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Swash Buckler

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Swash Buckler

  1. Yes it is ok - and i like the helmets too but that friend of yours do not know that is there is more green aliens than "Greedos"
  2. Swash Buckler replied to sok117's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Not mistake just someone who didn't care whether or not clonewalkers can be used as imperials as well...
  3. I bought some great lego- presents for myself Endor, Echo Base, Brickbeard's Bounty, Drawbridge defense, Shaghai chase well i would like to have 2010 bp: s too but let's see i haven't had so legofilled christmas since... well 1999 when i got my first sw-sets sweet memories
  4. Swash Buckler replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    No it is different head but almost identical that is true...
  5. Great stuff- very accurate mocs
  6. I have one redcoat that lost his gold and Ahsokas saber is now just gray Mace's saber was better but handle is fully gray now- i didn't do anything special for them actually Ahsokas saber was destroyed when i put it in her hand and take it of- silver just rustled away...
  7. it is green it is not human- It must be Greedo! I have the old trifighter- nice little set- strangely enough clone has the head of Zev Senesca? also he has normal tiny eyes- ROTS set again?!- but what the Kit Fisto is doing in arc? Jag was the one that killed Plo Koon -Kit Fisto was dead already... should have three pilots and Kit as an extra with hangarpit or some maintenance car thingy like old sets always had
  8. Wow thanks for a review- where do you live by the way i thought they come out 17th december in Scandinavia? I agree with hats they are nice molds but sit a little bit too high- anyway i want that set and i'm gonna do a huge battle with my echobase/at-at/at- st and snowspeeder oh i actually need more white bricks as well but this and imperial versions are great battlepacks i want at least one of them both
  9. Swash Buckler replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Wow love them i want at least the camel Yeah old duplo one i has as a kid- i want see that as a city subtheme too
  10. Maybe- at least august sets like Sep shuttle did came out here in May- so maybe- although it is great that we here in scandinavia (or Fennoskandia to be more exact) can get sets sooner still here it can be harder to get some big ones- i finally find Endor set 8038 and it is going to save my Christmas along with other lego stuff like pirates and castle Ok staying in topic- is there any silver or goldprint in these new figs- i afraid that some can fade like Piratethem soldiers did and silver lightsabers
  11. Ummm.. Do you say "in topic" or "on topic" ? Hey prepositions are harder than spelling Cool- they are in normal shops already? I'm from Finland- maybe i can even get those before christmas or do they come out only in Denmark and Sweden?
  12. Allright allright- what kind of figure new Grievous is going to be?- (i really hope that rumour is true i never get even the old scrappy Grievous to customize... ) If anyone can either verify the rumour or even show some preliminary pics that would be cool however it is just probable that there are not yet info about that - but Swamp speeder was a nice surprise- there were not even rumours about that but it looks quite good- Is it an exclusive or limited edition or what it has that mark in it- so i won't probably get it it seems that great hate is growing between us- sorry i try to stay on topic this time you seem to be very punctilious at that- very punctilious indeed... Err... Oh yes... Stay in topic! Where is CW Padmé? TLG seems to hate her she haven't been appeared since 1999 (probably mentioned before ) still it makes me wonder why she never appears again in lego- she is action character as well as the jedi - and even "boring" political characters are now appeared (Gunray, Farr, Palpatine- of course we know that he is not so boring at all ) still Padmé do not very confusing
  13. Ummm... are you saying that Qui-Gons death are not shown?????? I definitely saw something like that in Phantom Menace i said that is too easy- for sw-freak like me all those are easy
  14. Hey are you really talking about the movie- we can see them die but no one mentions Felucia's name in the movie - and Cato Neimoidia appears only in conversation between Anakin and Obi-Wan but it is not referred as a place where Plo Died- also neither of the names of jedi (Plo and Aayla) appear in the dialog -so for those who had saw the movies but don't know much about sw- those are definitely harder than Qui-Gon who is main characters of Phantom Menace and Naboo is very clearly metioned as well I don't see that as a big deal either i also use fleshies and yellows mixed some times- i don't still like to mix them
  15. Ok ok- bad day- bad mood- sorry i was like picking a quarrel - i am pretty much similar to you what comes little things like spelling right and i have been many times picked on my arguing about spelling so when someone says that to me i feel pretty bad- it seems not to matter do i spell right or wrong i am slammed anyway- but not your fault anyway -so sorry (my grammar however is horrible i know that's because of my boring english teacher when i was kid... ) Terrible spelling mistake is that one official catalogue talks about "Darth Cader" that is a big mistake I am sure that it is going to appear in cw as well when it goes along nearer to ROTS- still i am very interested what they are going to do with Ahsoka? Killing her would be strangely cruel but letting her live or became a jediknight is unlogic with ROTS... And if someone do not know Qui-Gon Jinn he/she is not sw-specialist at all adding Plo Koon or Aayla Secura could be harder for those who have only seen movies...
  16. That jedi in your avatar is -of course Qui-Gon Jinn (not Jin- that would have been terrible spelling error isn't that right) and he died on Naboo (not nabuu or even naboo- name of the planet must -of course- be written with big first letter) and no i am not really angry- actually you make me laugh with your freakish grammar-rules are you teacher or what? Our views of minifigcustomizing seems to be so far away from each other that it would be better not to discuss that anymore- but Zam Wesell (or is it Wessel- it is actually spelled both ways depending on source) geez she can look like almost anything since she is chageling (ok ok i don't know how that is spelled ) but i must say that Anakin looks as much Zam as Vader looks Duros...
  17. I agree with talz-issue -head is too small and if that thing is not removable that set is poorly done - only two minifigs one speeder and high prize- no thanks- i would more happily buy another echo base or Tank droid- pretty similar prize- better figs Freeco speeder is good idea but that is very bad set Don't even want it- and that is strange usually i want all sets- actually i want old Venator more than that it do have Palpy at least and commandos - their armor looks nice- even though it is just bluecolored clone armor- helmet is ok but not suitable for Arguys- Allright we are not talking about 2009 sets here- so sorry very much
  18. No that is similar makeup like Elsa Schneider have in indy sets- if that would be cw- Barris her eyes would be ten times larger- actually Ahsoka looks quite good with big eyes in cw line- Anakin is horrible like the clones who look like they were anakins clones! Dooku looks like hobo with boobs - Obi-Wan is ok and personal hairpieces are good- still this is strange because we can see Barris in cw as well so are they going to do also cw version of her Spelling IS EASY IF YOU KNOW how it is spelled- my problem can be my mothertongue- we never use double-s at the end of the name (actually my real name ends to 1 s!) so that's why i didn't remember whether or not Barriss have two s:s (how to spell that???? ) or just one at the end of her name (because it sounds similar to me) so it is two- sorry if my poor spelling skills irritate you so much- should I be kicked out because i can't spell english perfectly?!
  19. Exactly what i think- if someone sees Barris' pupils as big he or she has something wrong with his/hers pupils "Barriss" then -"oh no i forget another s" There are many people who talk about "General Grevious" or even "Annakin Skywalker" so if you are complaining me i am very sorry that my english is not perfect yes rebel head is good but anakin and talz seems bad- talz because it looks that his headgear is not removable and anakin is similar scrappy cw monster as before
  20. Barris is not seen in Rots but SHE IS NOT CW-FIG! so actually this is expanded universe set from time of rots- Poor Barris was killed in order 66 on Felucia- cutted out from a film and never filmed but appeared in the comic for example- so sad that all these nice jedi characters were canonically killed... Still it is nice to see more of them in cw
  21. Barris is nothing at all like cw-fig- she has normal lego face instead of big mangaeyes like Ahsoka .
  22. Thanks very much about the info and sorry i didn't remember to stay on topic- and my punctuation i cannot punctuate my own language right and then english sorry i try- but i find it strange that if you want to be member of this community you must be very skillful what comes to writing- (is this a full stop?) this is not any english teachers club or anything -but a lego site- lego is danish so why do legofans should write english correctly? Oh lost from a topic again- back to 2010 sets then... i want to see Ranchor in lego form and i hope that Wampa attack- rumour is true- lego should make more animals although they make all sets sooooo... expensive So is this a real set- Wonderful more phase 2 clones and Barriss is so sweet Fig What is that color used for her skin?
  23. Smileys? I use them usually quite a lot- or what you meant?
  24. Sorry ...my english ... seen The Clone Wars series? There is those bluearmored guys known as senate commandos- they are not clones but elite republic soldiers but their lego versions have cloneheads- also their legoversions have similar closed helmet like the new clones (There is no any actual holes in the helmet- you know what i mean i suppose) but in the series there is commanders of those senate guards that have similar helmet but they are lacking the visor so they are "open" i'm not sure if that is a right term but like this So the helmets of those official commandos cannot be used for those commanders with open helmets and that is stupid And venator set doesn't actually have anything interesting except Palpatine and those commandos so i am not thinking that is a good set- got it? Price is much already but minifig count is surprisingly big- i would like to see bantha too
  25. That is a big army That is a big army
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