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Swash Buckler

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Swash Buckler

  1. Yeah no ep2 stuff have appeared in years- and once again - where is that new Padmé fig?
  2. She should be cw-fig is she- and with blue hands i hope. ARC is actually pretty good- but it should have had all 3 pilots instead of 2 and Fisto- however Fisto is a good addition.
  3. some femalehair pieces from a pirates line do the same- it is really problem of the year 2009 it seems...
  4. Don't try to tell it was not a mistake- even if the box was magnetic -then it shouldn't have affected to the gunpowder at all- gunpowder don't have metal in it so magnet do not do anything for it- of course later it affects gold and Mutt points out that gold is not magnetic- so it can affect strangely even towards gunpowder-but still indy should know that gunpowder shouldn't be magnetic at all... and yeah fridge was leadlined but really- leadlined fridge wouldn't just fly like that if it is hit by an atombomb it breaks down and leadlining wouldn't really save anything- and even if it flies as a complete piece- it would be almost impossible to survive the flight and landing inside it at least without many broken bones- well indy is indy he survives strangely- but still there can be some realism there Well i personally think HP is bad - very bad- all of them are poor movies- haven't red the books but since the plot is same thay cannot be good either- but HP legoline is ok- i bought many sets to get nice parts and return of the HP theme would be nice Ok offtopic but even if alien was magnetic it shouldn't have affected gunpowder because gunpowder have no metal in it- it is same as magnet that pulls indy's hat or something other non-magnetic....
  5. New helmets are sometimes bad- another rebel helmet from the endor battle and at-at drivers helmet from a new bp don't sit tight in the head- they just pop away- this is bad i have to out piece of blutack that they don't do that...
  6. Swash Buckler replied to Morten's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I didn't mean that they should be changed.... and ok i didn't check when this is posted
  7. Funniest thing i've heard-must have been -when i bought a clone battlepack and vendor asked is this for a gift or do you use these yourself (well not exactly what she said since she didn't speak english) I just laughed and said :"you don't have to wrap them if that is what you mean" How you can exactly "use" the lego- at least in finnish that sounded funny.... Ummm... sorry.... but as a foreign person i don't understand the problem- should we talk about "the LEGO" then -when talking in plural form i see nothing wrong with using word "LEGOS" it is just the plural form....
  8. Awesome minis very good work!
  9. Swash Buckler replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Hey old better skeleton returns and darktanbush , new turbans and weapons great little set
  10. Barriss is awesome - never thought legofig can look so beautiful- still i think it is strange that she appeared before Ki-Adi, Shaak Ti, CW-Luminara or new Padmé- she is not so important - anyway she is nice fig but set should have at least 2 clones to be even close to the worth of it's prize
  11. This set saved my christmas- it was sold out here in Finland but i managed to get it- great set good figs- but i must say that "walking function" is.... bad
  12. Of course- or do it look like one from a civil war- era? - but it is not "The Clone Wars" because Barris is not mangastyled almondeyed fig and clone don't have that kind of head either - all The Clone Wars sets clones have similar head Unfortunately using cw-figs and normal doteyed together -many people come and say- hey you shouldn't use them together that's dumb but so it is always- i also want to see what the heck is that squareshoulder/roundshoulder thing????? Want to see pic that shows that difference... Hey now i spotted that squareshoulder thing- very very very little difference that doesn't matter at all why so much babbling about that- looks like that some of my figs have those "square shoulders" but some don't - so that settled then
  13. sweet - love the little cheeseslopes and droidhands good work! Not bad but "keep out" should be aurebesh instead and i would change the cap hat too....
  14. I bought the imperial hoth bp today - all torsos were normal -but officers head is different than the one from indysets- although it looks like that on cover anyway all shoulders were normal little bit rounded- i would like to see pics of these strange shoulders? They had to do Ughnaughts for Cloud city this time! maybe like the old jabba's palace there could be some little sets and one big one with carbonite chamber- one could be chewie, scrap-pile with threepio and two ughnaughts- then another set with the antennae thing and walkway - maybe window too with Luke and Vader fighting- the classic "i am your father!"- scene just ideas
  15. JUST AWESOME! the idea and moc- perfect stuff!
  16. Nice work -my favs are Tambor and Clones - tactical droid is nice also -lego should make an official though- but i must say i like more of original Nute and Also Lok Durd would look better with normal legs - skirt is more accurate maybe- but i don't like it's look- however it suits for tambor- lego should make him as official too!
  17. Swash Buckler replied to Tereglith's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Nice - although i don't like the waves - well anyway- dead man in the palmtree is a great addition
  18. Nice little set - but he is not chief but medicine man- the witch doctor or whatever - Chief is the guy with eaglefeathers
  19. Beautiful work- love the colourcheme too!
  20. Heh funny abbreviation there- but bad that they are ending....
  21. What is in it? reply so it is easier for outsider's to understand about what you're talking abou...t
  22. This is quite a poor set - only two usual figs and no any enemies to fight- poor playability- no Lando- poor for collectors and fans- not much parts either- and this thingy was alone before Jabba's sailbarge appeared - that is a good set and i have it - and about the Luke's head- i like it- old looked bad- new (2009) looks even worse -that one is best even though it is identical to ep1 Obi -they should redo him instead- this head looks like Luke...
  23. EU has many nice stories and characters and ships -but only good EU:s are the Thrawn-trilogy, KOTOR, TOR, TFU, Jedi knight games, Rogue Squadron- games and some old flying games, old Clone wars- animation (it looks horrible though...) and some books( x-wing series? haven't red) plus very few comics- but many -like Dark Empire with Emperor's clone not to mention the whole legacy-era - those kind of bad EU-comics ruin the canon- George has said that emperor and sith will not return so it is dumb that there still is so many post-palpatine sith. just my opinion -so if there would be EU-line some of those EU:s i like would be cool TLG would never put so many figs to the same set....
  24. Swash Buckler replied to Morten's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I would change the classic yellow smileys instead- fleshie heads just look better- i still like yellow figs too- but in sw-theme i prefer fleshies- and oh huge dio looks nice - but is that Tarkin there? you should change him- he is too recognisable... i would say
  25. It is unlikely that lego will do such real historic stuff but both sound good- about persians there will be persians soon because there is Prince of Persia lego line
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