Everything posted by LucasLaughing
[SoNE Freebuild] Years Ago on Cala
Nice little scene! I like the details on the main body of the tower, especially the different sized platforms.
- Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka — Avenger (Imperial Headquarters)
- Episode XII: Riddles in the Stars
[SoNE Ep XII - freebuild 2] Spooky
Thanks Josh! I always feel like I could write pages of backstory and details for each of my builds, but I'm always worried they'll end up being too long. Thanks, it's been really enjoyable for me too; I've definitely been giving your character a lot of thought to make sure I do him justice, and it's given me a lot to ponder about my own character as well. And yes, those are the specter legs under the console - I've wanted to use them for something 'melty' ever since I got them.
[SoNE Ep XII] E05 - Shock and Awe
Optional intro story, linking this build to the previous ones: I linked up with Bravo company just after dark. Our target was the Industrial Automaton factory on the edge of Theed. Something about investigating sabotaged astromechs. We were supposed enter the office complex via the roof, and make sure no one tried to erase data before our slicers could get to it. The rest of the troops would be at the front doors, knocking politely with their AT-ST. It was quickly apparent that the office complex was not where we'd been told it was. Either they'd changed the factory layout, or ImpIntel had their blueprints upside down. Ah well, time to do a little sightseeing. If we can avoid getting welded to anything, we should be able to find our way to the office complex.
- [SoNE Ep. XII.II] E10 - Commendation
[SoNE Ep. XII Freebuild] Foot Patrol in Mos Eisley
Fun little scene, although it feels a bit sparse. Maybe adding something like an awning on the tower, and some crates (or more aliens) on the path might help to add some depth. Good minifig posing, though, and your character gripes like a true soldier
[SoNE Ep. XII] E01 -- On the Hunt
Cool scene - I like your design of the work station and the holotable is great. Some of the wall greebling feels a bit random for my taste, but I really like the one on the far left with the hubcap elements.
[SoNE Ep. XII] R03 Return to Hoth
Interesting scene - I like the sort of cluttered feel of the abandoned workshop, especially in the first pic. As far as pictures, a lot of them are pretty grainy, and it's hard to tell what's going on - I think you just need to have more light when you're photoing. The photos size is fine on flickr, they maybe didn't link correctly? Here's how I link my photos from Flickr (and if anyone else has a better way, feel free to comment): 1. From Flickr, click the download button on the far right on the picture window, then choose 'View all sizes' 2. Pick the size you want to post 3. Right click the photo, and select 'open image in new tab' 4. In the new tab, the address bar should say something like '' 5. On Eurobricks, click the 'image' button in the post editor (looks like a polaroid), and paste the 'c1.staticflickr ... etc' link there That should give you something like this: It's a pain at first, but it gets much easier / faster with practice, so don't get discouraged
[SoNE Ep. XII] E08 - Raid on the Providence
Awesome scene - you've done a great job with the texture on the hanger wall, and I really like the hanger droid.
- [SoNE Ep. XII] R09 - Looking for clues on Felucia
[SoNE Ep XII - freebuild 2] Spooky
This is part two – I'd suggest reading part one first: Wave of Mutilation The trooper in the foyer told me I'd find the scanning crew a few hallways down. I could hear laughter as I approached. They all had their backs to me. Okay, my turn. How can you tell an ISB spook is lying? Because his lips are moving, but I don't think you have the security clearance for that information, private. Ah, jeez, sir, I apologize, I didn't see – Stop talking. Specialist, what have you found? Well sir, the equipment detected a void space at the end of the hall that isn't in the building plans. We're trying to find the actuator now. Almost got it, should be right about … here - Alright, giggles, give me your bucket. Sir? And your grapple. And your E-11. I have an idea. 3 minutes later … Lucky for me no one was operating the remote turret. Clear. Come on down. So – this was the lair of Agent An. He'd used a drive-melter on the computer console – but it looks like he left a data stick behind. Surely not by accident. Daaamn. That's a very respectable collection. DL-44, Deece 17 … a Plex Launcher... If you asked me now, I couldn't tell you why I did it, but once I was sure the troopers were distracted by Goatm's armory, I slipped the data stick into my pocket. He left all this good stuff behind, but it looks like he took one thing with him. A hammer. Huh. See now, that wouldn't have been my first guess, but … ...but that's why I'm the spook? Hah, your words, sir, not mine. Yeah, well, I'm just a grunt on loan to the ISB, but there's going to be a shuttle full of real spooks here soon, and you'll find them to be less jovial than I am. So make sure giggles keeps his mouth shut. Roger that, sir. Alright, I'm sure he had a back door – once we find it we can get the scanning crew in here to do a proper search. I was pretty sure the only evidence Goatm had left behind was the data stick I'd pocketed, but it always pays to double check.
[Challenge 5][Cat C] The Chariot of CLAPPIE
[SoNE Ep. XII] R10 - Fleshing Out the Problem
Hah, great minds think alike, although I think your method of handling the 'transition' was much better than my abrupt switch. I'm also jealous that you found such good matches for your characters' heads I like your take on the X-wing, and the whole hanger has a nice Star Warsy vibe. I also like the 'random' dark orange bits sticking out of the walls, but I think having more of a color pattern around the archways might have tied everything together a bit more.
- [SoNE Freebuild] Rhubarb In
- [SoNE Freebuild 23] Vengeance, Bitter or Sweet?
[Challenge 5][Cat A] Perfection Perfected
Steve Daniels Personal Log – 14 Augustali 3816 *Personal – for my eyes only – that means you Brian!* I just got a message from CLAPPIE – the mech is finally finished. I'm heading down to the fabrication plant now to check it out. I knew I had a winning design, but CLAPPIE said with just a few tweaks it could be unstoppable, so I broke software quarantine (shhh) and plugged CLAPPIE directly into the fabrication factory's systems. I can't wait until the rest of the design team sees it –they'll finally see me for the superior designer I am. --------------------------------------------------- Alright CLAPPIE, bring the mech out. Coming right up! Wha … CLAPPIE, this looks nothing like my design! I know. Your design lacked subtlety and grace. This … this is perfection … perfected. I ... CLAPPIE … are you crying? It's just more beautiful than I expected. They should have programmed me with a poetry module … Oh man, I am so fired...
[MOC] Grain Elevator for new layout
Wow, so in addition to amazing Star Wars MOC, you also build beautiful town/train scenes? Consider me impressed I think my favorite bit is the subtle weathering on the slanted roof - great work!
- [SoNE Freebuild] Patrolling on Tatooine
[SoNE Freebuild 22] Coming Back From the Edge
Very cool build - I especially like the stairs, and the slight border around the fighting area. I think the slope elements on the windows add some interest as far as the light goes. A few minor suggestions - I would change up the minifig positions a bit more, maybe show them fighting in the second picture too. I think with the strong backlight, it could have worked well to have each character silhouetted in front of a window, about to come together, maybe shot from near floor height. Those are just small suggestions, though - I like the build overall.
[SoNE Ep XII - freebuild] Wave of Mutilation
Thanks Danny! Yeah, my SoNE stories get a little dark from time to time ... Thank you! The storytelling aspect is one of the big draws for me, so I try to keep it "in-universe" as much as possible. Thanks judges! Thanks - I was really happy with how the flashback / return to reality worked out.
- [SoNE Freebuild 03] They Always Listen
[SoNE Ep XII - freebuild] Wave of Mutilation
Thanks! We had a great sunset the other night, so I was literally holding the Aquilae baseplate up into the light with one hand and holding the camera with the other I went with yellow heads for a long time just because that's what I had the most of, but I think it will be easier to build other SoNE characters into my story using fleshies. Thank you! I've really enjoyed SoNE since the beginning, but I think collaborating with Goatman (and others) has made it even better, and pushed me to keep improving my building. Thanks MkJoshA! I'm hoping to start posting more regularly again, since life is starting to settle down, so there should be plenty more story on the way
[Freebuild] Part of the Team
I agree - the speeder looks like it could be zipping around Coruscant. My only suggestion would be to maybe add some lights, but you did a great job with the overall shape.
- MOC Minecraft Desert Temple
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