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Swash Buckler

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Everything posted by Swash Buckler

  1. Swash Buckler replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I actually like much more about the box-art pic- darktan bush and old good skeleton (the "new one" with droid hands is "goofy" if you ask me) one figure is not so important since there is a horse- and i like horses but this is very strange that design of the set changes so much....
  2. it is weight of sort- there is those things in tractor's- it is because it will balance the tractor when it pulls something very heavy.... and it is very accurate to the real tractors- it's great...
  3. TLG made battle droids in 1999 ... (Eleven years soon)and no one said it would have been a problem- you forget to quote me by the way. Tactical droids are easy to do if they will do a new molds i agree - just like that- i would like to see CIS-colored Mtt as a set or then TLG could do a new Clone Wars Battlepack- mandalorians or bounty hunters could be also good for bp:s... tactical droids are important in many episodes so yes it is like not doing the Bane or Grievous- i would like to see Wat Tambor and Nuvo Vindi- not only in lego- but also in other season's of the series- well that is off-topic though but still wanna see those guys too...
  4. sounds like possible europrices- but no too cheap- they're dollars... CTT will probably be at least 150 € here... tactical droid is not harder than the Battledroids- and they did them 10 years ago already Sounds good to me - but the price of the Venator last year was ridiculous - cheapest i've seen was 145 €- and only five figs (three hard to get though)! new ctt have at least seven and it still seems to be cheaper- strange- possibly piece count is smaller- but at least model seems to be much better than the Venator's -well let's see...
  5. they've already made "nazis" so why not tank belonging to Hatay republic (well it is half-fictional place- there were country named Hatay- but it was not like it is shown in the film) it wasn't so clearly nazi as stuka just appeared 2009...
  6. Are you talking about Grievous' fighter cockpit or Slave1 cockpit - slave 1 looks good to me- i have the old one from ep2 and it has a great big glass part for Slave 1 - what's wrong with it? really it is not as round as "real" one -but close enough -hey are legofigs completely accurate to human? and of course they are going to put some incredible price to the Grievous and mon calamari in same set- with four lightsabers and doc. droid- and i'm ready to pay that to get them... any news about Bane's speeder?
  7. lego should redo podracers- better Sebulba and that said Mawhonic- also new Watto with short legs would be nice
  8. Oh my goodness- that's cool - best western dio i've seen - but you should do more interior to those awesome houses...
  9. Maybe some commandos -droids or senate guys since there is no commandodroids anywhere and senate commandos only in that huge -but poorly designed- very expensive- Venator I am concerned about Ahsoka's fate more than her...- well you know...
  10. Well i must say these "stay on topic" discussions are irritating- just when we came up with interesting topic (hey hey hey that is not the one before - let's stop this odd discussion about Ahsoka's physical appearance ) but what comes to the surprise sets Swamp Speeder was one so may be that no more surprises in 2010- but non-burn Vader and 501st from the ROTS would be nice ....and that long-awaited Padmé? Where is she?
  11. So first season A, second B- then C- and there is going to be at least four seasons.....oh mine what logic ok almost off-topic- but still i can't see that "new torso" in the picture of CTT is there more pics then?
  12. Oh my gosh -you old pervs- do you really think that lego company would change Ahsoka's torso because of that- they are not very accurate with those- well ...always mentioned parts of body - ok most female figs have them printed (including Ahsoka) but it seems that even (male?) imperial trooper from Endor battle seems to have sort of breasts well it looks like that- and so does cw-Dooku why the heck? Dooku is not even fat but now he looks like that (don't have a cw-Dooku but i have seen it) well Ventress seems to be pregnant.... ummm... back to Ahsoka- she is teenaged togruta and as you can see -she already do have -you know- that mentioned ladies' "equipment" so they don't have to make it grow season by season- and perhaps it won't anymore- not all women have so big b**bs - sorry to disappoint you but it would be realistic - and this is getting so Off-topic that back to the topic please- where are these rumours of the new Ahsoka torso from anyway? Oh i don't think they are going to kill Ahsoka- actually George is said that he has no intentions to kill her- but what they gonna do with her then? well that don't belong in this topic anyway- but about legowomen in less clothing -you know there is Aayla Secura fig coming- but if Ahsoka would have same torso in orange as Aayla - that would be very odd decision- you know there is big physical differences between them - perhaps Ahsokas outfit is going to be that commandosuit from Cargo of Doom? I checked the CTT-prelim pics- and i don't think that Ahsoka's torso is changed- it looks same to me
  13. Swash Buckler replied to MrBrick&BoB's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    WOW - huge great port dio! i don't know what else to say... AWESOME!
  14. This is a Clone Wars set of course- but not "The Clone Wars- set" ok -so much about that- but then to the Barriss fig- it is strange that she appeared so early since not even the Ki-Adi-Mundi have yet appeared and he is seen and heard much more in the movies - however as kinda sw-freak -Barriss is familiar character to me- she is seen in ep2 and in ep3 comicversion but she is now appeared in cw season 2 along with Ahsoka as main character so that is probably reason why lego did her- even though she is not actual cw-fig confusing- figure seems to be really well made it may be the most beautiful legofig ever made- look at those eyes she so sweet... well she is not that bad in flesh either- Nalini Krishan is that actress who is in the picture- and that makeup suits her quite well- too bad that she cannot be seen more in movies... and so shame that she is canonically killed by those #%"&@! clones ummm... nice review by the way Well legos are expensive but not all shops have same prices, i find stupid that this is the exclusive instead of Luke's speeder- not many collectors want Barriss that much and now many aren't going to buy this- bad decision from TLG i say
  15. What ? Freeco speeder is not worth of that it has only two figs - Luke's speeder is expensive too but five figs and at least it is as big- maybe bigger as Freeco- far too overpriced talz Even trifighter has three droids- one rare commander...
  16. Printing is not at all where it should be- seems that Barriss is only awesome thing in this set.... still if clone would be better this would be outstanding but printing is really poorly placed- too bad Barriss is not very well seen in movies- we see her in new clone wars though but it is not the same thing- who is that actress btw?
  17. Swash Buckler replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Doesn't matter to me- but those weapons are good for Star Wars bounty hunters/special clones also I think it is a new color- with "dark orange" you probably mean the color that was usual in 2002 sw- well as Star Wars fan i call it "Geonosis brown" but Dark Orange is better term i think -since it is more orange than brown- but that would be good color for new sw-sets also geonosis arena from ep2? well offtopic yes but new POP sets look so cool- maybe i get the alamut battle for christmas- for a lego fan 2010 is definitely expensive year- i just have to get that camel (both would be better)
  18. Luminara's skin is more Greener though -but tan would do she should appear along with new geonosians from the season two- she is captured on Geonosis i've heard- please no more spoilers season two starts here.... next saturday- yay less than week and it certainly looks cooler than season 1 btw i think that this Barris may be the most beautiful minifig ever...
  19. LOL- if i can get barriss- i could her in bikini
  20. Tattoos are very different though but skincolor would do- there should be cw-Luminara with big blue eyes- would be a great fig...
  21. Yeah Lekku no tentacles- and i also think it is bets that she will have an normal minifighead with separate- Lekku/headgear piece
  22. All lego Luke's have that kind of wrinkle on chin it is no blemish or misprint - well reason is not clear though- Mark Hamill's chin seems normal to me - anyway Luke looks better than i thought it is not identical to the cityfig with happy face and eyebrows as it forst looked but i must say that new droids aren't exactly my favorites- i liked more about the looks of the old R2- new looks bad and all of those details in the head seems to be almost always missprinted also c-3po is now too dark- i have the old one which is much lighter (best c-3p0 is that rare golden one) Ben looks ok bbut he don't have a cloak- bad bad bad once again also one stormie- no commander- bad bad bad since i do have the old cantina -but only part i have lost is that pauldron- now it cannot be found from this set either also why lego is stopped making those great chromesabers- new ones will lose their color in few days- at least those i did get from 2009 CW-sets so this set is not really for me- however it is not a bad set -figcount is suitable for a prize (didn't freecospeeder cost the same? it is much worse set) but as always compared to the piececount prize is high- well licenced sets always are expensive.... Ok- really?? I'm finnish too- so this is no-buy if it costs that much!!!!
  23. Asoka head from pop would be good Sallah (not Ahsoka-Asoka is man from Prince of Persia ) Opening the shotgun shell is also problem -since the lead (used in the shotgun shells in those days) -is not magnetic either (being magnetic don't mean that it pulls metal- it mean that it can be pulled by a magnet- so magnet and magnetic isn't same thing ) so actually whole scene is complete rubbish what comes to the real accuracy -if you have a very magnetic box that pulls iron- it will not affect at all to the lead shotgun shells or gunpowder- so whole scene is pure fiction- shame since the idea is good-using something made out of iron, nickel or cobalt (magnetic metals) would have worked- however -it is clearly stated in the movie that the magnetism of the box (and skull) is supernatural -since crystal can't be magnetic either - so the effect to the gunpowder is not problem in theory- but Indy shouldn't know that -since it is not based on the real physics at all- Only explanation to this is that maybe he (Indy) spotted that it pulls lead and gunpowder at first time when he was part of the secret Roswell-project and thought that it would be because of magnetism- even though reasons were "really" supernatural- but this makes Indy to feel really dumb scientist who need more lessons about real magnetism so only real explanation to this is that Indy lives in the fictional world where nazis search artifacts all around the world, lead and gunpowder are magnetic, fridges with leadlining can save from atomic explosions and where UFOs hate soviets.... (actually the last one is true according to the document i saw it told about ufo attacks to the soviet military maybe not reliable but supports the fact that communists are not alien's favorite people )
  24. Oh my gosh - your son is so lucky- great base btw!
  25. There is so much other stuff in the episode 2 than just clones - kaminoans haven't appeared- Jango needs to be redone as fleshie (and with new jetpack and helmet like Boba) so does Zam Wesell- There is no ep2 Padmé- many jedi from the episode are missing as well- no Dexter Jettster even if he is in the game- simple dinner would make a nice set- not very actionful but still- fleshie Obi-wan and Dex with molded head and 4 hands would be great - Although i agree with many that ep2 was worst movie- because of kinda wooden acting (the lovestory between anakin and Padmé works better even in the new Clone Wars series than in the movie ok offtopic) still Padmé is in action so arena battle would be great set to do a new Padmé, new Jango- new non Cw Mace Windu- and those awesome beasts- lego is finally making a fig of wampa -and tauntaun appeared as a great mold -so we need rancor, bantha and those arena beasts from the ep2- Acklay, Nexu, Reek they wouldn't be hard but awesome- i like all lego animals- so TLG- more sw-beasts thank you! Well changing the heads will not help since the problem is helmets mold- not the head itself- my another helmet is ok but other one isn't- also heads aren't both unique- beardless head is actually starkiller/Galen Marek from a Rogue Shadow
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