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Everything posted by Herky

  1. We were supposed to get 2 sets, but it would be nice to get back to something under $100 that is a nice build and not a repeat.
  2. really? Why are they just recreating sets we already have? Can they not do new buildings? This may be the first set I skip or maybe just get it and not build it. Frustrating when there is so much good architecture out there and they do repeats.
  3. The rumor is 2025 will bring two new sets. Nothing is known at this time other than the set numbers of 21062 and 21063. Skyline again maybe? New building? Long way away right now.
  4. 21061 is showing a June 1 release date on brickcatch.com
  5. Maybe I missed it, there is a new postcard?
  6. Well, it is December 12 and no rumors and no confirmations of anything new for 2024 in Architecture. Used to be we would get 2 skylines on January 1, now we get nothing. One large set in Himeji was all in 2023. Hey Lego, did you forget about us?
  7. I like the restaurant but I am more excited for the dragon, think I might be the only one.
  8. oh me too, but I think since it falls under religion then TLG won't touch it
  9. well I only visited it once, but that was enough, usually just pass through it...it looks nothing like it did originally and it's incredibly smaller than I thought it would be. I edited my reply...see above. Had no idea we had a LUG here.
  10. You must live in the Lou like me...South County...and then I looked at your post again and read that you do. So do you pop into the Minifig store? Always fun to see what they have in Kirkwood. DId not know there was a LUG here. I have slowed down a lot on my collecting due to space to display issues. I know the Arch will be hard to do, but one can hope. I would settle for a mini set that somewhat resembles it. Train stations work for me, one that might be fun to see is also the Hall of Justice building in Cincinnati I think is where it is...I know it's not called Hall of Justice but do not recall the actual name. KC's Union Station isn't bad.
  11. Chinese New Year is a bit later this year, in February so the sets might get released a bit later as well. As far as running out of ideas, I can see that. I don't think they are going to do some of the things that normally take place during that time, like going to the Buddhist temples and such.
  12. Having been to and through Times Square several times, I have to say please dear TLG NO...Times Square is the most boring touristy place in NYC. My wishes...Taipei 101, the Arch in St Louis, Angkor Wat is a great one, can we get an onion dome church from Russia? the Shard, Chicago's Loop Office Tower or Marina Apartments, Petronas Towers...there are lots of FLW too and I really don't think they are truly tied to Atom, but I could be wrong. Getting one set only in 2023 sucks.
  13. Very interesting the difference in the tan slopes...you can see it and I wonder if others will see the same in their sets.
  14. I think what is missing now is 21059. Interesting that we get the Castle set before they announce the 21059 set. Of course this is not the first time they have skipped numbers in the theme, several sets that were going to be released never were.
  15. If you go to the St Louis Science Center you will find a beautiful Lego rendition of the Arch. Not sure how many pieces it is, but if they put that set out I would get it in a heartbeat. Done by Tucker of course. I am sure they could scale it down. I have an AFOL friend who started it and hated the repetitive nature of it, so he shipped it to me and I spent the last week putting it together. Here is my issue, just like most tall buildings that TLG has done of this type is that it wobbles on the 4 base legs. I need to go to a Lego store to see how they did theirs but I also want to see if theirs wobbles. I have been doing Lego since the 1970's so I am not a novice and I know I followed the directions to a T. I am going to wait a month and redo the 4 legs I think but it does stand near 5 feet tall, not sure if my math is correct but a meter and a half? It's a lot of dark grey pieces and a LOT of repetition. If someone gave me 3 sets to choose from, Eiffel Tower, TItanic or the latest HP train, I would choose the Tower last.
  16. Was chatting with a friend about this line. Seems we are getting fewer and far between anymore. I am expecting 2 skylines in January...well hoping I guess. It would be nice to get back to buildings though vs skylines. Anyone heard anything?
  17. I do like that one better, it just looks nice IMO. I may have to do this when I get mine.
  18. I saw Deep Shen post about this. I get the accuracy thing, but I figure I am just going to get the set and display it. I have never been there and likely never will get there, too many other places I want to go first, but while it bugs me a little, I am going to go with "it's just a toy" approach here.
  19. Very much agree, I like it this way, if you were to buy two of them, why have the inside then, just need the shell of the outer pyramid unless you are going to redo set #2. You would almost just want to build the shell, then forget the rest as it would be pretty much sand unless you wanted to MOC something up differently. You wouldn't need a Nile on both sides, that would be silly IMO but for those who want to just do two back to back, then more power to them. Now for them to do an Abu Simbel or, if they want to continue the pyramid theme with extras, go do Chichen Itza and put the ball court in place. Those ruins are so impressive to me as much as Giza.
  20. It's way past 23 hours now, anyone seen any photos?
  21. That's the rumor as of right now, June 1. No set info from Lego though, and no true pictures. Will be interesting to see how they do this.
  22. Is that the one with the big scorpion and the little sarcophagus? That was a great set if it is the one I am thinking of, will be interesting, I don't want to buy a set that is just a pyramid unless it's at least 16"x16".
  23. Lego has continuously been cautious with their press releases. For ex, the new UCS Landspeeder just announced yesterday, and it is available May 1. That's two weeks basically. I would say we get something mid May for the June 1 releases. May 4th is huge for Lego SW so they are not going to release something in competition with those sets...after then, maybe.
  24. Agreed, to me this is not an official Architecture set since it doesn't have an Architecture them set number. I would like to purchase it of course, but the cheapest eBay price I have seen is $600 USD. Nope...I am in at $150 at most. Speaking of the MoMA set from a few posts back, I visited MoMA last week. I am not sure how they will do this set after seeing the museum in person. The 5th floor, which houses the most famous paintings including Van Gogh, Dali, Matisse, Seurat, etc...is certainly a showstopper, but I kind of got bored after the 4th floor. The sculpture garden is kind of cool but not enough pieces. The other post that caught my eye is that Monuments of the World is not the official title of the set. Actually gives me hope for a nice landmark of some sort. We are 6 weeks away from that release so hopefully we see more. Lego certainly is keeping a tight lid on set releases these days.
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