Everything posted by echobasehoth
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase? has really nice price on the new star wars sets (i missed the bargains the first time they were up) so have a few sets arriving soon. especially look forward to see jabba palace, the skiff and the gungan sub, with that very special Amidala mnifig
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
yes, speaking from bitter experience. NEVER NEVER use those shelfs for lego
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
damn IKEA shelfs ;-)
How much is your SW collection worth?
i have never used brickset before. but figured it could be fun to check out what "my sons";-) collection is worth. we have a total of 84 sets. worth us$ 5472. a litlle stunned about that value( and have no intenton at all telling my wife) i have been pretty lucky finding old sets "cheap" on our danish craigs list, so probably havent spent that amount, but have many of the hard to find sets so value is probably higher than the retail price form brickset.
MOC: Hoth Shield Generator
looks great. Would really like to see the rest of the community display
TC-14 Lego Promo
just got my email from lego VIP program spent 400 danish kroner (euro 53) on qualifying lego star wars sets and get free shipping, the tc-14 minifig, r2d2 poster, mini tie. so im so much ready to order the ucs r2-d2
TC-14 Lego Promo
the ucs r2-d2 s now on avalable from may 1. so that will be my purchase to get the new chrome minifig
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
sorry if this has been posted before, but i dont follow the lord of the ring forum. (but think i mght have to buy those precious sets when they are reelased ;-) found this picture on another site, probably from the toyfair, would love to see a set like this
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
yes used the same kind of feature,just dfferent kinds of lego sets inside i picked it up . in one of the center aisles at toys r us, there was this rather big display, the new 2012 sets was on the display and the display was decorated with posters, one poster was lying on one of the display shelfs, so i asked a very nice toys r us lady if i could take it, and she didnt mind
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Just watched the clone wars season 3 episode 17 "ghost of Mortis" and my son asked if we could build a speeder bike like the one Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi rides on in that episode. does anybody know the name of that speeder bike and even better where i can find some pictures??
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
i got the 60 light bluish grey levers on different places, found 2 lots on ebay with light bluish grey levers, and then i have been buying lght bluish grey levers on BL but instead of light bluish grey bases, i have been getting blue, black and white bases. then i have ordered a batch of light bluish grey lever bases, and now i just swap the bases.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
finally did a trade so i ended up with the 10221, now i just need to find the time building it
[LDD MOCs] Brickdoctor's 2011 Star Wars Advent Calendar
its very very nice, and i had to download ldd to check it out, but please tell me, can i find the part list on ldd, would rather purchase the bricks for this one using bricklink instead of lego
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
when i called lego customer service, the lady on the phone asked me what i was buldng since i needed so many speciel bricks. i told her i was trying to bricklink my 10179 and that some bricks was very expensive on bricklink, so i choosed to use lego. she found it very interesting and was very happy to help. lego has the best customer service and i very helpfull.
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
im on my second 10179 and received a package from lego customer service yesterday, the 2 boat mast riggngs was black when i received them and when i called customer service today, i was told that they are now sold out in light bluish grey. so i bought a couplle on bricklink i guess price will go up on these in the near future
Amazon Links - Now for everyone
we have started christmass shopping and intend to buy a nintendo 3ds for one of the kids on and some lego as well. but using the eurobricks amazon shop im not able to buy the 3ds. would very much like to support eurobricks, can you add that category computer "pc and video games" ooops sorry i found the 3ds console now using the eurobricks store
[UCS MOC] Escape from Docking Bay 327
Very very impressing, the led lights is a very nice touch.
Amazon Links - Now for everyone
i have bought stuff and lego at several times, and usually i get free shipping to Denmark when order for uk£ 25 or more. you just have to tick the box, free super save delivery when you check out. check this link to see terms and countries which qualify for free delivery FREE DELIVERY
LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace TV Special they have all the new clone wars episodes as well.
LEGO Hologram
I Have no clue where to post this, and this probably isnt the right forum, but i only follow the star wars forum. i coulndt find this on other eurobricks forums, but this makes me wanna go visit a lego store instead of buying online lego hologram box btw i have no clue how to post a video either
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
just done building my 10179 using bricklink and lego customer parts, i have lots of parts left, and i was confused for some minuts, but then checked my bricklink orders and could tell i have 3 orders i didnt remove from my wanted list. SO what to do now start buyng bricks for one more 10179
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
ok im a litlle confused here been trying to make a 100% complete set with all the right parts using bricklink and lego customer service. i cant figure out what round pin connector is the right one to use. pin connector with slot which is the cheap one and the one you get from lego or this one pin connector without slot which is impossible to find or very expensive could it be that one of the first production runs had the non slot type and the later productions had the slot type??
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