Everything posted by Swash Buckler
Nassau pirate port
Nice ideas- is hould do a Black Bart really he was one of the most notorious- perhaps after christmas when i got new Brickbeard's bounty. Then in January i probably start my break from pirates i have been them three months soon But pirates rule so i'm not going to stop making them no that is not even an option....
Nassau pirate port
My improvised Nassau port- more pics from here: My MOCPages. And comments are welcome Why the other picture was deleted Bonaparte? I don't have a flickr account so i use mocpages instead something wrong with that? I'm quite a new user here and i'm not very well acquainted with linking the pictures and all that- should i not use the mocpages for some reason.... please someone from the classic pirates would you make it clear to me why you edit my posts?
The Tragedy of La Mort Royal
Nice ship you've got there- well done! Colorscheme could be more striking though but it looks very classic with old imperial blue army flag and all
Most Hated!
NOOOO! You- you just mocked my favorite duel set! well it is pretty bad i partially agree- but it have the wonderful Yoda in it - much better than the new cw-monster and good Dooku new one looks fat and he even have breasts?????? really it looks like that i am happy to have that set. my most hated sw set is the new Venator cruiser- Palpy is only reason to anyone to have that one- it is horribly pricey and have only 5 figs!!!!!!!!!!!? Senate commandos are ok but they have clone heads terrible canonical problem- it is specifically said they ARE NOT CLONES! model is poorly done it is of course far too small and have holes in the hull- inconvenient in space even with the energy shields up- for saving the energy it is practical not to have hols in the hull.... Shape is bad because it is tried to built in minifigscale (not even close) gray wings and wedges aren't very rare in sw sets- i have tons of them- and of course flickfiremissiles !!!!! - still like all legos not even that monster is fully bad- palpy and his Death starplans- pretty good commandos (they should have had open helmets and black head like the old 2002 clones- so they can be used as officers like Arguys as well but no closed helmets and clone heads- bad, bad lego. even if there would have been 4 extra clones with these 5 figs it would have been ok now it is worst of the all sw-sets i think- and i am now happy owner of the perhaps best sw-set ever the new Endor! that one is a masterpiece with many figs and nice parts- but i will open it as christmas as a present of a kind I will never sell any of my two Jabba's
INDEX: Dark-skinned mini figures
Well realistic cause- it is said that third of the pirates were indeed blacks- so there is need for them when building more realistic moc- was any of those pictured heads Mace Windu from the old Turbotanks another version? (non light-up) -i have only the new Clone Wars Mace and i use him as black pirate or slave as well- his face is of course one of those scrappy cw-faces but one of the best of them i think- i also do have Lando and those arabs/indians from the new indysets- great for a muslim barbary pirates or tanned europeans- also the chinese can be get from the Shanghai chase or old oriental expediion series.... But lego should do more Blacks they are hard to get...
Conquistador's Riches
Great but he looks Very much like chinese to be a conquistador...
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
17th december Scandinavia ?! Yay i live in Finland and i can get those for christmas - if they come in the shops before that . It is good to live here because i can get little sets faster but some big good sets like Endor battle is almost impossible to find here - i hope that my order will arrive soon- how can i have a fun christmas without it?
Review: Atlantis 8057: Wreck Raider
Swash Buckler replied to MayTheBricksBeWithYou's post in a topic in LEGO Action and Adventure ThemesNice review- this is few of those sets of this theme that i would like to have- nice compact and little great pieces like the sharkhead and trident and all...
Moc - Royale Trading Post - St. Ann's Cliff
Awesome moc- these sort of ports are really worth seeing- so much stuff build out of legos- just brilliantly designed and built - but that windmill -even though is great - looks a bit- well... dangerous
Blackbeard's last stand
Why i write here myself? well this page looks so bad with "no new replies- symbol" I am probably getting brickbeard's bounty for christmas - how do i know i ordered it myself of course - but bad news is that judging by bill- there are no endor i want ewoks
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
Wonderful set- i love all the details- only thing could be better is ropes added- there is none- old sets had ropes and sailing ships were full of ropes- but these new ships have none Well second bad thing is that i'm not probably going get this
Blackbeard's last stand
Yes but this is " Adventure" Queen Anne's revenge was destroyed and sank long before Blackbeard's last battle it was 3-masted and at least with 40 guns but Adventure was a sloop (it had more guns than mine though) Don't try to be too wise -if you haven't enough info
Blackbeard's last stand
Oh i said that in my mocpage but i didn't add all the pics so now it looks like that Maynard just shoots him- still you can see how the swordsman is stabbing him at the same time...
Blackbeard's last stand
Too small???? Thay were sloops -little boats with big sails- actually they are pretty much in scale.. .
Blackbeard's last stand
91d it is now exactly 291 years from Blackbeard's death- here is moc representing his final battle As you can see i cutted one of my cutlasses- i don't usuallydo so but i have many cutlasses so i did it i needed destroyed sword.... but now i have one cutlass less
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Those are not clones they are probably rebelpilots for new bp- finally thy've got glasses as they should have had from the very beginning...
Buying Pirate LEGO - where to buy, advice, tips and questions
Oh that is very rare now- 2009 pirates didn't had those- they are nice and they turn but probably thay aren't really magnetic- i am lucky to have two of them- from the armada flagship and admirals flagship.... I dunno if that can be found from ebay- actually i have never purchased bricks from net...
Spanish port
From Cairo ambush- new little but great Indiana Jones- set number 7195- i have two of them- great parts for pirates as well as ww2 and ninjas (it have those arab goons if you know -the raider's of the lost ark) tan barrel is meant to be a big basket....
Spanish port
Actually i have already added it- checkout the mocpages link- strange that i put only those pics here where that baby cannot be seen- and for that cannon- well to be honest i just added it because it looked good but i don't know where it is going probably it is not the good idea to put that gun in those little boat where it looks to be going now sorry just accident- originally it was meant to be loaded in that ship that is not seen now
Spanish port
Thanks- what is your next project -i would like to see it when ready probably takes lots of time to do so big dioramas- your mocs are so outstanding that i really want to see them all
Spanish port
I like more using the real bricks but there is never enough of them to my visions so when i want to build something that requires unlimitable amout of bricks i use leocad it is one of the best virtual programs to build lego- it have most of the pieces that are needed to ships, cars, trains, planes or spacecraft and for my favorite cities and buildings
Spanish port
Official name of that part is 1x2 plate with a handle i think- at least in the leocad- and perhaps i should use some part for tiller also...
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I'm bit disappointed to these new sets no Cad Bane or Padmé not new jedifigs and of course that talz had to be that chief now it cannot be used in cantina without removing that damned hat but thanks for the pics Freeco speeder and arc are nice but probably i am not going to buy another arc -even though i don't have Kit Fisto- i am looking forward to rumoured Grievous fighter and Palpatine's shuttle sets- those two minifigs i want to have- i hope they will do a better Grievous fig this time
Lego Pirates Decal and Weapon Problems
One of my redcoats have identical problem- i noticed it yesterday- i haven't done anything strange to that torso but it is only one which is faded- i have even used others with armorplate and they are not faded but this one is
Spanish port
96d After my buccaneermoc i built another spanish city- mostly from the same parts but i built completely new houses and all... more pics from here: Spanish port 1685
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