: Benny's Version: The front ramp unfolds into stairs for our intrepid crew: On the back view below, you can see the ramp for the rover (right side of picture): Of course, it is swooshable: Although it's quite heavy... To infinity, and etc! More pics and discussion below. Thanks to @Bob De Quatre for a fantastic contest (and for the extension!) !
  13. Woo-hoo - thanks Bob!!
  14. I, for one, wouldn't be upset if there was an extension ... maybe have the contest end on the 28th instead?
  15. This turned out really well - I like the roof and wall details, and the interior looks good. Are those charging ports on the robot's bed? The telescope and antenna don't fit all that well with the hut - I think it's mainly the colors that are making them look off. The antenna seems like it has a lot of random colors thrown in, and I'm not sure the Octan color scheme meshes that well with the Star Wars vibe. Looks good overall, though; nice work!
  16. Thanks! I suppose it could fly, but it would be brief and the landing would be suboptimal... I like it Thanks! Well spotted - clayface was a great parts pack Thank you! I just used Gimp to add the text boxes Thanks!
  17. *Your entry has earned 8XP* The Mining Guild is proud to continue our long partnership with Santhe/Sienar Technologies as we announce the launch of the TIE Tunneler. Building off the proven TIE vehicle system, the tunneler will allow for rapid excavating and resource extraction in areas where blasting is unsafe or unfeasible. The vehicle is currently undergoing surface testing on Cadinth. Once surface testing is complete, the vehicle will be partly disassembled for its 4 kilometer trip down to the bottom of the Huttuk Aurodium Mine.
  18. Congrats to the Remnant for their well deserved win! The Guild will get on the board for the next one...
  19. Nice brick-built Shakks! I'm digging the landscape too - good color variation and the rock picnic is a fun touch.
  20. You've got some nice details here - I like the pipes along the top of the walls, and the dark red door looks good. Overall, though, I think this build needs more color to break up the grays. The flowers help a bit, although I'm not sure what they're supposed to be. What looks to be a fold down bed could easily have colored blankets, and you could use some brown on the walls/floor to show rusted areas. Photography is solid - good lighting and focus.
  21. I don't love the skeleton heads as Givin - I think they're probably fairly accurate based on how the Givin are described, but I just can't look at them without seeing pirate/castle skulls. Interesting landscape, though. I really like the trees, and the red / orange lava pool (?) is very striking.
  22. Although Bespin is best known for Cloud City (home of the famous Rebel Lando Calrissian), hundreds of other gas mining platforms dot the skies of the gas giant. The Mining Guild maintains several zones of control, extracting the gas with mobile mining platforms and patrolling its territory with specialty TIE fighters. The mining platforms are largely automated, using sophisticated sensors and navcomps to find rich pockets of tibanna gas. Once the gas is mined and processed, it's transported aboard tankers for sale or further refinement. Behind the scenes:
  23. Great build - I love the grape stomper, and the shuttle tail with the brick-built CIS logo is really well done.
  24. The skills will be used for some of the challenges - having a certain skill might unlock different story options. They won't be tied to regular bonuses the way they were in AG, though. Yes - signups are open! We're glad to have you! Thanks - we're all really excited to finally launch! I'll have to check with @MKJoshA to figure out where the character data goes. In the meantime, please send a PM to the faction leader to ask for approval. @all - if you're interested in a particular faction, send a PM to that faction leader to let them know. It's okay if you don't have your character build done yet (or your character totally thought out, for that matter) - it'll just help us know how many people we'll be starting with.
  25. Faction: The Mining Guild Faction Leader: LucasLaughing Headquarters: Lianna (S6) Planets: Eriadu, Christophsis, Dorvalla, Lianna, Savareen, Xagobah, Nelvaan Systems: M18, Q16 Colors: Yellow & black or gray with yellow highlights Pictured: Gas mining operations From starship engines to personal datapads, from the duracrete walls of our homes to the minerals in our daily nutrition supplements, nearly every facet of our lives is, in some way, dependent on mining. At the Mining Guild, we help partner worlds extract resources that would be otherwise inaccessible to them, providing those worlds with jobs, materials and security. We’re currently hiring for all positions, including: Miners A far cry from the day laborers of old, today’s miners are highly skilled workers: part technician, part explorer, and central to everything that we do. *your uniform and equipment may vary depending on the environment and resource being mined. Heavy equipment operators From digging machines to ore crawlers, much of the heavy lifting in our day to day operations depends on our equipment operators and drivers. Pilots Our freighter pilots are responsible for transporting raw and refined materials, while our combat pilots protect our assets and facilities. Our scouts seek out new planets, asteroids and hyperspace routes. Mechanics and technicians Mechanics and technicians are a vital part of the Guild, making sure that our operations are safe, effective and efficient. Security personnel *currently contracted through Outer Rim Security Solutions Security forces protect our employees and investments from hostile action. Previous military or law enforcement experience is required. Faction recruits: We’ll be looking to build on a wide variety of planets, with a focus on exploration, landscapes, machines and industry. Examples / inspiration (some pics are from prior Andromeda’s Gates builds): Landscapes – especially caves/underground areas, asteroids and “extreme” (lava, etc) environments. Machines –huge mining machines, intricate ore processors and everything in-between. Must love greebles Industry – refinery operations, ore processing plants, and all the cool, pipe-filled buildings that come with it. There probably won’t be a huge emphasis on combat, but we’ll definitely need security forces to protect against pirates, criminals and rival factions. The most extreme environments, the mightiest machines, the richest rewards… The Mining Guild. Join today!
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