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Lego Lassie

Eurobricks Ladies
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  1. A wonderful creation! I love small creations best and this is perfect. Leia's expression is great and Luke's expression is priceless. I love his present and using C-3P0's head instead of a star made me crack up. Thanks for a great Christmas MOC.
  2. I can't really remember when I first came here but I've loved it for a long time. This site is an important part of my day as I almost always eat breakfast and lunch while perusing the different and interesting topics. I usually visit at least 2 times a day and have learned so much valuable info about this hobby. I sure love coming here even though I don't have time to contribute as much as I would like and I want to thank all those members who provide reviews, news and interesting discussions. My husband probably also owes you all a debt of gratitude as well since now I don't have to swamp him with Lego talk all the time .
  3. I never thought my Lego buying would progress past the first set when I bought Jabba's Sail Barge. It was a lot of money and after I built it I thought "Now what?" My children were 6 and 8 and it seemed natural to let them play with it for what did a grownup need with a toy? Fast forward a number of years and thousands of dollars later and my stance has now changed. I discovered a joy for Lego that I never knew I could have and have become an avid collector. My children no longer are allowed to play with my Lego but now have their own as well. My daughter has become quite a Lego nut herself while my son wouldn't bother to play with my sets even if the opportunity arose. He has his own which rarely ever gets played with and now he wants to sell them. I do feel guilty for keeping these toys to myself even if my daughter has a lot of her own. Bricklink is not an option for me, no Lego store anywhere vaguely close, and I don't have much money for many luxuries like this. I am very careful with my sets to not lose any pieces and after seeing how she treats hers I am glad we have our own I believe it has actually worked out for the best though. My daughter used to burn through her allowance on useless nothings and now with the incentive of buying her own sets she has become very careful with her money and understands budgeting. She is also learning to take better care of hers through my example so all in all I like it better this way.
  4. I have this set but as of yet I haven't had the opportunity to build it. I have 24 bags in mine but since I haven't built it I can't be absolutely positive. I did buy it new directly from LEGO Shop@Home so I'd say it's correct.
  5. Lego Lassie replied to Dazmundo's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    I think it's a marvelous way to combine the two. Without the photographer, the picture seems out of place but with that little guy in front it ties it all together. Very inventive and I really like the pieces you used as it is instantly recognizable (by the way, your daughter is adorable ).
  6. Now that's how to start a Monday morning! Absolutely fantastic! Must get every one but especially the hockey player as I love that sport (being Canadian could it be anything else?) There are no duds for me this series too which is a relief since I've never once seen these in any store. I've had to buy every figure on-line which means playing the blind packaging game. Not fond of it but it's a must if you truely love these beauties and this time it won't matter how many multiples I get....they're all worth it!
  7. I love it! Such an interesting creation that has never been thought of. Being a fan of the movies, it's just great to see a new side. The flow of action feels so good and I love some of the different areas. The Chewie head/torso resting off to one side as well as C-3P0's head resting on a table is both a human moment and funny at the same time. The new microphone piece works really well as greebling on the Death Star and I love the tiny fighters. I like to think of myself as a Lego purist but this creation was so nice that it gets a definite pass any day! Thanks so much for sharing.
  8. Hockey : Vancouver Canucks CFL : BC Lions I love watching hockey but with an 82 game schedule I'm ready for the off season in summer. About a month before the new season begins though, I'm chomping at the bit for more! Love CFL, not interested in NFL. I wish there were more games in a season for football but with the punishment the players take I can't wish that on them either!
  9. I began my collecting with Star Wars when I wandered into a toy store and noticed the Sail Barge and fell instantly in love with it. I had no idea SW sets were even being made and had to have it. I then discovered the entire line and focused solely on them. It doesn't take long in the Lego world though to be enticed by other themes. Star Wars is still my number one theme but I don't see any reason to limit myself to it. Unless you have only enough money for them and must have every set, buy whatever you desire! It definitely was cheaper when I had only one theme to concentrate on but I adore a lot of sets from different themes that I now have. My wallet is crying but my delight is greater. My advice is buy whatever makes you happy. Being a collector can be a good thing but it can also become a harsh master. Don't let it stop you from buying other things if you truely want them. You may regret that later looking back on your collection. You might have every single thing from one theme although a number of those sets you don't like. Or, you could look upon your collection and smile at every single thing there.
  10. I feel I've been collecting long enough now to have a view of both sides of the re-makes department. When I was a new collector over 4 years ago, I loved each and every ship because they were all new to me. Now that I have amassed a lot of sets, I also feel a little sad every time a new wave comes out and there are no new sets, only re-makes. So from that angle I remember the delight I had when I was a newbie and realize there are newbies to the hobby all the time. I'm happy that they get a chance to get an epic set that they couldn't have gotten unless going through ebay or whatever and giving away their firstborn to do so. I am an adult collector but even so I do budget myself rather strictly. I used to panic when so many wonderful sets came out and it looked like the money was just not going to stretch far enough. Now that there are re-makes coming out, I am relieved to an extent because I can now get some beautiful sets from other lines that I had no money for before. My collection is growing into all different avenues and if it weren't for some sets that just didn't interest me enough I'd never had a chance to delve into some amazing themes. As for the CW verses PT/OT debate....... I've been watching the OT since literally I cannot remember when since I was so young. I've loved it forever. When the PT came out, I was uninterested at first because it seemed like nothing could be the same (and almost seemed a little betrayal on my part to watch). It took my husband being curious about them to make me watch them. Now I look back and wonder why it took me so long. I love the PT as well now and am thankful for them...flaws and all. I have watched the first season of the CW and while it's obviously not mindblowing for us adults they are what they are. My children like them and I'm beginning to appreciate them for what they are.....a cartoon aimed at children but still in my SW world so I'm giving it a chance. I do like quite a few sets that come from it (other than the faces of the minifigures but perhaps that will fade in time) and if it enables the Lego line to continue so I may have that wonderful PT/OT set even once a year I'll be grateful.
  11. Beautiful work! I love the chimney and first floor wall for they feel like the stone that they are supposed to be. The wheels and pitchfork leaning against the wall makes it realistic as an active working environment. The skinny trunks on the trees really works for me too as they are bending making them more authentic. It's too bad this isn't something that would be available to buy for I would snatch it up immediately.
  12. I chose the elf even though it was a difficult decision. The amount of printing was one of the things that made it come out on top and that it is in the fantasy realm. I love all the females so they as a group would be my second choice . As for the favorite series, I had to go with them all. They all have such amazing figs that I never thought I'd see in Lego form which makes them extra special. I will admit that the first series has a special place in my heart though since it was our first taste of this new minifigure world.
  13. I only had 1 Lego set as a child (it being too expensive) so I can't comment on anything in the past. I started my Lego obsession about 4 years ago so in that time I'd have to say Star Wars. The sets are wonderful representations from a movie I love so it's the winner for me.
  14. I'm quite open about it all. I don't use it as a conversation starter but I give full disclosure about it when the opportunity arises. Everyone has (or should have) a hobby of some kind and this makes me happy. If a store clerk mistakenly believes I'm buying a present for a child, I always tell them proudly that it is for myself. I've received no disdain for admitting it and have even gotten very interested responses. My father loves to make videos of our area (ground travel plus from the air with his ultralight plane) and gives them to all sorts of people from friends to near strangers he just met (sort of like an informal video rental store ). His videos are quite well known in our town and a while back he shot some footage of my collection. So for all I know, my hobby could easily have been broadcast all over town! Could be a great way to find another AFOL around here
  15. Really amazing work! I too thought of LotR at first glance. I also like the relative barrenness of the landscaping in front. It makes the entrance that much more imposing to any who approach. Thanks so much for posting!
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