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Swash Buckler

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Swash Buckler

  1. They look similar but i haven't yet get the bp:s -imperial one is "must to get" but rebel looks good as well...
  2. Ýou mean Queen Amidala- actually Padmé- yes she is needed- cw or normal, pregnant or not Queen or Senator- any of those will do. torsos are changed that doesn't sound good
  3. Well i do have a Jabba's palace from 2002- and Sailbarge from 2006
  4. Padmé and anakin are humans so this your "naboonese/tatooinese" pairing is complete rubbish- like Americans/europeans nothing strange there -but hello- for example do you find Tey How attractive - she is that neimoidian that controls the droids in episode 1 (one with funny goggles who active the droids) she is neimoidian close relative tu duros so would be understandable if Cad would find her pretty- like Humans and twileks are clearly relatives their body and face is very similar- but hey this is strange conversation anyway and please don't spoil the upcoming episodes of the cw thank you
  5. SUPER SIMPLE MOD?? are you saying my ship is mod or a simple?- it take me week to build and it is complete moc not mod of anything - Brickbeard's bounty didn't had but 10 % of something of those parts used to this- so please creative critic is welcome but are you talking about something completely offtopic- there is no any simple mods here on this page
  6. He is the nickname of the guy who is making up that rubbish- i just thought that you have written something he have wrote- sorry and now stay on topic....please
  7. 501st is something that lego just had to do - good that they made swampspeeder with phase 2 clone now- so they are coming back- i really would love to see those jedi as well- Ki-Adi Mundi with Ut-At and few marines plus Bacara would do a great set - but for Shaak- well that is harder -she cannot be seen in the finished ep3 but lego should redo some ep2 sets- maybe sort of battlepacks from the arena would be nice- i would love to see the beasts acklay, reek and nexu as lego- and finally that Padmé- she is really needed. Then what comes to cw-sets i want to see CW-Luminara or at least non-LUL one from the movies... what comes to bp:s i would love to see some native warriors in them- gungans, naboo guards, wookiees, ewoks, or even twileks from the cw would be great...
  8. Oh no- once again someone who believe that "supershadow" that guy is rubbish himself and his rumours are not true at all- there will be no eps 7-9 at least not like he telss they "will be" his site has list of the upcoming clone wars season two episodes- he claimed that it starts with episode named "prison break"- it didn't and he changed it later that first episode is Holocren heist (real) and second is prison break- he continued this until he removed the rumoured- non-real episode prison break and he really don't know anything he just makes up that stuff from his head and claims it is true! hey nontopic maybe - but important to correct that that is rubbish- back to topic- any news of Bane's speeder?
  9. Sorry is this is off-topic or anything i haven't read all the comments before (hey there is hundreds ) but just wondering how you know this information- working for lego or something? Just saying that there really is need for remaking Padmé fig - come on she is most imporatnt female Character along with Leia but she haven't appeared since 1999!!!!????
  10. Bossk fig is welcome really but those extrafigs are not needed i think most have them already - well not that rare Bespin Leia though... new Boba looks cool- but i want to see Jango redone in similar way- AOTC-sets haven't been redone at all -and i think it is time to redone the podracers from ep1 as well -with more movable Sebulba and Flesh Padmé- however endor base don't sound like much i would like to see some set with redguards- since there is none in the Theta shuttle -also i would like to see a set from ROTS with Yoda and Emperor fighting- it could include senatorial pods- red guards and Bail Organa with his speeder that would sound much better than some Endor base that can be build with old sets and some extra bricks
  11. Hey you know that speeder pic is from ep2- visual dictionary- it is miniature model owned by young Boba Fett according to the book freakish isn't it- but i confirmed that and it is the same pic- do Cad have that kind of speeder in the series? What playability! If i can get that i will play it all the time If there is no bossk in slave i'm really not getting that then - maybe he is in Cad Bane's speeder instead?! He appears in cw season 2 i've heard- but please no spoilers- thank you- haven't seen that yet...
  12. Did i said that - i said those figs and then too many jedi- ok ok- i said it funnily- i know he is no jedi but three jedi and two clones don't make sense Cad Bane's speeder- sounds something from season 2 - oh i hope he kidnaps Padmé in some upcoming episode and so we could finally get the new Padmé - but commandodroids or any of those other bounty hunter guys/ladies will do -or Ziro the Hutt but TLG no more rocket droids or Anakin/Ahsoka
  13. Yeah Arf-trooper is really wanted -but there is probably only two normal clones- i wonder why TLG had to put Anakin, Ahsoka, Aayla and Cad Bane all in same set- too many jedi- one of them should be clone commander instead Bly?
  14. Very good mini- there is not many indyminis i have seen.
  15. more pics from here My Mocpage enjoy
  16. Well -that was so obvious i didn't even ask- well original art pic maybe wasn't so "kid-friendly" - although i think that every person who see that and first think of kids- do seriously have some dirt in his/hers own mind - anyway could you do that Dookuboot pic with old ep2 Dooku-fig? Also speaking some off-topic now- it seems that this character of Riyoo Chuchi has made a really big impression for all CW-fans - well seriously -we see her in two episodes and she is so popular already- and by the way isn't it strange that in the Hostage crisis Cad Bane finds Padmé pretty- well quite pervert really -he is duros and he should like duroswomen instead - and "too young and pretty to be a senator" ??? Hey Bane open your red eyes -isn't the Riyoo young and pretty? She even is blue anyway- maybe we see that attractive young senator Riyoo again in the cw series (no spoilers from the season 2 please haven't seen those episodes yet)
  17. Swash Buckler replied to Rook's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Very impressive work! huge Venator -that really makes legos official to look shameful (well it does anyway) but it seems that those wingflaps of the eta-2 are well- wrong side up -that is inside wih those stripes- well sorry always when i see something huge and impressive i quickly find some error there- it is great work anyway- glad to see so good sw-moc
  18. NOOOOOO is Indy theme really ended - no Grail temple- No tank?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i want see that tank!!!!!!!!!!! and grail temple too... KOTCS was actually pretty nice if you ask me- bit strange but nice- action scenes jungle chase- even aliens were ok but worst thing in it -was those completely absurd ideas like atom bomb and fridge -oh my goodness- did they seriously think that could work -absolutely insane- also "magnetic gunpowder"????????? just rubbish- gunpowder don't have metal in it (except sodium but that's not magnetic- well neither does the gold that is even mentioned ) It's just dumb to use complete rubbish facts as themes for the moviescenes next indy could have chinese nazis using gigantic magnet to create atom bomb out of gold and indy need to get fridges to everyone to survive from the atomic war or something - i really hope they will keep Indy even as relevant as KOTCS- well less monkeys and more action though- action that could -even in theory- really happen- Ok -Indy is not realistic but some reasonable can still happen -less absurd craziness Mr. Lucas and Mr. Spielberg thank you...
  19. For your LUL theory i just say LOL- no she is not LUL I really agree- there is not any logic with these figures who appear and who will not- Anakin is in many many sets -Padmé is in none (except very old ep1 sets)- seems that TLG simply hates her strange haven't seen those yet since here season two hasn't started but it soon will- ok ok back to topic- cw-Barriss or Rots Barriss- not so big difference- of course cw-barris could have had those realllyy big eyes but she is great anyway- i'm just wondering why Padmé never appears again- we haven't seen her since 1999 and my poor old yellow doteyed Padmé -fig has almost completely plain face now- the printing has scrubbed away i want some sort of new Padmé -fleshie from ep1 as a queen, from ep2 or ep3 (with pupils or not) oe even the CW-Padmé with those huge almond-eyes -any of those will do- but not just same dumb Cw-anakin over and over again At least Aayla will appear -she probably have those big eyes but no probs -i don't really care that much -Aayla fig is welcome anyway- at least if she is as beautifully done as that great Barriss over there- and then she comes with cool new Cad Bane (not much beauty there though ) in same cool tank- set
  20. It is dumb that Nien Numb (lol rhyme ) the sullustan haven't appeared- problem with stormy heads is that canonically it is not shown their faces- most of them are supposed to be clones- but not all Jango Fett's so it would be hard to design their looks without getting critical comments from the fans -who think they are not clones- but Lucas originally meant that they are clones since there is a clear mention of the "clone wars"- original stormies is not seen without their helmets- although it is clearly seen that their height is different (variety of templates?) still Leia says that Luke is too short for a stormtrooper so there is sort of height limitation (that the armor will suit- clearly logical with idea of cloned soldiers- only few sizes of armor is needed) So should stormies look like Jangos clones or something different? Hard to decide for TLG is seems
  21. Swash Buckler replied to Dennimator's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    My moc version: sorry about the pic
  22. Hey do not forget Barriss Offee and Aayla Secura!!!
  23. Swash Buckler replied to def's post in a topic in Community
    This tells it all great lego xmas
  24. Old ben do not have stupid smile- but new one seems to have- he looks liken Santa Claus Ho-Ho For Luke "stupid smile" kinda suits though but he looks too much like cityfig in flesh:laugh: Midi-destroyer- sounds interesting although i'm not going to get it anyway i am need of mostly figs and some special parts no more gray bricks and wings
  25. Great one - yet pretty naughty-( hey do kids really care that much- parents they are who afraid something not being "kid-friendly") but it definitely make me think that Freeco speeder set really needed Riyoo Chuchi- minifig Nice but could you tunrn the Dooku one -being like "old" lego Dooku- i don't like at all about the new hobolooking one
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