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Swash Buckler

Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Swash Buckler

  1. Yeah- i have said the same so many times -that nice to see someone agree- why lego never redo her as fleshie she haven't appeared since 1999 why? even Nute Gunray have now appeared and i wait him almost 10 years- Onaconda Farr have appeared but no Padmé Aayla is probably cw with big eyes but that's not so bad -actually bigeyed girls look good compared to "boys" because thy do not have that ugly wrinkled face Ahsoka for example is quite cute for a minifig- still i think lego should do her as more accurate version without that sunny smile and with angry or horrified face - maybe doublesided head -like Indygirls have. And Ki-Adi would be great with Ut-At (they are doing those nice ROTS sets and Ut-At would suit well) then there could be at least one Galactic Marine and battledroids- also the Tridroid/octuptarradroid is needed and yeah Shaak Ti And best pic of Barris must be the one maginified in this topic on site 166 this one She looks great in this would like so much to have her...
  2. Nice review but set isn't the best- still i have been too cruel towards this -model is actually very nicely done and i love the little ideas like cargo hold in it- and all little details are good- but figs... figs are the problem to me Two figs! Only two! Still the price is same as Luke's speeder's (3 figs and 3 droids) (according to european catalogues at least)and maybe even same as Swamp speeder's (2 figs including rare Barriss and then many droids) also tridroidfighter costs same but have 3 figs- so why they couldn't put even that one third fig for this set- it would have saved it- Obi-Wan, Riyoo Chuchi, Chairman Choo, Rex,Artoo, 3po, cold assault clone, pantoran soldier or even original Talzwarrior without back and head thingys- there would have been so much choice from the episode- but no -they decided to put only the figs that cannot be used in anywhere else chieftain and always so ugly cw-Anakin (and now he looks like Homer Simpson) Thi Shen is great but not useful- those headpiece and backpiece should have been removable- if so -this set would have been much better and i may have bought it -talz would have suited for cantina and headpiece could have been used for something else- but now i don't get it -what costs so much?? -because it's cw? No buy for me -unless all the other's are sold... Well actually -he don't suit there if you want be accurate- he have nonremovable head and back thingys of the talzchieftain (no he is no "Freeco dude" ) Muftak (the Talz in Cantina) definitely didn't have those- of course if they are removed but that is hard since it is the same part- error by legocompany not to do original talzwarrior with Thi Shen -there definitely is need for third fig!
  3. And you're the same "freak" that talked about 1x1 cheeseslopes all the time in Arc topic- so please do not call anyone "freak" here- what are you talking about anyway
  4. Well most reasonable moccers should understand both sides- of course if someone is only collecting sw-sets printed parts are easier -but for moccing they are hard to use...
  5. Not much better than the old one i can say - strange that i seem to have totally different sets from ep3 than is usual- i have Arc and Trifighter but no CTT- so i am happy that new CTT comes out- everyone else seem to have old turbotank already i don't -i am anxiously waiting it There is actually no "free" parts in sets there is some parts that are always extras of them like studs- (probably added to the price)but can we please stop talking about those little cheeseslopes this is not only meaning of this topic let's speak about the set itself
  6. Extra parts are strangely mislogic- ok out of topic -partially- but i had to say i opened my pirate advent calendar today and there were little equipment pack for a redcoat- with pistol cutlass and handcuffs- there were extra handcuffs and extra cutlass but no extra pistol- why? pistol is almost easier to miss than bigger cutlass or handcuffs... after all i love the new parts but this new Arc is not very interesting set i think
  7. Swash Buckler replied to Darth Legolas's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I put an old and a new fig side to side- and i saw nothing strange that's it....
  8. Lego is getting better all the time with design so i vote for 2009 still old sets are great lots of memories- i would vote both if that would be possible! bad things in 2009 sets -are quality -all colors do not stand long- also the figs are not very different to each other- but old pirates had mostly just those striped shirts so actually figs are much better now- once again pretty strange poll here i think- this is "Classic pirates" not "2009 pirates" anyway lego pirates rule (the seas) classic or new
  9. Yes- but 1x2 slope looks better than two 1x1 slopes side to side- also the lego have no reason to decrease the partcount since it is good for advertising to tell the piececount in cover- some sets have that number in them- anyway i always like when lego do new parts...
  10. Stickers have their disadvantages yes -but what is good that they can be replaced by own decals if they wear off- also they can be removed and same parts can be used for something completely different- printed part is always printed- also stickers can be placed in another part that they were meant to be placed- for example i used imperial insignias from a battlepack for little boxes making great imperial equipment for base
  11. Great stuff agi2007- any tip for that how to get Photoshop or illustrator for free
  12. Sorry it was not meant to be just for you -but i just can't understand why everyone is talking about it as an exclusive since there is no reason to believe so - and yeah- you was right it is not exclusive Sorry about messing up... Swamp speeder is an exclusive and it is released in February- i think that Luke's speeder should be normal set -since the box didn't have exclusive sign -and it should be released in January- i don't know for sure though
  13. Nice but surprisingly similar to old one that i have- i'm probably not buying that if i get some other set -but maybe -minifigs are nice although clones should have had Clonelooking (but no cw) head Not Zev Senesca head...? Why to hate great new parts?!?- slopes aren't useless
  14. It is for the "shipwrecked pirates" contest on Mocpages- when i heard about that idea of Robinson Crusoe inspired treehouse built out of ships parts (modern tv-series version of his adventures just came out here few weeks ago) just popped in my head and i had to do this with those shipwrecked pirates i have- another is custom (i have the Booty island though) another is straight from the pirate advent calendar:pir_laugh2:
  15. Good review- good set- and isn't it right that At-at driver has big helmet since he has big head as well- because he happens to be a lego figure! Nothing wrong with that- speeder bike (not exactly snowspeeder though) look great as well although radar station could be better the set itself is very good! I do want that
  16. After all i find dumb this whole recycling the dead Starkiller- thing- instead of non-believable bad sequel- we should see other main character in Force Unleashed- other jedi/sith in similar kind of game - Starkiller was not very interesting character anyway- even Ahsoka that survived order 66 would be better main character for another Force Unleashed (not many agree i fear )- of course it is yet to be told what happened to her- but she is problematic character for SW-timeline- where did she disappear if she was so important and Padawan of Anakin- Anakin is not actual master in ep3 and usually jedi's became masters after fully training one Padawan (is that right?) So if Ahsoka became knight -it is really unfair that Anakin didn't gain official master's title (still Plo Koon for example calls him master?!- maybe that is not so important for jedi- maybe Mace thought -that making clear to Anakin that he is not similar master as the ones who sit in the council- would make him to be less arrogant)- Well anyway back to Ahsoka- so are they going to kill her? Don't make sense to create such an important "good girl" and then just kill her? It is against all laws of the good adventure- however killing Starkiller was great decision- he just destroys everything- best for him and the Galaxy was let him to die as a hero and became one with a Force- stupid sequel just destroys the good ending of the mythical sw-story that TFU was i think No it is still in development- just company is changed but it is coming- if any of the news are true- at least it was in development... Jedi knight was a good series- still i have only the jedi academy- but it is like complete farce- bad story funny (not meant to be funny) cutscenes- still it was fun to play -not as good as TFU though- Jedi academy should be "Farce Unleashed" non-canon games are more fun
  17. It is definitely Luke- someone messed that up Yeah i agree absolutely- but i want that because of Palpatine fig- should have red guards in it too but no just a pilot and at least doc. droid and vader... What even makes you to think that it would be exclusive it is not and there is no reason to believe so only "good" sets are exclusive but not that one- it has pretty many figs -but not any new one- so no- it is no exclusive... That is strange- first pic of Swamp speeder here had the same Mos Eisley background as well- are those two sets some sort of pair after all- unnecessary i think i wouldn't want Luke's speeder anyway...
  18. There really should be Bly because there is Aayla and there could be Rex instead of Ahsoka - she is so easy to get as -Anakin is too- although i have only Ahsoka since i haven't seen any reason to buy sets with Anakin- he looks bad as cw and sets where he is are very bad almost always- Ahsoka's fighter however was pretty nice with that Vulture droid Thin? there are not any thin wheels i have seen -new one seems to have accurate wheels- old ones was nice but completely inaccurate- watch your Revenge of the Sith again and check the wheels- they are just like the new lego-ones or at least much closer to them than spacey wheels- maybe little fatter -but characters are not legofigs anyway- so there is no problem with the new wheels- if you want so much -not to like new sets- complain only for real reasons like price and piececount etc.
  19. Talking about CTT wheels? - i disagree- strongly - new ones are more accurate old spacey ones were bad- really bad Nothing at all like Megablocks! Are luke's speeder exclusive? i think not but of course swamp speeder is - and so there is no getting more phase2 clonies this year They look great to me - old spacey wheels were not accurate at all
  20. This is a good idea to share photographing tips I am very poor in taking photos sometimes i accidentally take some good ones Any tip how to get Photoshop for well... free or did you really buy it?- how much was that?
  21. Nice job - big head makes them to look more minifigs but maybe little smaller head still i dunno And yes turn all text to Aurebesh and card could be more sw-like Sabacc- or pazaakcard but of course i am just being freakish - ace is good and easy to understand. And woah -and after seeing these - not many (male swfans at least) can seriously claim that they hate Ahsoka
  22. Yeah- like i said before it should have had two coruscant guard clones and at least one Red Guard- but no- it do have a doctor droid- similar to 2-1b well it was bad choice for lego to do all those re-releases at the same time i have Luke's speeder (the cool violet one!), Arc and Trifighter too -also the Freeco speeder is very poor set two figs both hard to use- talz had to be chief of course and anakin instead of Obi-Wan- again!
  23. Swash Buckler replied to Oky's post in a topic in Brick Flicks & Comics
    that was funny- i have been thinking of doing something like this but stopmotions are too hard- this is one of Toybox's best songs and even though it don't even mention the word "pirate" it is one of the most piratey songs ever great stuff- i laughed hard of course whole song could have been nice but anyway funny
  24. Looks great - very great indeed .....but.... as a history freak i spotted an error- hey sorry i cannot be without noticing those - british flag didn't have that one redstripe over St. Patricks cross before very start of the 19th century- sorry but that happens to be true (also red and yellow spanish flag there- is anachronistic as well) But whole layout is so huge that problem is not a big one but i had to say it- i hope i didn't spoil your fun- the dio is great anyway
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