Everything posted by Jack Bricker
Pharaoh's Quest 2011
I wouldn't be surprised at all if LEGO did a jungle theme. It makes lots of sense if you think about it. I do think that it will probably have a totally different cast of characters and may even be set in a different time period. That being said, just think about a booby-trap filled mayan temple pyramid.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Well thats just it. The ship is an empty shell. It's got lots of details on the outside but, the inside is just well, empty. The cannons don't even have wheels. It's pathetic at best. I mean when LEGO did the PoP sets at least the sets had Ok interiors but, not even having a door to the cabin and wheels on the cannons is just plain pathetic.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I have to say that I agree with you 100%. While I like to remain positive when I see Lego go for a certain artistic design I absolutly do not like it when Lego skimps on the quality. Lego could have done a whole lot better. The entire ship looks like an empty shell. There is no interior in the cabin, not even a door, there is no upper deck, and the cannonns don't have any kind of rig or wheels. Even the cannons on the Brick Beards Bounty had wheels. This is really beginning to remind me of the kinds of design flaws that Lego was making around 2004. I really wish that Lego would just push up the price bracket and give us at least a few more details. How many small parts would you need to make a doorway, a door, and wheels on the cannons. I mean that at least would push the ship up into average quality. I think that once the majority of people see this set in person and if the movie does not do well I think that this ship will not be a major seller.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I bet you would buy another one when it came out. The Imerial Flagship of 2010 was a big seller for $180 and everybody is ready to buy another pirate ship of the same quality, so I think most people would probably be willing to buy another castle when it came out. Also, most of the other UCS sets like the Taj Mahal or the green grocier sell pretty well, so I think that a big UCS castle would be a good idea.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Those sources were from the earliest catalog scan from early Juanuary/Late December where most of the sets were not even pictured and those sets that were pictured were the earliest prototype pictures that didn't have the finalized figs, so they are not in any way reliable. I really have a hunch that the Black Pearl is going to be the bigger of the two ships. It just doesn't make sense from a business point of view to not release an exclusive edition Black Pearl. Obviously kids and their parents were willing to spend big bucks on the 2010 Imperial Flagship so, I see no reason why Lego would release a cheapy version of the most iconic ship of one of the most iconic pirate frachises ever. That just doesn't make any sense. And since any of those older sources cannot be trusted as being totally reliable I have to think that the Black Pearl is going to be the larger of the two ships. Remember around the time we got the first pictures it was looking like the Queen Anne's Revenge was going to be the same size as the Brickbeards Bounty because some were speculating that the price was the same as the BBB and thereby the two ships were going to be the same. Boy were they wrong. That ship is awsome and I think that the Black Pearl is going to be more impressive too.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I really am thinking more and more that the Black Pearl is going to be an exclusive item. Thost box deminsions that we got are from the fist batch of preliminary pictures and I cannot count those as reliable. I really think that Lego would make the Black Pearl it's grandest POTC set since it is such an icon of the series.
How does the POTC theme fit into your world?
There wasn't an option for what I plan to do. I plan to use POTC as a stand-alone theme and use some of my sets to fill it out. I also plan to use the Queen Anne's Revenge and some of the new torsos to fill out my 2009 classic pirates sets. So, really I plan to do both.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I have a gut feeling that the Black Pearl is going to be the larger of the two. We did have some listings of the parts for the two ships but, those were listed with the earliest preliminary pictures that we had in some dealer catalog scans and some of the sets, like the Queen Anne's Revenge have changed some in terms of design since then. Also, the Black Pearl is without doubt an icon and the flagship of the entire POTC series except for perhapes the 4th film so I highly doubt that Lego is going to skimp on details and size for this ship. Lets keep in mind too that they are rumoured to be depicting the Black Pearl as the undead version so, technically the Black Pearl and Queen Anne's Revenge wouldn't be side by side anyway.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
The HMS Endeavor was the ship that carried Lord Bechett to port royal and the same ship that was sunk by the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman. The HMS Dauntless was Commador Norington's flagship during the first POTC movie. It would be awsome to see either one as a set but, I really don't think that will ever happen probably, due to the fact that such a ship would cost hundreds.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Now after looking at the Queen Anne's Revenge I can't wait until the Black Pearl comes out. I hope they have the proper window configuration on the back. That would be just too awsome. I would also like to see pentel and regetti minigures as well. It sure would be cool if lego someday did come out with a HMS Dauntless, however I do think that that is impossible due to the fact that Lego doesn't make 100 gun ships. Oh, well I guess I could always make my own.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Let me see. Lots of guns, lots of soldiers, no cargo bay just a gun deck. How could the Imperial Flagship a red coat warship not be depicting a man of war to you. I mean everybody knows that it is a red coat warship aka man of war. Besides my point is that this ship is not historically accurate to how real warships aka man of wars were built. As far as your earlier points about the hat and the flag. Yeah I can see why there is some disapointment about the hat but, then looking at the figure I don't see why we can't use a regular tricorn which would be decently accurate. Also the flag is not my favorite either and I can see your point on that as well. Now looking at all of that consider; here we are complaning about the flag, the new hat, how the window gallery is weird but, do you remember the days when we just had this ship My link or this ship My link. Considering some of Lego's past pirate ships this is a big leap ahead. Besides I don't ever expect to see Lego release lego sets depicting releastic ships anyway because it is a kids toy. Most kids want the sets to look cool and really if we all get so serious about our hobby that we forget how and why we got into the hobby to begin with than I think we need to re-examin our time spending paradigm. And, I might add that complaining about every little detail is nothing but, destructive. There was a time when Lego was releasing absolutly horrible sets and over-charging for them but, those days are over and as long as the current sets are a little better than the previous sets that just came out, like for instance Queen Anne's Revene vs. Brickbeards Bounty, I will be happy.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I do not understand why so many people are complaining about historical accuracy on the POTC sets. I mean seriously. Take a look at the 2010 Imperial Flagship. That ship is not in any way historically accurate in terms of the design of a real man o' war and yet everybody still liked it. I can understand why some people might think the Queen Annes Revenge is childish but, then why do you care about Lego and why are you even commenting on it. Back on topic. I for one am absoluty crazy about the new sets and especially the Queen Anne's Revenge. That ship is so cool. It reminds me a lot about the old Skull Eye's Schooner. Great job Lego designers. I hope that you give as much attention to detail when you come out with the Black Pearl.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
During the month of February there are several major toy conventions where all of the different toy companies like mattel, hasbro, lego, etc... all present their new toys that are coming out for that year. The biggest one is the New York toy fair which will be on Fabruary 13th. Hopefully Lego will unveil their new Kingdoms sets there.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Did anybody elso notice the over the shoulder belt with sheath piece on both the skeleton and barbossa figures on the isle de merta set? I just cannot wait for these to come out.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I just want to say Thank You, Thank you, Thank you Gwenju for posting those pictures. These sets are just too awesome. Finally a pirate ship worthy of battling my imperial flagship. I will give barbossa command over the imperial flagship and black beard command over the queen annes revenge. I am soooo excited.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Even though I am glad to have some higher resolution pictures I really don't think that these are the final set pictures. I wonder if Lego released some earlier than usual prototype pictures in order to keep fans from seeing what the final sets are going to be. One of the reasons I think this is because there are random white pieces all over the Queen Anne's Revenge and it appears some of the windows are missing as well. Some figures in the pictures have yellow bodies and heads and other figures don't even have a face. Also, none of the jack sparrow figures have any of the fancy headpieces that we saw earlier last year in the teaser images. Now when we had preliminary pictures of the Prince of Persia sets the sets were almost finalized, or at least to the point were the minifigures were finalized; Daston had the new hairpiece, the assassins had the new turbans, etc... All of this leads me to conclude that these pictures are not the finalized sets.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I was able to download the pictures in microsoft word and microsoft picture manager. Here is how you can download the pictures in case somebody doesn't know how to. Go to the link with the pictures and then click on the picture to get the description. After that click on the zoom picture function to get a higher resolution of the picture. Now highlight the picture and right click next to the picture. A little menu should come up. Click copy on the menu and then open up microsoft word. Click paste in microsoft word. You can now zoom in and out of the picture and you can even copy it to microsoft picture manager if you have that. I hope this helps.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I know that I have not commented on this thread very much but, I for one am very happy about the pigs, goats, chickens, etc... I don't understand why some people would think otherwise. There is too much of a barrior between the classic castle sets and the new 2007 and on castles sets in terms of color scheme and detail that you really cannot mix the two anyway. I just leave my classic sets to themeselves and my new Castle/Kingdoms sets to themeselves. Besides, if Lego never evolved by expanding its parts assortment and color pallett I think it would eventually die. Think about it for a second. Think about how "nice" the crownies shield would look with just a regular blue and white background and a yellow crown. Think of just using the same old grey and dark grey for castle walls and how that grey and dark grey color will saturate all of the colors around it. I took color theory in college and one thing I learned is that if you put too much of grey Next to some other color (not even mixing it in) the other color will not look as bright or even pretty. The whole creation gets grey wall sydrome. Think about just having dark grey swords instead of the new metallic ones. Now perhapes there are some stubborn collectors who don't want to admit they'er wrong and they would say that they would like Lego to go back to the 80s and realease Nothing but vintage 80s sets for the next 30 years. Well I think Lego would go bankrupt if they did that. I would definatly go into another dark age as I am sure a number of other collectors would do the same because, you can't just collect the same set over and over and over and not get tired of it eventually. It's like if you watched Kingdom of Heaven or Lord of the Rings over and over and over and over for 30 years straite. You would start thinking of fancy ways that you could destroy those DVDs. So, to conclude I am very happy that Lego is continuing to evolve as a company and is coming out with more and more animals that are more detailed than the older ones. I can only hope that Lego comes out with some sheep for shepards and some dear for the forrestmen to hunt.
VOTING THREAD: The best LEGO sailing ships (minifig illusion scale)
I would give the 15. Vesta 4 points 9. Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion 3 points All of them were great models.
Pharaoh's Quest 2011
If they came out with a jungle theme I do hope that they do a ligit Aztec pyramid with all of the trimmings. The only set close to that would have been the amazon ancient ruins and it still didn't quite cut it for me.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
I wouldn't be too sure of that. The rest of the sets in that picture all look like 2011 sets so, it would be kind of odd for them to present Kings Castle set since it would be the only 2010 set there. It is also certainly possible for the AFOL community to not know about all of the new Kingdoms sets 6 months before their release. Also, I looked at that picture very closely too and even though it does look similar there are enough differences that I think that it certainly is possible that it is another set we haven't heard about yet.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I know that the ships in the movie are played by the same ship but, in regards to the sets, if one of the ships is a regular set (Queen Anne's Revenge) and the other is an exclusive set (The Black Pearl) than the black pearl is going to be larger than the queen annes revenge and thereby the box of the black pearl set is going to be larger than the queen annes revenge set. However I noticed that the boxes are the exact same size and that they are both smaller than the Imperial Flagship set box so, it is very probable that the Black Pearl will not be as big as the Imperial Flagship.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
If you look at the listings of the black pearl and the queen anne's revenge you will see that they have the same box deminsions. I wonder if this means that they will have the same parts count. Also both boxes are a little smaller than the Imperial Flagship set.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Look very closely at the cannibal escape set picture. I think that these sets look awsome so far. I wonder how the ships will look though 100 euros seems a little cheap to me for a big pirate ship like the Queen Anne's Revenge. I hope that I am wrong but, I really wonder if it is going to be another Brick Beard's Bounty.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
How about, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Henry Morgan, etc... I think that the idea is plausible. I sure don't mind Barbossa in command of a frigate. I do hope Lego releases a frigate at some point or I am afraid barbossa will be given command of my Imperial Flagship
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